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Hull Packet


... LORD, AVELLINGTONm IT conceriq the hliniur of the country still more than the individnal character of this illustrious Com- niaider, that the fdllowing highly-meritorious particu-, lears respPeting im'sisould he generally known-L.ord Wellington, we understand, has declined the pension of 2Q,000 crusadores (about 2,5001.) offered to him by thePritice Regent of Portugal. In 1'8(9 be declined the ...

Published: Tuesday 20 August 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 371 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

from the London Gazette

... 'I . I I '[ to I i. ADMIRALTY oFrrCE, SEPT. 10. Letter from Captain Ferris, of the Diana,- to Sir T. Williams, and tranwmitted-by Sir C. Cotton, to J. W. Cgoker, Esq. SiR,-I have the honour to inform you, that while standing towards.the Cordovanl .iglst-house, in com- pany with his Majesty's ship Semiranis, jn the after- isoon of tlse 24th inst.-I descerned 'four sail- inside of the shoals, at ...

Published: Tuesday 17 September 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1343 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... tONDOI$ FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6. I Lr~r-srt s vwere yesterday received fro0 Pdli(r the d inst. and t omns the French coast of tbe 41- lVe undemstand tiat Bonaparte has arnived at BoS logrie. F The Constitutio, American -frigate, amnrvedof Plypnouthvio Monday, and having sent oc sbor!4 - niessenger.wilh dispatches for the Chaiged'aifz , at our Coipl, proiede& on hei voyage tQ lifr to land Jde Brlo, ...

Published: Tuesday 10 September 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1032 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 

From the London Gazette

... I r: m tbMe iolnb oil eaettI 43 ?3 DOWXNZNG.TRET, 16zVAa, 6. ADI^SPATCH, of which the.following h ae 'A- lt has been received at the office of the'&Earl Sof Liver'pqooaddressed -to his Lordship by Ljeuitiia's- Gereral FoI1t Welliustton, dated Cartaxo, Jaziil . .Siw~ie eneoedsy obtaizzedppOsossion o4-tl'fi lga dyiber eb~Gnalban at Merida, the accolnna of tbeir' toge vebeeh soorarzous an5 d ...

Published: Tuesday 19 February 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1256 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... -A NEW I!NG. I - .. -.. . TIuE follotving: communicatiorn was handed us by a geutleman.vvho is witness to the facts therein stmtedl, and who think's, rwotwith3tanding 'the. 3lipearance of ecentricity which xeciam ;;ive, gives, that lMr. Lam- bert -'nd hi's aisociates will fod an important and highly be sett lie menAtm'Y4Trve eriean.) W Krtow a1i mnent b3y tljese presetnts, that. qonathan ...

Published: Tuesday 03 September 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 813 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... * . * LONDONXW-WS!AX, teAUVST 7-'7 ' 'Nvw-Yoe*paper's ha P. aqriedt the 'jotig of; Jrm'e'.'kt a'ppears'thai tie arrial of Mr.Foster ald M. Pinckne. hasl not beeonaipeitained. at tbat' date, butdit tw vesis?:'susippsed~t t°bethe Essex' anid 'inerva, had: been seen stapdutg Ch~es~apeakv.. -ie B~revsdent,'and United States fri.; gsates put to' s'ea frorrig N~w-York,' on -;the 'of ...

Published: Tuesday 13 August 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 514 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... -_' '??: ,- f, , . . , I ,?. - ,.T'? 6 ; S. AT. ?-' _,J LY, '25;- : ? :?-- - I , -? - i. I I - .1 I Tnt F. canmpaign' on the s6idfhern froiir:pof.' Pobr .gadl'does rot oappear 'Idie'ys.Jto'Ge -- irnftsedati Ly ; active one- as exp'e'ded.' Disaikatches frl'm' 1,,,d rellington' to the'aitht , ,t the'B~itish was abuast to be cantooned nn huras, on-the' right' b;,k of . the Gisaidi , iat'd ; ...

Published: Tuesday 30 July 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 693 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... roiRK AUGUST. MEETING. { - - 'MINDAY, AuOGv'S 1i9 !,-is Majesty's lOgs. for all ages, four-year oids 10st. 1 4th. fiveyear ol'i . Ilsf6ilb. six-year ulids 1 t. 'sssd aged l'st. £21b.-Four nit.ea.i M Br N . Bl Hodgsnss' o b g: oadman, 4 vrs old I Lord Srattlinor'e's br, -c. b'y Remembraucer, ditto S Mr Hutchii6iso's b. c. Rovedino, ditto - - '3 Duke of Leeds's gr. gI by Pa'ndolpho, -4 yrs old 4 ...

Published: Tuesday 27 August 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1227 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... .FROJM WER PORTUGUESE PAPERS. ! I - - X i; .Lreoz,- T~rmaer't2 8.; OIMBRA is _now s.aid;to be occupiedby Drouet Colonel Ts ant found the enemy too strong for him, and therefore evacuated it, and retreated across the Vouga towards Porio. TI'he reiuiforcementi' litely received by Massena are 9000 infantry and only 300 catvalry, a larje'4uantity of stores, and a small park of artillery.-A. the ...

Published: Tuesday 05 February 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1008 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... I LONDON, WUtwNEsbAY, NOVEMER 2 THE Constitution American . , iv at Portsmoith from Chirbou, with Z. sel, has brotight Paris Journals to the 6 Ai r R'. which we have -Inselted several EXtraCtS rom intelligence from Sichet is not so late by The ' as the advices that have reached us from v 4TS by Gibraltar. He passes over, unnoticedshis re~l,' at Murviedro on the 28th Of September * ;s h ^4e ...

Published: Tuesday 19 November 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 942 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

London News

... Lotdonl News. or. rONDpAY, JUNE S. . , fiflnation of the Defeat of Soult. G4 1 t four o'clock yesterday. atelegraphic I ,to the following efe4t, was received ;Itcrinvi - ty from Portsmoutl} por Mabon juwt arrived-a ',week fromt SOP gone to Se'dillt-No jecond battle- 100Cei goate to own.l PI`.stahce of the dispatches were soon after lTe !9 ald in the usual forr;t, by a letter from ...

Published: Tuesday 11 June 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 383 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

FEMALE [ill]

... oE if ?' IINT I'ENTIARY, I '4 s 'L='.-I b tfie Editor ofj tJike HuiO PaikeL' *-SIR, ' ':': 5''HOSEt who attended the first 'meetinbt he~dj 'fer *L etabtislting in this town aplace oF refuge for 'Fenale Penitents, will recollect, that the Rev., Gentle- mdan wvho. brought forward the basircss had, in his original propositiou, nuinmed it the. 1' Female Asyu:m. .xtception was,- however, taken ...

Published: Tuesday 09 April 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 861 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News