... MLtRD'SR OP jiA MARR AN) FAWM-, the feelings of all-ranks of ?? were never | so mnlchiriterested, and alive to every circumstance - which 'would tend to reveal the smillest particle of g testivit'ony likely 'tqoetplain the nphappy mystery iethat overhangs 'tac~piiculars dt the recent itro-' cdious murder. rrdm-s- anxiety. to alleviate -the t general distress pervading the public rmind, we ...


... I POISONfANG I iPAMILI' ' .DvJfFRIEs, Dec. 24.-When we, last week-, stat- edthe mnelancholy and suspicious- circurnstancess at- tending.the death of Mr Stothart, I rmer at Burns- nl work, :wehopedwe had stated thle extent of the. !y miscbicf~but~not so; the consequences of the crime, or the accidnt,:x(it is not for us to say which), have s been stillimore .,.extensive and . :atal. .The woman,: ...


... .. ' G . . . BELI NAVAL ACTIGN, .- .fsi Frowingis~i e~tirt tof a letter frttr an officer 'ffn; -rdhbi Majety's sltip Goaduilouae,Capt. Jnseph 0 ,l~i~ey dted$diexltkizeiin, 4th SeptL, . 8111, -jiAvig : ttsa zicola Sf' a fery ievere action sustained by her, .CaiECreusie- :aaplitsM frech cbrvette aiid-zebec, e 1 lsi byi ?art 'Ptts;iearly rhree times tke..Gwkai ...

Published: Tuesday 26 November 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 602 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... CotUIo-b He& B.Eh4':h May tn.. ,, 4 .i - ' C -sr.w _ I_ I _ I. . Ag f t F. Ve .SSxr-12; LBTg TXV . Tk(Rtj1rJO~~0V xis- Our readers ire atready apprized thatthis case has ft merged intothat whicih, ill law, is called a demurrer . a the in support of whist: 4errrer Conitsel was heard la-t arI term; the natut of which bdbg -imply that of denying c i the plea which the dessdant sets up to the ...


... cO&RtT OF KNGCs OMZ1-lo 1. - ; . . ~TEL kINO: V. RiGBY ;H: OR the motion of the Attoroey-teneralthe afen- dant in this case was called ou to receive theju~dment of the' Cowu t, he' bavng been- onvicted -at the last Norfolk-Assizesi of harbouring batd ioncealfQ two Fench prsoner. nambed iertei' aid Roiie whlo hel~d-~kf'A k, -of'Captain and Lieutenant in-the F~renc'- xwith -a, view to favour ...


... .- I C. I - I- - - ?? I zfPCOL-1014 S. PROpC iTION; FQR A' DIfTIUS LIl EL. TiHE KAk-G- , DtAKARD. At nine o'cl~oaJ, on'nenesdity morning, the.trial .this traverse -or .-pictment came OD, beore ehe -. 1-Hon. Baron Wood and a Special Jury; the Grand 'Jury, before whorn the'indictmerit *as, lait, having on' Tuesday afternoon' found a true- bill.' It had been expected that the proceedings- ould be ...


... ACCIDEPLV-S, OF-i'ESCeS, e. IrfotlRtD MtrftDtsRS.-Ahout twelve o'clock no Siltjrl~l seiibl g. Mr. Marr, whi keep3 *i lace and ?? rt No; 2f9, lat i~d- higtrwoy, 9It his ?? servaot to purr, j somqe o3 teri for squpper wlsilit he was shultlinog upi tne ho wioduis. - 'Ch her tur-ishe rus! the bell r ncaltrdy * sst 3ny trsaoraoiig lathe duor. This aljcrmed cer, andsle rcie. ?? her fears ti Mr. ...

Published: Sunday 15 December 1811
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3526 | Page: Page 14, 15, 16 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... O :WN OU. CROWVN CQRT. I. . . . X , I on :, . ved. ThVL4 OF JIiWl ITS Wrki RE H'd 2 , non Per an Attampiit to Afurder his: Srweelieaet; rcb, '1i-e prisoner, on being arraigned,: pleade ners Glilg-which plea be persisted in for a censidetable g to tinie; but by the advice of the Costrt, and .the repeated iitreaties of his Counsel and friendsj jhe. reluctantly Mt. withilrew his plet.. and ...


... COMM~lO. tOF.?CTT, YDO.VOt On the 2 nd insl. a Court of Commoll COnnv cil was held at Guildhall which weas numerously atteuded. DISTRESSED PORTUGUESE. Mr. Dixon gave notice, that he shonid next Court-day move, that a su, uf inoney be granted to the relief of the Portugnese. BRITISH PRISONE\RS IN FRANCE. A letter was read front the Committee for mqn4- giug tie Subscription for the Velief of the ...


... YuK&SH1IR LEINA'ASSI4ES. Before Sir ALEXANDER THOMPSON, KXti. ASSAUL7: No. 38.-R9BER'Is v. LclGHIrOiz and OTHrEss. MIR. PARK, leading Council for the Plaintiff, stated this to be a very aggravated assault. 'l'hd Defendants, he said, were all young men, and their youth wastheonlyapology that their conductsouldd addt, of; they were albo persons of fortune, and their pairstti he iad no doubt, ...


... ? I I- I -1 I I ? . - 11 - , . . ?sv - 1, 1 . - ? .. - -. . , ; 1. ?? his re f Mr. ikn.' 3sw obserde tat it wouli . ter, in} his oprniuki to avoid enteribgs uiapmi t:e dikioe'sxon. of. that subje at present. Mr Alto'kts res tibn, was totally unexpeted by:the couvnt at ige, an- her&i might be inasiy :entlein tatl ly unapprised a' 1circrtlistance,. wior ois ht to lee ahlowtdavi oppbtiinit ...


... P(YiE BOW-STRMeE-T.-in cogsequmeof, paiagrap1E *Ca$ p'eired in sorne of the ilfis, oh Friday, stating.that a gspi . . of having been 'corrcrne4 in n he murders ;f Ar. *arf a .maly hadl Jallen. upon a m'an vrho had not ~goeboEee horp ItIdgings an .Snn Ti ern 'ields, til 1iaH past. -one -a, vnRS the. morring'vten th murders were mnittrd, aij4wlie smbcklfraiiappenre1 .'ity, ;iod ivR t.iesiorating ...