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... -. 171L MR, N CHrtONmcLE. . ~~~L O N, D'O N.' FRIDA2; ,FEBRiUR2- 8, N&I. Ministers, yesterday, received dispatches fiom Cadiz) up to the 24th ult. 'at which time the Cortes wvere coming into Cadiz, as a matter of precaution. Tor- t tosa'had been given u4p by trenchery, after one day's attack. The accounts from Spain are by no means fa- j vourable. The accounts from the Mcditerrweann are, that ...

Published: Friday 08 February 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1558 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... GLOUCESTJR COUNIVTY ELE CTON. Sevr.svr DAsy-M.iajority for Guisc 5^o Elanr;t D.:r-Guise _ -- Dattoll - 4) Majorty ufor Dutton 37 NlNTt DAY., i tO 3-Guisc' 75 . ' Dttoll - 7 ' )jorfth fir (li.se8 .; Total Ai..(e'ity tor Guisc -.91 A n EnagPlisti Messenger, f'rom Const atinoplc, landed at Plnobuth, on 'I'uesday,'fiom the r)uke of Montrose Cadiz packet, with dispatches for our Government, with ...

Published: Friday 08 February 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 543 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... AGRICULTU57', ,lc. s F~JRI'ING SOCIETY OF IRELAND. t, Some errors hari::g been discoarer inr tlie Hoport of tbie N ames oi the (-row vs of the Uoi of which' the PremilWn U.oihs were marutadlured, the Society has corredted them by the following ist, VIz, . . B'R'JOAD CTLOTIT Ist PramItnib-W. Bu'ke and 'Sons--was made of wool. grown by the Kev..Bate D1.odley and Thomas Berry, Esq. . d Do i-A. ...

Published: Friday 08 February 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 919 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: News 


... The public would no doubt be surprised to read in most of thepjpers of yes~erd'ay that though the Ad which invess the Prince of Wales with the regal autho- rity withholds from the state of the Regent all the great Officers of the lings fousehold, yet in the grand procesmionl to the Coiakcil Chamber all the wtite Staves and Goldsticlks, the same as if the King: had been in per- son, walked in ...

Published: Friday 08 February 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 960 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

Friday's Post

... Meadow'.. I toll,.--'- , H}E proceedings Lelative tu tle itegency are IL Dow brouuht to a cli set the Royal Asseiit having on luesday beeni jiverfli it -by aCtintnission underL tie Great Seal. The Coinlmiisiioue' pre- senit were: Tle Archllishop of`Catmk~bury, the Lord C hancellor, Earl Canideii, MarrTIestimrelawid, and the l)uke of donitrnse. None of tite Riyal D!kes were niariied in iltc ...

Published: Saturday 09 February 1811
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 5242 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... The Regencv Bill havirm received the Royal Assent, by colullhissiotl, suimnonses were on Tuesday issued to the Members of the PriVy Council indiscriminately, command- iam their mitteund lnice ait Carlton ?? yesterdlav, at two o'cloclk, to heatr the Regency Oamth adl ijiistered to the Prince. Between one and two o'clock the Ilembers of the l'tivy Council piricceeded to Carltoni Hlouse, in ...

Published: Saturday 09 February 1811
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3196 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... POSTlSTSCRIPT. o (BY EXPRESS.) LONDON, FE2. ?? 3 per C. Cons. 66J-Red. 66(-Omrniam 4j dis Anolher Mail froni Lisbon arrived tlis rnorning. Mortier, instead of stopping to, lar siege to Badajos, has crossed the Guadiana, near that place, and is advancing to the left Baitk oh the Tagus with I12,0:0 mnen: Important opera- tions may be expected immediately. General Silveira attacked Drouett's ...

Published: Saturday 09 February 1811
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 386 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... CLOUCErSTIER COUN' X vLECTJON. 1 O 11111 1 [S i'st Ll. For Sir William Gsuise 4 I I Majority for Sir W1 Guise, 146 Mr. D Lt CtSI, . .. .. .6 Maoiyfo i V Gie 4 ri111l DAY ?? OLL. Fors l3\\,1jtlr.; Dutztonl; , ?? ?? l; i ljority for Mr. Duttots, 13 Sir Willi in Gtuise, ,..S6 Sltit DAY's POLL. For iir \Vrilliaril Guisej Ma jority for Sir W. Guise, 98 tir. Dittcilo ?? . SLVI2IIT'i1 DAY'S PlOL. ...

Published: Saturday 09 February 1811
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 702 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... THE GOLDEN FLEECIE. This Festival which has for ages been cele- brated in the West Riding of Yorkshire every seven yearst was held at Bradford last M.mday, and attracted a vast concourse of Spectators. About ten o'clock in the Morning the procession was completely formed, and paraded from the Old Market place through the principal utreets of the town and the adjoining villages. The following ...

Published: Saturday 09 February 1811
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 458 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... P P(TShC ,PT. The bttlletins (if ihe present week uniformly represent his, Majesty as continuilIg in a state of afluendinent. Thursday ini tie Hlouse-ofCoinmous, tlie Speeaker having taieu tc Chair at Fpur o'clock, apologized to thle lIl iiuse fir his ajsenci yeterdiy at the usual timentf meeting, but he trusted tlalt his. atLenclance at the Priy'Coulcil of tlfii rilnee ldege:t uintil a -late ...

Published: Saturday 09 February 1811
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 1199 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

Sunday's Post

... - lc? 1900t. ? Do3W7i/ig-.sti'tct, Jan.l 29, 1 811 . ISPATC'l lIES iti f whieli the fr dlo ivng are lx- tracts, lhave heei tece'Ived at thlis Oflice, ad- drebsed to the .al I of. Lislpod, b)yl .lieut.-Gen. Viscount tVellin Itti, dated Carta-xo, ian. 12, i 9 ii. M-Y LOR D, S I add r's'oed ou i ' tl I ord~liip nil the 5th inst. I have learot tIAt the detacolimcnt of tihe Qnemy's trool s whitc ...

Published: Saturday 09 February 1811
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 1038 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... ICHIARGES AC.AiNsTr MiNISTERS OF ?? TIip. RovAr. FLUNMUSOS DURINC THlE ?? ?? . . . Ir' S A A rr . We have not hitherits sta tt this ?? with slfficient clearness, bui thc followisig detail of facts wtill suplpy that deftcrt:- Dr. Hleberulen, one ot The Physicians at present in attendance upon h s.Majesty, gas- thlt ullowsinig erv, dence, befrre a Committee of the Lords, oil the li8t of December ...

Published: Saturday 09 February 1811
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1062 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News