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Hull Packet


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Hull Packet


... DI PR E1-[ Fit AtION FLO l) s77WrL- - LNGT'l'S-SUCCE;SSES. : - -- 2 ~ I To- Me Ed/r' of Ihie Hull Packet. SIR, r AM incucedto :adsress you, by hxving observed, 1 with feelings-t not of-sorprise, but of'itdigtnation, that ndotwitbotarling the recent success of our a itiy in Portugal, artI 'fhe splendid talents exhibited' by its commander, which will, tend equally to &stablih. the glory aid ...

Published: Tuesday 14 May 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1714 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

HULL, MAY 13, 1811

... HULL, iY .18,_ 1|W811 [o sithe Trui'Iees 01 lte H Geuerdl LADnEc Men GeWTLCtN ' - T3AV[NC: artended the 'reekly ard General. Quar- :,J.-terly B-ards, held at this- nfirmary, -for several years prast, I am serry truth obliges Me to say, that ihey: are net aleeay: so. numerously attended as might be wvished., ':Hence if dtiavodablWyhappens, that- de Mediarcal Gentlemen,.- whartura~lly itate-d ...

Published: Tuesday 14 May 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 783 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... METHIIOISM-fREnLY TO TlIE . _ D I I TOR. W o:t: bitovr of tlMe 'Pt( packet. 'TH7 E iaindir andgood temtper which you have. J' u; M'ethodism desere. ti'e spphirno-n oaf e'v'e~ry liberal rnihided reader. Me. thodIii- Kit 'ii seriaisreprieonted by its assailants; I should hope'no't 'wilfully so', bur rather that it is .generally mistindeistood. Men of the first-rate labilities 'in this coun'try ...

Published: Tuesday 14 May 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1384 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

London News

... L--.Eondl6n News.i5 IN otr litat vre rnentiofied tha! inte~hF received of 'LI'rivai of he oeet c(, J-mes Sautmtarez ih the Baltic. The aPi Ppmerful r navual forre in that sea . has 9 through all the Stares ea its Ihores, Sweden, IPrussiawd gyussia,: he r -rto lislhez~ntish~agcoulde faino t ;' nof~aopeand fear. Immediately u log~ oFf tGotteaburg, Count Vn -: directed the .bateries to be IMD11i: ...

Published: Tuesday 21 May 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1364 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... . P ~ S I- - s r si_~a > . _-. .,' AD~DRESS OnV, NAPOLEON 'TO THE MERCHANTS OF RANC.. -A venfi~-~ -1-1 i --- , A getslen.anwg Cssment, which'. 'g oeied~ tn iclto on the continent. at'i It.gpyuon.r rec peror. to an Addreass preeed t iby a Deputation 'of Merchants, on the birth- of. the king:4o Rome. 'The Address itself must have been cbuched ins tbe language of complaint, as wfll be evident ...

Published: Tuesday 14 May 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1166 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

Private Correspondence

... . P rivatei Ceorrespondence. l _ LONDQN,- ATtn*DVr MtrZ~ih-., half past 7 PM,- -Tur- dispatches which areurrivid,-atid tht,'-ihsiadI . of. whiCt: wua5 bmiskmnicated .; an. officiai buetjini: the morning, and iR a letter. 'ato *Lord- Mayorin'the': . aernoo'n, are iot 'those whicli'ymouth ,.eid which were annnunced by tetegrap -ihyesterday. The former areibrought hy a vess'el ._hich ...

Published: Tuesday 28 May 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2028 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... IlE EIDrrows AEPL 'TO THE LOCAL PIttREAC IEL -C tO NCTD -D. A\%ING already Occupied much more space on 1 the subject of ME-i uoniss than we wished or i -et:nded, what- rettains to' be notice'd shall be6 rather briefly treated. Our ols'ections were confltid to two points-viZo PLUBL1C ptayert, and exhortation, by iguorant, illiterate rnen; and meetings, at which extravagant and disor- derly ...

Published: Tuesday 28 May 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 721 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

HULL, MAY 6, 1811

... -HULL - 1811. , , . . .~zn NkH Ra~yner; -oL-d Hood, Snth au4. i,,erYaT rompsinp , all from:this ?ort._-7 t cdiz on ,a8l, the Swife,* S herd1 from. thiA. IorL-In C arkitsiua sad, the, .1ilthk Mreh, T'se Enimero!, Gart.;n ofithis pqr~ tall wvei, anid was going to pfoceed tb Amelia tsland to losd. The 1)ragon, and EPanue, Danish iessels; and the Chrisiaina, a Sweae Pirincess ...

Published: Tuesday 07 May 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1099 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... .KIN& HEAL7H. ., a :4 BULLETIStN Ft'RTtII NVitti. ' `Snday, 1Miy'. Hi, Majesty continues to &fo on vell.' _ signed 'be f-our PhVKsicans.) .The Qoe'en's Council as'emlbled agrain at Wrindsor oil'tnfigh';. only at shtort e'arninitiOI of'he Physicians to6k placc; . tlheir ,! orr.was-..lhat his Majesty continues in much the s-aine state is he his lbeen for the last furtizdght. The ...

Published: Tuesday 14 May 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1387 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... REPLYTO I . I IS In - D - D . - ., REI'L. YTo Dit, A&LDERSO '-sADD}RESS. t ~ ~ ~~ LETTEP, 1, io. ' te -Editor of ethe Hulfil Pdcki. SIR, A S a Trustee ot the Generali rbvry, f have' bcen iA.1 lately 4presrnted with a, printei copy of an Ad- dress by Dr. Alderson, in. which ,the.ap~poropristion of two of the, upper wards--of that h1ousie is recoernseoded 'fgr the reception of womeii'uuder a ...

Published: Tuesday 21 May 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1656 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... i . Ie .- i .. . . . : e4 - - ~~~~~~~~~: i F*'1REZsubjetwhichwi are about lo haindie it of a! .Iseriousia uire', and shall be seriously treated. Jti woreld. stu hoie r,7bave beer; talen Iip'atal bi us ' a pulilication thit'j in a gkn-eal view, may le deem- aed n unfit cparn'e'lfr .ic adiscussion,had we not thought that'tote circuflstances which led tnopthC trial. at haidetoise af6orded ...

Published: Tuesday 07 May 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2424 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... - , ? , I i, .? ; ? #4r !Z16 ? -- .1 QTr_ --- - - ??, 21rqi ? : * vv e Pre aMured, 'at theli' -aaj~ -ilg atel arrived from .Opart6, Vt e' i Gtvernor by express from 'Cot; Tian llegua. The' CoL. received tbe iotelligei ln'i & iitde frort Lor,d:Welligtontworittn odtt iis n in pursuit. informied him, that*hermightti~n wi'tfihe militia so'Oporto,,thed4efeat of theene~nry-jbitg render'e'd ...

Published: Tuesday 28 May 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 319 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News