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The Examiner


... - FOREI AG- INXJLLTGEXCE. I PORTUGAL. *~saov, I 3eT IT. ].-TlTc trenchcs were opened before Iidi-jiiz 4in the 23tl0 ol .qy, aeml the sie-e'was prosecuted vith oreust aclivityi The action at Usarre, on the N6th -utt. betivera I hll d Hiiied fll French cavtlry, was cf import- aitele: TI'1 eluntegy hl1a 200,killed anti 73 Laken prisotters. Tihe delqeat of the division of Sebasttafi at Uasza is ...

Published: Sunday 16 June 1811
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1546 | Page: Page 4, 5 | Tags: News 


... THE lKIrS. , IE S v. _ E I ' I w O ^7,7*11p, .Tutle 15. i ,. pi5 pefN-ar; Ie ' e bezla liic better this week I 14u t p eth rece(Ill;- I I = = = ?? ...

Published: Sunday 23 June 1811
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 40 | Page: Page 13 | Tags: News 


... TU7ESDAY'3 LUA :#O Tbis G~uelle ?? R 1.rcr faze C-Inodlore 11rauhloth dated ti Salavia Roajs, gair- ;ut arc1t(t *fa ecplurc nco ; detrueittrJ of hine Frezud arowd Orn e5t and wir Pr,)s, the n h ckearr in 3 gus, bvy tue S itr Fris Vfalw ?? Ltur CriX 51O), ide ccqlmai Uarr6i andJ MlAunw~l, u1S Rauawns In thie exloit Inonta ingle man was' kilied, ard tbere-weit nly elevet wounded, aznoug whum was ...

Published: Sunday 22 December 1811
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 369 | Page: Page 7, 8 | Tags: News 


... TFESDAY'S LO.VDON GAZETTE. Dwning.-street, December 24, 1I 1. A dipatch, of which ihe filioinr is an extract, was yes- terday intling received at Lord Liverpool't offife, addrersed o hii, Lordhipt by General Visconut Wellilut), dated ire- keda, Dec. 4, 18 1 :- - * . I Arcording to the intention Ulhich I ci somu icated to your Lordship, I withdrew our ndvanced guard across the Agneda anl tlhe ...

Published: Sunday 29 December 1811
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 383 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... LoNDo., ;FpBRUARY:3.. AmeoNe' the rqports from Spain is the revived accourit of a pryject&d4parteh between Fz Pl Aav? and a Trincess of AifiS,, Iria, and the coliseqtseit restoration of tbat Prince to the Spainish throne. The 'Cortes certainly', appi'ehend some new trick against their freedon-, fonuided' oi i proceeding of this kind; for they hdve declared ; all' act. aud trea- iies nvide bly ...

Published: Sunday 03 February 1811
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2014 | Page: Page 11, 12, 13 | Tags: News 


... - THE XAMTNIR. / 404~1D.E 40-aiEMaE t4 S, Dvik mc I We*bsekc7 of-iidtellie-nce of rnomeoit from ,$pain, Et dy beh duiititive tosk a little.into what, is paisis ii bidia. Revolutixs are now ada.ys soreni0 n, *hat amali leads of a Dukie Oeiri despodled or0 ?? -ir-. wt tn- re'e ?? whi^- tie peruses the anout of a feasoi ha w' pket pdj or -oth eoirimtlta f a tae ted btdd'b These things, ...

Published: Sunday 10 November 1811
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2979 | Page: Page 6, 7, 8 | Tags: News 


... sP-INISHI AmERICa. CO'FEDERATION OF VENEZELAA -- 1t THE WA Pr TsM IttSt i'G. ' robe Representimives of the fe-oeral iprf'ninres of Caracais 3rg-o. Bitr,,, Margata, Batrcelon;, Merida, rind Trux. t ,inutt~g thie Confederati*O oF V ennaiiri on the sootb v Cetireat of Amerira, in conogresse nsembted;_ consider- ht re have been iu ile fo 11 entire posstssflp of our tam ; ihLS sirne the I9ith of ...

Published: Sunday 06 October 1811
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2171 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: News 


... IRELAND: Duarr'ie~ Atres it) London Poult',includhing iltsseof Wa?- nesslai- by this day's Mail; have arrived in course. From tlese, and frml ?? Journal,, wel have extracteti every arttiethat ?? be thnuilbt workrhypuilic atStention. Bot wo have neither timne nor inclination to commuilent upon i-hem. It i5 not what may sir what mayl not be'in'rkeidnout as the hoeuldarieS of Rossia or ?? is it ...

Published: Sunday 18 August 1811
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2504 | Page: Page 4, 5, 6 | Tags: News 


... fIMPRiISONYIENT FOR DEBr. h??f TIIEINJVTSTICE, -CRUIMTY, AND TIPMQLICY OF -MEPttSONMNNILNi FOlt DEUr. B1/Y Dli SA It IT L J i HNSON; An inqdir- Iiass been hiade, by whidl it appears that 0,O000 persons are at ti;s time' prisoners for daeh; We too often look with inditirbence oni the! succe.Asiv.e parts of that, whiiC, if the whvolie itere s to teo getier, ivonld shake us witi ncotioin. , A deb ...

Published: Sunday 07 April 1811
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1233 | Page: Page 12, 13 | Tags: News 


... -j1 -.WZLLBS-LEYP(LLe and LORD 'KILWORTFl A correspondelce between thse Younng Gentlemen hns appeared ihithe da9iy papers, rectetingl a duel, whihtihs .to lave takeii phace, on Fr-ieidy week, at Winbledwn- The imniediate cause ,f the quarrel is.said tobave beca aaollg, or, as it is tered, ' a copy of erses, coticerniag the rich heiress,- Misn LOG, wlhosse oYe, tbe newspapers .Saty is nost ...

Published: Sunday 18 August 1811
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 664 | Page: Page 14, 15 | Tags: News 


... FR~fgyCIALLN~i2f~LW~~NC. * : ?? 5' CBAMn, XNov. 1-e.-Fur solve fime' Past xth ?? L4'e4, who have ?? i2 :he tnufity of Natthin, trtt, h~ave beern nbhised to curiail their haadlis .this praldtied. ensidesrahe discatatet mamong the ?? Their riot~usspirit was, however, incr3ased ib5 Uhe trade haeeig hroegh~inL Use a certain wide franc for the manufretare of ssorking~astgaud iters, ?? a ...

Published: Sunday 24 November 1811
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1375 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: News 


... I DiL? IJEER, 4.- | Mat \B.4D BEER, Ret g g, . 1,5-flavisnd long lsitnessqd the oanmefil as bcer, I bad it in contetmn;lation to ?? you ...

Published: Sunday 24 November 1811
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1023 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: News