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Hull Packet


... J ODECEMBE :'4. darivtd a nail from Malta and back itas The defeat o m the Spanish army on the treat nf October by Suchet, is admitted, but by the' if th, ,bho rders issued by Blake opn the 261t:1 h lt it tellig Peta °hat he was still confident in his. means of prop r llujng the enempy from Valencia. The; rend ,d If Idurviedro appears so havebeespre- of th rnThe English and Spanish troops ...

Published: Tuesday 10 December 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1025 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

Private Correspondence

... ILONDON, SATltRDAa, AhRktni 2'9,halfipaet.7 P. M-' THE emlbargo in the French ports so~l continues. A few papers have been received from Hamburg. Nothing' is mentioned in them bfTlostilities between Russia and France. The reas o a sined for wbthh drawing the troops frtim the coasf is, thaI it was foeutid necesaryto give facititvtso the C'#ecutin of'the lAhV oef conscriptit9n, by the actuial-: ...

Published: Tuesday 26 March 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 385 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... X. :3IOGRAPHICAL SKEtCHES ERENOHGFNERALS wIkns hil%;i i9rrd-reeinf1y intso fs' i str top i.h0eneua all artillery'. He is of the age O'fiftyT,o tlsattead Af sislstlier-like, hlis 'I o , ,. seye. ts~j -IS logiag care.He entered thle ~afs'jtekgikfiefit of. artillery. at the age- of siten an I l- .arI egbare of zeal, intelligence, and pru- deuehe svt ade an oflicer in 1785. The: Iing 9f Napes avig ...

Published: Tuesday 06 August 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2431 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... MON7WLY AIGRICULTURAL- REPORT. TirE wheat harvest has very generally commenced, and, in parts of the home district, much corn has been already carted,; the quality is very superior on the strong soils ; on the tender lands, in manl parts, the ear is light from blights and mildews. The peas, wfiich are pretty generally housed, have suffered much in most counties by the lquse--those very early ...

Published: Tuesday 06 August 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 602 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

Imperial Parliament

... .: - g r , P amant . , -Ing to I q0i. - i, I ` fOutJS-or COMMONvM~AsF3 S *raIIN LLitt-S tN 1804. jr ~trad ddr~essedfthe.House byObs fIng, thit 'aflidst all Th e hie-LIS of party vand agitationts of faciiori that had necessarily aonaied Il-oIit'a. (liscinsions of the present reign,.there had, been-'but- one sentiment of esteem -and venertiiinl for, the person o0f the sovereign. No propple :five ...

Published: Tuesday 05 March 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2615 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... . LONDON,1,j '5ffIY :NovvIBR 12;. ::THs' Constitution,.:Araerican Frigate, .clpr. Huli, , is arrived atPortstridtTI, f1:om'Che'rbur'gh:. Mr. Rus-- ~sel,wsho ig4o sulcceed MrII. Siniihl as chai'ge d'?lffires . from the'Jnited Statesat this court, wasoni board, who,, ir was presumed, -would; in eliately set Out flor'fondon. Maiijof- the wost'iateliigent Ameri- cain mercharits heippear to have ...

Published: Tuesday 19 November 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 492 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

London Gazette Extraordinary

... @ZiUt 6 ¢a8Vbdfl. i gn r an lelsind :40 i , t th Ar ar~il~ea ed agge 1spa , b ich th'e following art etiant3 lSi; in isFrAy reived - liord LiverpooPs '4 , 'add+rAsd -to 1hi Lbodship by General Vetoiirt '+?floton, !dated reneda, 25d aud * r~ydw,,Dde~f~S. ,.Th6 enterpric olan Jbran gez.~casrry 0 v.~a~ttle fnvri ssxdad' Rodzgp, ,*dvgrtedit js is C;ilt gpatcht, .was 7crv w~ellcon- dncwdet r N 1 * ...

Published: Tuesday 26 November 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 631 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

Private Correspondence

... Private (Correspondence. | LONDON,' :Ro XCIL G; Satssa-j f`ght, Jane 8. RUSSIA. !A te1y strnng impressiion laving been jProduced by a declaratiomifromnMr. Perceval, That;Bdn-aparte Tmight haire, empioyineht'fir so,;may of, his.forcea elsewhIet-er (out oftihe Pebinsula,).we thinr itj ritht to state-what has corre to our knowledge on the relations .hetwsenl .Ruhis and Frassiei{ : . . A ...

Published: Tuesday 11 June 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 616 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

To the Editor of the Hull Packet

... 'a--s~~,~s4. -ii==&=ket I: >'VJ t W ~fl -the'.Hi&t .t alI'] he flow-1oting beautifal sI.iries.rc th e-ftn dU Jie Ltve, eacillent Bisr1up 1loihas, are wiorthy -the 'peio ssil lud .reiglcrinhrtce of evecry thinikiuw miukd~~art' iinOre patrticuldrlY at Atlis setsson1 of'the y~tare t - -: '' Wg a.frd:, as a Letf;`: siesr the leaves atround us falling,, Dryg and withered to t le.grrOiuid 'I'bui to ...

Published: Tuesday 05 November 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 236 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... |:;SAT' OF I'TE KING'S EALH.7;M BULLETNS SINCE OUr .LAST.. ' Saturday, 21'IarcG 3O.-.-The Ki'Dg continues to go on .-' ftrdsozaay, Apri-l3-His Majesty continues to go on well. * Yesterday se'nnigit'the prayer for his Majesty's reco- very was omnitted at the'Chapel Royal; and on the snhte day it was announiced.rhat the Bulletin'would be .:published but twice a week 'on' Suuda~is and Wednes- ...

Published: Tuesday 09 April 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2407 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... l l - -I - l LONDON. WEDYEsDAY, AVGUST 28. I Asxosri-t'E Lisbon mai-I arrived this morning with advices t'd the 12th. The papers inform us,-that the head-quarters-4of the allies have been.travsiferred to Sabugal'; but they contain -nothing later :frdm Lord Wellington thati a duplicate addie-6ed fo the Portuguese iRegency, bf his dispatOh 3f the inst. It contains the foJlo'wing'passage ...

Published: Tuesday 03 September 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 714 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... THE .ELATECA f Es t't LEKL'ES,A.M. , | J. CHARi LES .. j~ i. . ZfiJflloevirg 7£ d f{tard uie wkrdcir nd fr(?Ti)> 'Etrij~cr af Gt iijrnate J~iuit GL6tiflrd4, If'rolhss- sa Sir ZwariJ 'iivtc/Wafes, awbtli toAe iAxtj* Bj 0* ton, iii jhci~at s ji : o~f jLf;7cia, sin; afsrmerly Jrro. fo 'ome oar rca~s~r:, is :; spidjwa :rilhe -Bath H:erahi, IkXe cdi or j.srozisicw S~te The'Irish Piirtot of M ali - ...

Published: Tuesday 30 July 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 450 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News