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Hampshire Telegraph


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Hampshire Telegraph


... TULESDAY'S LONDON GAZETTE. . S - - . I .1 I 1 q 1 . , 4 . AtiM3RtALTY-orFICZ, I-en. 5. Coep of a Ldettei fioees 'Capt. Ger. Downisc, trwaisc- Milited bp ?? Campbell. . JIM. Sloop Ro~ynlist, Dowsi',s, Feb. 3. Ssn,-Bein yesterdayrnvsiruing between St. Valery en Coux and 'FccrIp,, a sail WaSseell at dayll ,ilt, to which wa gav cabace, and soon after'made her oat to be one of tile eneiny's ...

Published: Monday 11 February 1811
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 672 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... L OND GAZETTE NRA'lOAD/-A2RY, I WLDNESDAY, rEB. 13. DOWV.NING-STREET, FEBRUARY 13, 1811. A Dispatch of which the ?? isan- i Extract, has this day been received by the Earl of t Liverpool, one of his Maj esty's Principal 8cretaicas a of State, fron R-r. Farquhar, Esq. dated ?? t Fort Louis, Isle of Fvrance, Dec. 7, i810. i I bave the hononr to inform your Lordsliip, tot-son the Stb iust. I ...

Published: Monday 18 February 1811
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3605 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... STA'T OF HIlS lWE.Stl'SS HgEAVHl S81nf1,, -m .-:i r ?? ?? .. ?? L .- Ssn.dky-His 'Majesty ednitinoues nearly in the same state as vesterday. Muay,-'l'lwre lies been little variation in the King's state since yesterday.- *, Tc~srrn,-1l5 Ahtty continuestog hfaor - ablv. t oh aor d Je'dns'day/,_.-Ijs Majjeety is quite as well at lie wvas iiyesterday. 0 The proceedings relative to thle ]tegency ...

Published: Monday 11 February 1811
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2575 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... TUESDA4JS 4 7PEDNF.FW.S 1Y'S POSTS. LONDON, Fl:rIUARY 2D, 181e. E ENC.H Papers to the 13thi ikist. have I arrivs d ;n toisn. Thee contain a report f the situatiosu of the Freneb army in P'ortugssl op the 20t-h af Jaaslarv. As we have advices from thce Br:tish army ot a fo;tnight later date, this article loses much of its istere-t. According to the French ac-i count their army has undergone no ...

Published: Monday 25 February 1811
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1349 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... -LODOMS Hi ;.E - n. EAMTEOFPHJMAJESTY9-SEATI ; , tucns' iihe rSI awobu_ V&. An whicli tie- hat ci I ~ ~ as ip tie ~~~assne sate ast YOsU ?? waudy Th ing is ,quste as well as frsqm daspast. Signd, h~tz T le Phikun di weg~t aaa~ to ~n~sor ai, ,eiwili-i dithei OU~~cin - 2 'obe to,4 k ~ et- be~'tl idth ge, J O AauMaI a I~~~ ~ 4litma-Yt~is 7emeaxt f fat. ce03 ?? A$~t~I wllin erveme beore. he lriove ...

Published: Monday 04 February 1811
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 749 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... TUtSiSDAY'S 4 hJ'EDlVEESDAY'S POSTS. LONDON, FEBRUARY 13, 1811. A N Anbolt Mail is arrived. The Grand Vizier, it is stated, in an articlc dated 1A Senltin, Jan. 12, was endeavonurhin to renew negociations with Russia, hut was inl the mean time strengtthcuing his army with the addition of 50,0O!e men. It is also said that Tiirley means to solicit the mediation of. France. Tbe Captasin Pucha, ...

Published: Monday 18 February 1811
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 869 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... H SI - =A ?? : P .THUIISDz-IF$, e ; :RD'ir.s IR LONDO0, v1.BRUA1IY 1, 181. I. bri ; J E IE private accounts by the from Lisbn, nre inot if the moste 1 ing deseciptidni. Llsioe, las, activity and conductrof Lv ?? are. r beyond my praise, Ixid his merits are4ojsdty ?? ,by. tlhei.w1li0 of the ?? troops.' tle-ceesever#'tbjni.. - (done bihnsef, -visits .e- eriy morning, the Io-msf,. i 'arm where ...

Published: Monday 04 February 1811
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 4260 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... *TATEF 'HIS MAJEST' HL1STf . ,eyis M~djesty iontiuies us he oua -stati , M~na is Majesty is rdthes ?? ft d 6tidun pas yetra.aet'sro todtii tb .d~-Ii Majcsty.,s7 ~ goes cii favtourt.;hl.* ' 5 l Y~dnsd~,Hi Mjesty ninu,'gy el ii he asyset'd. . , - , ?? ?? tp. - l;. ' W HnIIERYEN, I On Saturday last a new :/4, called thc,,9diub4g, wasslaunched from Deptford. ?? V Oa Monday t~he total of J.Macaro, ...

Published: Monday 04 February 1811
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 712 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... R v 'I - FRIA' / - OS7 .2wIJ/esiD,11S 4 FlBUD,}S ,pos,. : LONDON, FEURITARY 23 1811 HE Dutch Papers contain several Decrees nladch by Boniaparte, tesdipg to de- T stroy the liberty and happiness of snanhidid- One of themn is ford.'isposillg of the stock in-trade of the Printers 7hom 'Ahe has ssppressed, asud fo'r re-is latisg the iindeninity ttit6y arc to receie! 'Thc decree says,e's r Tl ...

Published: Monday 25 February 1811
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 4029 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... MONDAY'S. POST. X.o-DO;X, MO NDAY, JAN'UARY 28, 1811. to - AST niigh1t tberewas-a further arrival a oif French Papers down to the 22d iust. They F. are full of accounts of the military operations O . Spain. The Enemy, ve regret to find, have lately hA 0'!eained some very important successes in the Penin- wl ; Tortosa surrendered on tie, 2d inst. after a licge of shortiduration, but of ...

Published: Monday 04 February 1811
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1307 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 

Mr. Rennie, Engineer to the Grand Southern Canal, makes the most favourable repot of the

... SUSSEX. SALIAYJ FEBRUARY 2, i'811. Mr. Rennie, Engineer to the Grand South- C canal, rnmles tile most favourable repot 6f -the diiiculties that are to be sirwounted in, the -under- ?? thlay are feuer than lie ever discove'ed ain riliing a similar survev. The Billj it is -understord, w lis been applied for to Parliament. ' , General Brown, it is understood, -wiUl succeed tor Ger, Houston's ...

Published: Monday 04 February 1811
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 480 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... 'CP CAMTRE OF BANDA. Wq feel-the most lively satisfaetion in t commuuiliating to our Readers dnotlhie, brilliant con- e quest achie6d by oer Arpss. The ISLAND 'of BANDA Jias -been reduced by the Carolle, 36, Capt. C. Cole - Piedmdiaise; 44, Capt. C. P'oote-, and B3arJcsuta, } 18, Cast. F. Owen; without the loss of a ,ingle mna C on otr part,: althoughx the force of the Rnkery, Ivas im- ...

Published: Monday 18 February 1811
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 970 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News