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... LAW IVTBLrLIVCNCt KINW'S RElCIi, MAY 9g Brte stYG V. D1RiAVkRf.. ,: Thlle A4Tvosiqtv uFNeA;L moved ie ntbof Court 'o n: P)rakaid for.a Liael, ' ; ',re PD epdant hv4ng appeared at the bar, 3 sti ee BAI- L E reid the niates of the saae; which was tried tinder a crinti- nal information filedeb t A mee aeral, before Nfh Biron Wood aind a ?? at tie last iucnln Assizes, wlien the ,Deitndait. was ...


... : 4 et Wk IGE - I. (They leao ned-hA catl that.n'sors fh'stbfre-prooed for the purpose fagtiu'ta-1M ol av leod nes tiflme900e dy n itest neI htbrtfs i'aitla a e ~athb. against Earl Mwoire baibenpspwdo eo-t.1 sun wish4 had UceEuicd..'tlh wat~lunt,-is4rta fwi1 W Ddfendant, Eanrl o h-14IV, i~ceived TOp wpio SrF dorit ustodly, Lmog at pros tii sh5nt ~ i Isnss4~ in Spsin ,ald 'Portug-ab Ih-a ...


... CotUIo-b He& B.Eh4':h May tn.. ,, 4 .i - ' C -sr.w _ I_ I _ I. . Ag f t F. Ve .SSxr-12; LBTg TXV . Tk(Rtj1rJO~~0V xis- Our readers ire atready apprized thatthis case has ft merged intothat whicih, ill law, is called a demurrer . a the in support of whist: 4errrer Conitsel was heard la-t arI term; the natut of which bdbg -imply that of denying c i the plea which the dessdant sets up to the ...


... COMM~lO. tOF.?CTT, YDO.VOt On the 2 nd insl. a Court of Commoll COnnv cil was held at Guildhall which weas numerously atteuded. DISTRESSED PORTUGUESE. Mr. Dixon gave notice, that he shonid next Court-day move, that a su, uf inoney be granted to the relief of the Portugnese. BRITISH PRISONE\RS IN FRANCE. A letter was read front the Committee for mqn4- giug tie Subscription for the Velief of the ...


... hwMOM to :- Ad~urt ?? CddttpciVas ?? Guildhall. f ry' FIMEDOM Or THE: CUT T0-&Tq XG Mr. Qtui rose, to propokse ?? the City be presented, to -Ithe, Prir cegent, in a .li-ox. of British heart of oak- Adverting& tthegieat~quantity of preliminary matter wvhich a .fried o. his right hand had told him must have spoiled, an elert 'speech, eh& observed that the subjeft Was s51h' as rnust~ :1icit' some ...


... IN PRISON AND YE VISED ME. - I . - I ?? . .. ~ . iC, Surely atlast sdime of those clouds of charity which shed their genial ,showr-s overt otheri-abodes of Iniser-Y jxvill no-, leave the burniininarle of Newgnte unwateredl or. refuse its inimatets tat refreshme nt which is so libef- allfyqspensed wheie it- is so siuch Jes, Wivanting. If urgency of distress and. desperateness of condition have ...


... - PpLICE. b0-ow-saTXaT.-On-- Monday evening Join PDnAs wet brought to cite Office, charged on suspicion of being-tbh catfss .of the death of John Bartlett, 'by giving hii violert blows, &c.9 It ?? that the prisoner and the deceased .vere together at i'he -Still Pubifchbnse. in Drury-lane. The, risonet was there nparly thi wjsote of the day till-about th-ee oslack,- when ' the unsrmtnatd ...


... LAW. INTELLIGEBNCL ,KING'S BENCII, MAY 7. as i F. BUR50ETT V. TtHE SPEANEtR o rsre ?? Or ?? , CQOMMONb: Mr. Serjeait St'rpfietnRD 5ald he atiended the Court in don- sequence o4whuat lied passed yesteiday, when Isis friend Mr. ilol- ro ydhad been askcd if he was willing to put off the ar.ument rlene Demnurrer ?? Mr. Justice l.e R1ianc should be s, far re- covered as to be enabled to attend the ...


... LAW INTELLIGJSNCE- ?? 1: : ?? CQURT OF KING'S BENCR, MAY f. - . MAS1NDAMUS:AGAI5T T. rolORATION OFr OitAT. - YARMOi1-H. Mr. GARRIW .moved for a Mesnd'rmns calling on-the '-1ifror,. .Aldorrmei:; .and Comnisi Coupcll of tbe Bordughi of Great Var, 'mouthto hold a -oisrt for the dispatch of public businesa. ?? hszved thi on thel authoiaty ofa'sidiliar mnottfld'a&d some years. :igoby. Mr. Erskine. ...


... LAW iNfELLIGENCE. KING'S BENCH, MAY51 ;. . * TlhiiehingSpdcial Paper day, the time of the Courtwas pani- cipally occupied in hearing Speial Arguments. Tlir GLOBE INSURANCP.COMPANY S. BARBER. The Plaintiffs and Defendant, it appeated, b1oth emploXd' the house of Devayise. and Co. as their Bankers. The Plaintiffs had deposited in t he ands of pevaynes and Co. in their capa- citydf. Bankers to ...


... LA, INTE LLENC KING'S BENCH, MAY S. TI'Mr. ?? V. 'TlE BISHOP OF LCXDON. - Mr. ATTORNEY 19INPRF was about to shew cause against . the Rule for a Writ of Mandanmus which had been obtained in igthis case,, when Ie Lord ELLEtzesoaou n statedtthat he thought it proper in this in stagoe of the busih!is to call the attention of the Counsel who supported the flule; to the tqth Sedtion of the Adt of ...


... . iT .AW . JN .i NL - kLGSB=6WF,1)Y taf ofstae ne t'h1 Ale end'eto ?? ~a-&re imre a srgt st6o Court en i Lahaeor -Mv J 14-Ml CadgSwhA Tkns appliwittodwa h'~id-e-of ?? h abr.ado Afi-,fli old po1%b6ybfi Was the Irhail o mai -Wih he o~ f -e oug ,aia hdnosd conenthecoii4.iiit oder ~iflto T etksoe of r thust er -a that h wa, h~ere~rt o hiw Maae teprsn oin ~t'1at` Tne4p 'phalofIlN riustbe ~Made ...