... AUTY . BEP kUT- I. The vind o.vcrl er it. and it is _,o6.-tssianh. IsAW adeW-droP, cool and clear, 3JatcePoii a bitrtte %pravy; lair cloirs deil;kd the tiicd tear, Iike thdse'*hidlidlearnm d '4isapea§:, hien shiVt'ers- -tla -uii'-bearni rhy-s Sol cast atlivat ta glaee s-eere, And'scorch'd the penrl aivay. Iiigh on a'steirter, $politri'd artni A fraiafit lily grew; On the piure petals-n-ahV a ...


... LIVERPOOL THEAXRE. Tr f writer of the letter from which we have irade the fol- lowing extract, vaust excuseii us if we omit the greater part of his remaik' on the Beggirs' O(pera, asp)erformned at our h1ea- tie on 1uesday evehirig-last.---e agtee wvith him, that there re malny YvVerY objectionable passages im tbis popular- Opier; thlat thev i'itroduttion of womnen of thle towin and pickpoc-cts ...

Original Poetry

... Or1iina l PoeIry. I.sPriests, llistorrun5 slay,. APr' Greeks such sovereign smay, 'flalon lht they said, was doubted; Ad ,dlat at Delphi they pronou'nc'd, Biloe'er denied was sousndly trmunc'd, And ever after seouted. The Grecian Youth1i a merry crew, eh'bti for sous e sport; and w ell tbeyv knew - Sn Oraclc wsould speed 'emta; so to the ri is they straigis: applied, m IntrStsstrong'to be ...

Original Poetry

... Original k 1. I .t ODE : ,A: O-L the celebrated Game of LeaN-Frog. 1Omd er,. as listorians say,. - °ld, orthe Greeks, such sov'reign sway, 2S1at nought he said wa. doubted je S]m of- Iz tie-oL-~d~ ihsrier hle sin o- ¶le cydrlane5 Vr lotty Tllium, ia flamhes, ?? all the 'rrqjazs routsk-l ; 1g3t diferent Bards have 4iffereat thtemea Ou, climber of Parnassus drea - Of horses and of s -ei. Ds-ore ...


... 7? -- I . . - AJE?E,,-'El Vf'W- ?v, MINER :. ?, ? ?, ?? ? ?? ? I I : 0h. 104 C. Wednt ,ay 4rek was revivedI Snms, play of 4Vlledanrifor Meatsuei, for lb, purpose of* t iisg^a. Sros onca ose re 'to the public io her old 'e:of as'6 ;bdore that ?? to the Se pi shie meanus to ?? -with the close -of the presetsen th r Agi to6 ofino-arlity has been assumed by the prsent lilA theatrical critic aT ...


... puEATRTCAJ. E4M-JE P. No. 10. - . PrRnis the sl2gc lijC llt'r wedn tw.a proe~dtittqi7Q of air ?? anF u'rsul ibid d dbae'ss thiaw i naw after- .iece ttidi was pu ?? huriefm ?? gngbht Onduir l' e lite of the Th4n or lr d 't ?? dio slor) oft ui whog ,6 !ver. whuehgre- ?? fvr lhe 3-e>tC- evty( tii wih , ? t W '9w Irlt tuo id. i it4 Ai eeiw vJ V4ii tt,) lli;2 .i ku p to ans~her, -wiiojQ q ~tleeion ...


... I .P t B.l V Ri AGZ ANtO, UODY OX TUC TLME j -irs 0(1511 ?? t s ;ioval Hixhbesa. -the ?? ?? ' i,-R 'r -le ru -this ev Dinb, at sitp'cloc% :at Londef, after dining Ir wiith the Queen and; Pan ?e i ommemoration of | ~the Princess MZARY'S birth .day; The- Duk~eis !of Yoyuc, .bd CA-E( and Cu ?? ~ -left ?? - the I s ?? -A t .. im ie-. ?? . - ?? , - -: - X'he x-rNG wailked on ?? - q:race this - ...


... O: T 'FSO E MIRROR Or, rAsHIoN..-, t. :; v - : TO SHEiAV Tl;E VERV AGE AND nODyG O- TnzE TIsM!, \ . f ?? reoRM AND PRESSUILE. th m CARLTON HOUSE, FEB. 23, 21It. S Notice is hereby given, that all- Carriages proceedlng to the Levee at Canrlton House, on- Tuesday the 26th instant, from n Whatever quarter they come, are to ?? into the line at the thic- t cadilly endof St. Janes's-straet, thesc' ...


... £ IEAT!E aeaL, R1CUVENTF-GA1RDRN.- -- t~ - -l ,1 rL- ~ fl~. AN t' WIY ?? I ?? r1`.- ?? 2 This Evenlnifnr sihc l a Draumic lira'tt, csiuu The ki`; rl.'T OF S,9WDC)UN; 1, ith n:w Secns, Des a11 e I) crfi Th Over-re xua t iz corniposed 1r; F't11 - ?? , The principal ciuat rsb-E. .E :fee !. YOU-g, ?? B rrytnnre, rlr Lg r; 1.0\ir ?1 nchd, M'U. ri, L n -EmZ- and Mit.r iellam, ai s S. Mis, D5I ...


... TTlE MIRROR OF FASHION. 0I TO SIIEXV TIIF VEIkY AGE AND BODY OF TriS TIME, fi ITS FOMiS AND PRESSIREE Is: The following Ba]uetin. was shewn at St. jamests sc Psthuc3 yestnrday ?? Si Windsor Castle, Feb. so. s His MA1l 5TY is goilg on vcry faveurably, altbougl his in- ai ?? adinits of littk, variation fror day to d'sy D it W~ IfEIERDEN. n On Tuesday the KING walked on Windsor Terrace. from ...


... M-I. -. 0u - .4.H I . MURR-Oll'OF F.SHIOXV.. ' . . .. TO STL YE NY iTtU VEC1i A-G ZIND BOGY: OF TUC TINME, 5TS.'FORM AND PRESSuiR. -. CAR'TON HOUSE, MAY S,'I8II. NOTICE is hereby given that all CARRIAGES proceeding to the.LEVE .at~- Carlton: Hlouse'on TUFESDAY next, from Whatever quarter they- come, ;are to fall ieto, the line at. the Piccadilly end of St., James's-street, thence,- along ...


... TH E MIRROR OF FASIHIOY. .- TO a.ii- THE VERY AOE ANA BODY GE TIIE TIME1 ITS FOR.M AN'D PRESSURE. WINDSOR, Juxx a8. The, following is the Bulletin delivered this rnmcB to the Messenger, to be conveyed ?? flort perusal-of Ministers :- 4 Windsor Castle, June 55, 18t The KxKG had not so goodanght.last aight as for neve preceding nights, but this Inorning heis not at all worsetll has been ...