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... F FiENCH -PAPERS. OFFICIAL INTELLIGENTMCF FROM T1rE ARMIES 0 ' - - IN SPAIN.,' 7MIPE.lAL ARMY 5OF TElC SOUTII.-RAISING,-OF T71E SIEGE ; .-:0 - OF flXDAJ30Z The Duke of Mla-ula, Commandierin Chief bf the Army of Portugal, was in inotion the beginning of juhe, for the purpose of driving beyoind the Coa that pli f-ot. clt Enrlish army -which Wvellington .when lie set eat for thes eege of Iladajoz ...

Published: Monday 15 July 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3098 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... THE mORNIAvtG CHRONVICLE. LONDON: MOND4T,,JUNE 24, 1811. 'The speech of BONZAPARTi, to the Legislative Body, Wvill be read by every man who regards the interests and happiness of Europe, with the most acute sensations of sorrow-for they will see in it, an unabated thiristo military domination, and of inveteracy to the English people,' S aildrne opposing his 'triumphant career. He announces his ...

Published: Monday 24 June 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1974 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... NATjONAL DEB. . ?? - Al ccoCO 6f 86o tthe ¢U(tioual t Debt, III jst6,o-thestuugst,1817s rhdeern A ,,stid- T redeemed 2 ' 3§,847 | 'sfarred byLuid- hased , 449,990 ib Life An i ''eS pur; e utodf.Great.Britain *:£~696 On Acc - ?? I7,3 I 0t,,fLoanto Portugo l Total . - ,W3,354 'rhe sum to be expended ij the e Insuig ,uarteg isa 8o0,14916 168- 4d- - ?? broil by the China, fleet amounts uT i four ...

Published: Monday 12 August 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1163 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... 2THE MGRNINGT CIRObVICzc, LO ND ON; .tZID~r, JAT7VT z6, 1Sr Yesterday -Niw-Ybrk Pajrs to the ?? July, wrere received, frw *hiab wecoay the following importnt . rtitsle :_ . A=T OF A 1 NTER 2n0! A WTMA S I WAM. ?? G.awR9St , .TQ.i~IS 11ROTMJ N LEXRN¢Dn., t- 0Jditiaoeonqosinr the Eastern divisioa of tlis$t.seare - dered to hl3dtheinselves in readiness tg mareh -t a minites mamriag. The cause of ...

Published: Friday 16 August 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2275 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... . eh- EtlD fTO 4t~e A~6R.~ti; ZkR fIWNXR I WSII Wit U1you Permit. ineone 'te! . very extraosdirnayrr assettion whtel -jpa4redm*n the columns of :your 'apet'his'rnoroingv and fron, high Br autthority.: - I'hat the value of the- gol doir of this. And .. countlry was iot jo'-be estimated accordnir' to.its ?? b4e in gold, but aqcorsing-to the value fixed upon it bythe ofL qreiguink Sovereign of ...

Published: Thursday 25 July 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1905 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... TWE MORNIvN CHIRONYICLE. LOND,ON: THRUAAr, JULr 18, 18xr. 117c stated covrealythc -situatok -in which 'his MA-' 9ty Nvas ?? by the last express on s uesday. The |f- ]Iad considerably abated, . and. his 'I-A.JS;STY PdI tikea a little refreshment. In the Dight. he b,.d two ! zars Sleep, .and we learn that he was not worse | urday~ Rvmaour saps, that-doring the yra1 I his MAJZ4Y is ae&cted by a ...

Published: Thursday 18 July 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1323 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... .M LTA. ,e, fcOPY OF~A LETTER FROM A ?? on TP A MERCHANT IN BSTOL, DAT ' T m, AUGUST, 181 . T ?? lot Lds . In addition to my last letter.I send you co f following authentic documents, Wicha S of tb e lated anndng tlhe Maltese, and, it is under Cu mitted to, Lord Liverpool : uerstood, , . COFPY OF A LETTER I'RO.M TIE MARQ015 TESTAPERRATA TO LIEUTRNAXTIGE^ tt lj . llS 1MAJE STY'iv CoMloy51 ?? ...

Published: Friday 22 November 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1583 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... COmET, &AiOO, AND O R. . TO TIHE EDITOR OrTHE MORNING CPIkONICLE; Oril SIR, b As many people have expressed 'a belief that *t late- wun fine wdeather is attributable to the. Comet'a influeine, I cox beg to offer to themn a few reasons against this supposedr effiet. . . .~ .lan ' Thle Comet is imagined to be not larger than tN an( Moon, ard. to be. falthe distant from us-than the Sun 'i-Inj ...

Published: Saturday 16 November 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 532 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... TIE llMORNING CHRONICLE. - LOND ON: MONDAI, JFANVUA r is, 1811. t .- ?? .D Mr. P1? Y received dispatches on Saturday from his Government containing all the recent dqcutment$ respecting, the negociations with the French Court.- We understand that no additional facs of public im' portance are through that channel communicated, and that the Government of the United States was anxiouly expedting ...

Published: Monday 28 January 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3169 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... biSrUsIoNVS AlN.D 3YID I iOSIOS IN TME 1I0RDSE OF LDS, ON FRTDAY NIGHT, W.IIILE STRAN5F.RS'WERE WITHDRAWN. Thnesubstance df the - very curious Discussidois and repeated Divisions thich took t~lae iii thc House df Lords on Friday night, after strangers had w i~idra*n, was correaly stated in the Mo hring hiro .?icle of Satupr- day. There were in all five Divisions. By the fir'sts the sense of ...

Published: Monday 07 January 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2623 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... T17 MRIGGRAcE LO-NDON: -U.ESDAr, JANUAf r 8,8 IziX. The Letters by the Heligoland Mail were delivre yesterday morning. Those from Petersburgh are of tb '7th ult.- and inforrm us that the Committee of Mer chants, which we said. had been appointed to cor,,M cute with the E.mppaoit in 'person, and alone, ha b, dissolved by the 'influence of CAULINCOURT. Fromn tl general tenor of the Letters, it ...

Published: Tuesday 08 January 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1268 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... ?? 4;,, : . , , , ; 4,:4o , : . , 9 . .7 ?? . pXRL~~~I~ ,^ ; 'i TheF~riends of Parliamentary Refornq met yeterdayr for tlie dssctssion of the' subj ,at the Freemsoi6 ?? 'vei'n'. Thvbe et'ing, though hli blly les,,pe~iabe Ias not *so ltniejotirsb as i t hladheen: ?? circnumsta~c~e. which wastequ'mrty iidverted'o in the couise of the c,,iscusgsson, and varsibusly aacounted ,fpI. 'd ^ ,Mt; Ho;T W ...

Published: Tuesday 11 June 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 12535 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: News