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... THE M ORNiN Cl-HONYICGLi L. - .D LON:ON: tor-J : A2ZDA2', MlAf l,2~CZ I5, I8ii. vo . Yeqtsrday two Hcligoland Miils arn.-ed, by whic'; we have letters from thence to thc 5sr, and 'from Hambargh to the 4th instam.*: Tihe liatter mcniio., ?? that it has been deterrined by France to annex Oldti burg .p he3e Empiref that ler troops haye ?? _ takl, rossession of the territory, ind that the Duke, ...

Published: Friday 15 March 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1758 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... - UN1T1i:D PARELIAMIEN'T -- GREA :c 32JTIN~ AiD IJYS An ND. liOl.Sr 0±' LORDF, M-ARCH6. - ji In the case of Lord C!r c'7ry's li'iorce Bill, on'the qiucstion of the ade.3iesibility ur videncc of ;, lettlr from Lady Cloncu:- . ry,. of -the 1jth 'if ?? I8o6, contaiinii-p a confe-sinll Qf ad111- tery, Mr. Garrow on behailf of Lady Cloncurry,. was lieard t agginst, and 'Irr. Dailas nO-' behalf f ...

Published: Thursday 07 March 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1759 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... .. THEi - MOlRN lizov!NrGI CL LONDON- -. TUESDAr, MAR~i' 26 l8. -. .Our. Readers 'Will be traly gratified by the qpes6a] of - the Gaz-iet Extraordirizwir4,i w iih we this day prt- sent to thcin.. A more signal and .-loriio-s ?? a ,tin of the valour of our troops has not been made, ithrough the whole progress of the iva'i than in tht prornnt, alai't an d ecisirve maiuner in whid'c Geneal! ...

Published: Tuesday 26 March 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1031 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... LOAN OF EXCEQUER BILLS. The Lords of the. Treasuiry- are enipoired' to dire& any nurmb~er of Ebche~quet Bjill to be made out, con- tainirig ?? rums ...

Published: Friday 22 March 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1145 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... MUR. COBBE7RASfAVD TIE LE.ARNED LAWIKG A GES.. __ ?? - TO TiE- EDITOR OF TfEE EXAWMIWER. Z - Stri.,-Th thle Weckly PfnWical 1egister of tlie 23d ult. therc, is ar article, ulnder the heal of T1 c PREss, but chijefly .akein tiji with animadversions upon i lht the wvritersarcasti .ealiv irrts the teair d flanguazge, whichl saetns to me to'sur. pa, in all' the leadivg chararteiidics of his style, ...

Published: Sunday 17 March 1811
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1735 | Page: Page 14, 15 | Tags: News 


... : T'ESDSA Y'S LODON :G-AZETTE. | _ . Des t i o' g Street, Feb.. 26, 1811] A Dsjpatgl 1 of Axlich ntle fqllo$'ilig is-an Extract, hac been hie mornsing received at'tbe Earl of Liverjpool's Offire, ad- dtress d ti) has Lordship, byw Lieut.-Geu. ViscuoinL'WeiLugGon, dated Cnrt tan, Feb.-19.- Theenemy haveconnoaed in the neighbourtioad of Badztjzo, and have broke ground before the piace on the ...

Published: Sunday 03 March 1811
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1236 | Page: Page 8, 9 | Tags: News 


... THE MOR.NING CHI-RONICLE. L ONDON: 1PRIDAI ?? MdRCH 2i, ISlM. Yesterday a 'Ieligoland Mail arrived, bringing letterS froni that-island to'thb date of the i6th instant: A considerable eniigration h ad taken place fronm Ham- burgh, ifi 6onseqtuenc % 6f the' rigourous ?? o the law of cdnscription; and tt was ordered, that no .pspdirts should be granted frorn that city, or frorii any 6f the Hamse ...

Published: Friday 22 March 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1421 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... B.EST isYDIA UO&USE. A Ageneral ( CO rt ieS waas yeday lid at . -thQ Eaft Indit House. , PERSONS RETUINXNG fl!DIA. . Mr. ASTELLi the A C~e ihait-nian,'pxop r 'theirap-. probation a Resolution. of the -Diredors, that ':Ijpn'| Jacksqn be pesnizitted-to return to UIdia witlhhisfamilbyI ,in tbe 'sei vice, to .be afterards cofitl med by billot.-';: .. Col. JAcaaon hadi comle home -several years ago ...

Published: Thursday 28 March 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1102 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... * TIHE PI-RVIto G CN)WNIULE. SATURD4T!, 2IfARCHz6 i1sA raci A report was in .circulation-. yester da.\, thjat cone' tl hard taken place btweth.Feihand. the tironid un G-A drGnrtGatasiAll,' in which thie latter had coti- ~ d,,cleJ thiemseli'eS with ?? akge, and had; niet ?? .. MA sucessprparoe~d to their vato This accou t, we. wvere t0id,) was tr-ansmlittedf by a, ship La om Cadiz, 'whicliand ...

Published: Saturday 16 March 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1123 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... . SUMMARY OF POLiTICS. 1 AMPERICAN SfATFS.-(Continued from p. 559.) The public have seen, in the reports of the Proceeedings in Parliament, several questions putto the Ministers, an~d some little discussions,, about the -state-of our affairs with this country; and, in my last, at the- pages preceding the one above, referred to, I offered some observations upon the subject.-.-.In order, howeve, ...


... Speeches of LORD HOLLAND and- LORD EL- LENBOROUGEI, in the louse of Lords, on the 4th of March, 1 8 I , on the Motion made by theformerfor an Inquiry into the Number of Informnations Ex Officio, fikd by the.ttorney General. LORD HOLLAND (after some intro- duction) said :-It was well known that there were three modes of proteeding in cases of libels-thy first was by action for damages, which ...


... * UNITED 1PARLIAMENT OF , : G.REAT 9RITAIN AND IRELAdD, I It S, us ; I OfI or st e1 -I -I eI I' is e Sf 15 IIOLTSE OF LOiIDS, 1TIhtca ri. - The CfimmitteeofPsileeesagsin ro-e~ded in the case ot the 1)erk -ley P1eeragev-Eturrher p rceodhig postpo!id tif the first ThuiSdAy after tih leasiesflscss. - . ' On the-niotion of Iod E1s,; ird i, the Committee of h rivi- leges on the Banbury Peeage sre ...

Published: Tuesday 12 March 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 8503 | Page: Page 1, 2 | Tags: News