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From the London Gazette

... Lonban ?a?ette. :, .. ¶ .;, , . ,;._ . . ,- *.TJOWNI'YG-ST22EET, Fstnuiir 26j: 811. .A DISPiATCH .-:ok.^th ehefoowtlevrg is-ap extract,r L .has, been lthias morning received ,at the Earl of Liverpooi'sioffice, addressoed- tb his:Lordsipb Lieut.. 'General.Viscount SyeUmson, dated Cartaw, sth of ,eebruary., . . t of : Tn' enemy have conlinued'in thueighboutsodtof Badajoz,and hliaveb'roke ...

Published: Tuesday 05 March 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1017 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... 0 X F 0 R -D): tt 2ilotLay I 'tst tf e Rit -. Rilchard 11-ftHiell, of WIdliarni (itilege, wisaS tmliitte~ D(I)Ctor it' DivI'itiY. O11N twje~~ltl(~ Ilmimg Gciirieiuei wcere admitted to Deg'rees: - Bce ?? Rev. John Cleaver, of braienose College. .tSI~ of, Ar'ft. John Chiirch, of' td7versity Coil. Es4. Grand Comipopander. Mr. Rihitard Godda;rd, of St. john'ts College. B3ache/ors if A, iis. ...

Published: Saturday 09 March 1811
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1948 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... SIVTATE OF HIS -MAJES'I','S HFAI;AIHI. -, - . . - - . I. ?? a I . WIN~OR ~5TL~ ~snflai'-l s Mit ?? rmim in thle same astate in which he has been duringi the lgst few days.I M.aty-His Isasjesty is going Onlx wel, Hii I Tasdy-His Majlesty, is neasly it the ancstatet te-dlay in whinch lie was yesterday;. Pdaedy-1-lis Majesty fontinuss to go on wvell, I On Monday last, the Thieban frigate, ...

Published: Monday 11 March 1811
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1761 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... (t_ No PUBLIC NPiVS TN Tills GAZETTE. WAR-OFFICE, MAiRCI 5. 21st Light Drasga.-Gent. Cadet Josewph Lccon, from tihe Royal Military College, to be Cornet, with- out purchase, vie Dunbar, promoted. 45th Ditto-Brevet MNaj. David Leekev tobe Maior,. without purchase, vice Gwyno, pronsted in the ti9lh Foot. *B'evet-Major-Gen. Lord Wifi. Bentihck, and Maj. Gen. Fred. iMaitlauld, to be Lient. ...

Published: Monday 11 March 1811
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 709 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... THE M ORNiN Cl-HONYICGLi L. - .D LON:ON: tor-J : A2ZDA2', MlAf l,2~CZ I5, I8ii. vo . Yeqtsrday two Hcligoland Miils arn.-ed, by whic'; we have letters from thence to thc 5sr, and 'from Hambargh to the 4th instam.*: Tihe liatter mcniio., ?? that it has been deterrined by France to annex Oldti burg .p he3e Empiref that ler troops haye ?? _ takl, rossession of the territory, ind that the Duke, ...

Published: Friday 15 March 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1758 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... - UN1T1i:D PARELIAMIEN'T -- GREA :c 32JTIN~ AiD IJYS An ND. liOl.Sr 0±' LORDF, M-ARCH6. - ji In the case of Lord C!r c'7ry's li'iorce Bill, on'the qiucstion of the ade.3iesibility ur videncc of ;, lettlr from Lady Cloncu:- . ry,. of -the 1jth 'if ?? I8o6, contaiinii-p a confe-sinll Qf ad111- tery, Mr. Garrow on behailf of Lady Cloncurry,. was lieard t agginst, and 'Irr. Dailas nO-' behalf f ...

Published: Thursday 07 March 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1759 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... .. THEi - MOlRN lizov!NrGI CL LONDON- -. TUESDAr, MAR~i' 26 l8. -. .Our. Readers 'Will be traly gratified by the qpes6a] of - the Gaz-iet Extraordirizwir4,i w iih we this day prt- sent to thcin.. A more signal and .-loriio-s ?? a ,tin of the valour of our troops has not been made, ithrough the whole progress of the iva'i than in tht prornnt, alai't an d ecisirve maiuner in whid'c Geneal! ...

Published: Tuesday 26 March 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1031 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... LOAN OF EXCEQUER BILLS. The Lords of the. Treasuiry- are enipoired' to dire& any nurmb~er of Ebche~quet Bjill to be made out, con- tainirig ?? rums ...

Published: Friday 22 March 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1145 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

From the London Gazette

... IL POWN 7G-STASAT, 1aswuII, 1811. A DlSPATCH, of whichi the following if an extract, 'A 'was received Xesterday at the Farl of Liverpool's office, addressed to his loardship by Lieut.-GenieralI Lord Vlrcoetnt Wellington, K. B. dated Cartaxo, 16th 1F'bruary, i81i Sot ce I addresied yoalr Lordship -on the 9th ilist. !t have received further details of the affirs at and near Badajoz, frront ...

Published: Tuesday 19 March 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1111 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... * UNITED 1PARLIAMENT OF , : G.REAT 9RITAIN AND IRELAdD, I It S, us ; I OfI or st e1 -I -I eI I' is e Sf 15 IIOLTSE OF LOiIDS, 1TIhtca ri. - The CfimmitteeofPsileeesagsin ro-e~ded in the case ot the 1)erk -ley P1eeragev-Eturrher p rceodhig postpo!id tif the first ThuiSdAy after tih leasiesflscss. - . ' On the-niotion of Iod E1s,; ird i, the Committee of h rivi- leges on the Banbury Peeage sre ...

Published: Tuesday 12 March 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 8503 | Page: Page 1, 2 | Tags: News 


... STAFOY JUNC N GATION. 2 TO'HE E1 ION. Tl E toD VISCOUNT ' - - : . - ; : AHOiN ?? ?? IsStse. by PTtr3,.. - 4*4 Vnd`M -Mr.o du ' 'dr-a House, Vestminster bridge, for the avowed pirpos of sum- monnirbpiotstlon to thfsteoad readiing1of the Stda'mford June- tiojip ia~ttoflBill, .Ihope-your Lardsl ip wi~ihiot be offended that,4t6e to ybu,-that5 if-your nune has:been used-in that 'card-, Uivo 'rv, it ...

Published: Friday 29 March 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1181 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

Sunday's Post

... IQr9unZ)Tty'o P oot. 1RIDAY his Majesty, accompanied hv the . Dukles of York and Kent, w4tlked bn W\indsor Terrace, fromn 12 till 2 o'cloe 1is J Majesty ap- peared very cheerful and hearty. ¶>e Royal buLks hadhold of each arm, and were in closccorversation withl their Royal Father. Dololrs Heberden ax;d Baillie walked oln the Terrace at the samne time, htit not in company, or in cinvelation, ...

Published: Saturday 02 March 1811
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 1003 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News