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from the Landon Gazette

... ,F, vo IliIL660?i-:,Oa?,rttr. i R l osuzg-ar~d, toioty 7, 181 ; - - tt.,ntl of wvhich the f o~ingisan extract, was 'JSttay night received t Lord litierpool's ffice; I tddrssaSed to his Lordship by Liesctenanlt Geieral t Silut Wellingtozn, datred P&rialegre, #th April 11esiAV~t the hlonour to inform yo~i, thae since I ad- 1rts~ you, I have beest iluEstrenlastsra, ifrom wvhence th Oftw tony ...

Published: Tuesday 14 May 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 521 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

From the LONDON GAZETTE, May 14, 1811

... Fronmthe LONDON GAZETTEM.2ay i4,i i8i. * AD)MIMALTY 0FFsJC 11'~ ~ Cop~y of ?? rn ~tsrL i Y ?? on sesarder in Chief of hiss iwlaietys ~s aridesesith - 6ans41osef, off Troulon,'thi. a pi5ta Sf--Ihave: hiuch satssaaho intrdsiiig oU CQiasnisiasinersof the A drnir-alty te. emposgcoyo Letter from Captai OtaxpssgtecatrlvteAa 'and tVnit6 on the 31St t, tof tbe,4ros,,da~~rie rgt. buil as Oil vdin T-ise ...

Published: Wednesday 15 May 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1219 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... ? t-, -7- , - ;v 11 , 'IIz , ,'mo . ., jq?w? . , I -. P;q?I4 J NE , D . _ . A r, . It is'said, .iccoants have Ibeen redeivecl froni trance' that BO'eANAA'TE i-ias dissmissed the- Miisi-'ter (txs.a- .P~AbNYV, in ctonsquence of his. havini presumed to rd6 present to him the diffilities of the w;al in the Peninsula. The Eniis2r told hnm, that he oul- dispense'both with his :dvich and ...

Published: Wednesday 15 May 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2209 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... THE M10RNING CRONVICLE. L 0 N D 0 :1.T .ERI-rJTr, r ro, 8xVS. accounts by the Seaflow&r, which liJtisbonCD lit instant, we understand are. tQ this effe&ed- ?? Lrd VELLINGTON bad returned. to Celorico.. rhis btoenad, besiege Almeida, bbut to Persist n bockad n order to aoiddestroying th If d*t ilportaanforirtressi It is also pQ . atida R oidri6 as tj o be i satdI e Te Fench troops W hich .had ...

Published: Friday 10 May 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2604 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... UNITED PARLIAM'ENTvtp' oF G REA T B RI TA IN AND IREL -. j, HOUSE OF COMMONS, Mar Mr. Loxo presented an Account fr-om the Chli1s'ta'p, of unclaimed Prize Aloney.-Grdered to lie on tileatsabla. D Mr. LoaG obtained leave to bring in a Bill to amincn as1 of the King; respedting'uinraid Prize M3oney in the Army. 2 The Iste of Alan Custonms Regulation, the Caeaid RaIt, TimbefrDuty, the Isle of ...

Published: Friday 24 May 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1029 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... THIE,,- 11,A ISXO CHIOICWNWLE.- LO DO : - : -LON OD : We Teceihcd last. night, il.6-witess and. pthcr Par'is Papers to thl 9ih instant. ' b .ve e't-r ied from thern the stuateant giwen of the retreat of MsSA to EC;itdad Rnodrito, inciudinr an account of the a'iir at Sabupal, in v h:thc h rech cltiim ab iliriant ViffLtoli. We ].wle- als? - iVC1' fiom the. Palpws the Prench ac- LIun'oi their ...

Published: Saturday 18 May 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 417 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... PWOYVliCIAL iXrgiLUGENTCK. Thoirms Powell, farnmer, ated 96, frits ulted tast *g 7k idt the pahiis*r of inspythid, ?? tbe' age tif 'iq It& mnarried his seclleia wie,. by whoimrlie sad five children (alt now living); ?? sFl) isfiftgaidei and h1s yduntest itlid 'is soe ycar old. RIO ATt SAm er ?? tnq4neit wh;ch sat od the body-iof the man Killed ddring-thiela'e disturiianme, ke- turned a verdict ...

Published: Sunday 05 May 1811
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 988 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: News 


... I 0 - : PORTUGAL-THE WAB.-Dowzing.Street, . M, 25th, is , I.-Dispatches of Which thefollowing are copies, were this day rc- ceived at the Earl of LiverpooI's Oflice, addressed to his Lordship by Lieutenant :feneral Loid Viscount Wellingion, K. B, dated Villa Formosa, 8lh and ioth of ,~~~~~~~~~sh 1811. Yilla Formosa, Alay 8th, ar,1. K My Lard.;;-The enemy's whole anmy, consisting of tlhe 2d, ...


... *. 0 . - . SpmAIN.-_BATTLF OP BAaaOSA.-?Re_' :4 the Akse end:i&ftoiou Ideas which ki I 2th iwi& of eke Pper cal eEt E.- panotcmzemys olf -the mmorable Action of , he-5{ Of Mc, in 11w Plaisuqf Ghi- clana. The atrabilarious Blanco, itill not sa- tisied with the great andi numerous evils wbich'bhe has caiselt - his unfortunates country, has again thrown 'out a prolifie germ of discorn i tbie ...


... IMPERIAL,, PA NOUSJE OF LOUDS. J'Sn(/id. Vtj 6. IDISTILLERY PIliL. i Thle Distilleiry Uinl, 5Bl hi' tad passel -Ie C clot,1, k . supported by Ilinisteri and a ?? 'lIV(jrlt, t e eeennd readiag. It was npliosed ltiv Eui 1 I' ST'F' iinRDWicK LA EDALE, R1oss .YN, kf:% Lord (;So jnVI RE, flS huchly inhl'rious to e Ifihurn! U Iterest of thle Empire. s' i& Eau Is of WXTsrr1 t TI~taD j~ s of lYEV eO ...

Published: Sunday 12 May 1811
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 5976 | Page: Page 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 | Tags: News 


... THE MIORNING 'CHRONICLE. L O N D O N: THURS1M2-, MVAr 30, 181r; The ielig2oland Mail brought us letters from the Island to the z4th instant, among whicl is the follow- 0 HFX,1G0L D H cot , MAY 23. 4' Tre cniomunicaiinn vw-ith the opposite coast,is, if possible, .lorc diflcitlt than ever. A Captain arrived here yesterday at t:1 risk of his life, bringing an account of the arrest of four Persons ...

Published: Thursday 30 May 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1531 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News