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... TUESDdYS: LONDON GAZETTE. I . % - AD ' . ATM'IEALTY- OFFICE, UNE 4.. ;. Captain Lowe, in the Diligoiblde sloop, ( t. on i lie 9th ni. cripture'd a Dauisb raw-boat priratelr, r, s- carrying twvo',wivels arid sixtdeun inca. . i WAR-oFr5'cE, JUNE 3. 7th Bfeg. Foot, Brevet LiHeult.-CoW. . tHrvre,t3 be E . Lieut.-Col vice Caiiierou, dead of bis' wounds 'f L Capt. D. Cameron,. to bha Major; Lieats. ...

Published: Monday 10 June 1811
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 611 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... G o -.\Y ANI) ''Ll ESI)AY POST.-- lsuxl>).V\ ASH) 13E:1'SDAYs'S POSTr. * (4~j Cayet te EN traordinarv, Dowinai i p-str'co, June 2 kril'S of whici thei foallowsin itriecx tirots 'iil I'urd We llinV'ti), dilte2il EL1vi1, May Q2d, 1811. o ni,,ht of i li jth injstant, I received froinm a ha f lio e'sord ietttvts oI OW. th 'aid I 2th instant, en te lir'la Snilt had broken up front Seville Wtt toh ...

Published: Saturday 08 June 1811
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 5249 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... TUESAhY'S LO.rDON 6AZETTE. .AR-(Fl ICE, JUNS J1, 1811. BnEy'VET.-To he AI'ljo,-Gene-7ol., Ii, tlhe -ron--Colo. .1. llobertswir, qo aljjf-piy -of 92d foot * Sir . cock beliL, EMlA1. *ii hilfipay of 4th foot ;. Cbrist. ,kealfvLe- SoII, fi half-lipa) of 4Iti) Garrionl isn3tt': To fq Lkict.-( 'oLeta i. t1e Alj,ny:-.Jlljors Chas. Edwards, of 1d Ceylon Rvtet.; C. Stontl 2.-iFqtt Doaaglaos, J. ...

Published: Monday 24 June 1811
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 704 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... .11,1 Ii ha e arrived tins inornjll- ?? LiSl(nl andi Cadiz. F, ?? closely pursued by 1 Itir cavalnry in hris retreat to j H. \ j i, Iwtndes uile atbirs otf infierior imioment, it : ?? trat, oa tie Q2'd iilt. in an alittack upon Lierena, ; , ?? t tu tii [h ot'41i0 rink anid file, and 17 I. s. TIe trelcrhus %Nere upened hi b0i1re 13Bldlj oz ou c'2ti I, uh Irtl *UrI ur camirii ' Iregai palying ...

Published: Saturday 15 June 1811
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1597 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

The 68th regiment have received orders to march from Lewes on Monday next, for Ports

... l mu- Jl7 ?? I (;Ritl reginment htae received orders to I, a; Mom I..lay n. .br Ports-. 1. enirk fl r J'urtiv. ( ' ot ,div last the 75th regilfent of faot ilb * i its ma/lrch f ol Steynhlig tor Ports- !;l. t niback for forelgil sc iice. kiI It ; \;ithain Actof Pamiamcit, i il .g , lcoslvty he11~inber oftt tinhab~litautit ?? I dte'l kiitle-l, tbll' ppilplaltioln of trightal hlas (5 I. i ...

Published: Monday 03 June 1811
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 898 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

Thursday's and Friday's Posts

... Tb' ?and Eridag's ?'Posts? . - ' . FRLDAY, JUSiE 34; 811.; ; ^ Y the Anbit tldail advices ha'te been ;ried: frrdni the- i6rth to thei. st inst. ' vyuc'Statec' that a ~pricposition ha iheelinsnu4 f tle the 'Eimperor Alexiundcr toz coisfer,'-on hinithd'.h soyerea~igy of XPoh , o n his rdsqvsfiig bis hi *hostt~]ezintcliiions ,towds Fraince Lithe evciit ofuch' ng i mitoag~iev t sadm b h o iinof ...

Published: Monday 17 June 1811
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1847 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... Erfract uif a Ietter firnm. I .latt, atY 1.- The pacliet is jubt a oliiliiI lilaxvs oulwy tinlie to melntion thelt t~ii~ati' ?? ?? rqte tilI: the haqtti of tue I16tI. lt w ; ul, St t sr. *liiIolls huattle. Alblaera, w here it teas fouglet, is fil i' gilgues troml) Bah; ll j. Tlae totl loss uf tile Allies is LU' Att)0 hit of ile Fireuch, 12,00. Ihle B30lls ?? a .jtuish corps tdL tirtne(l thd e ...

Published: Saturday 01 June 1811
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3036 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

Saturday's Post. (By Express.)

... Satiose!al js ia' ?? (Ily Express.) L ONlDON TN N,^ 7. Yesterdav iol thl I mute oC Coinilieons Tiord M;lton of!~iiilel t lt!: i)5.,o l.,, Yoll; to Hw; ;oiiice of Coln- ,;I I .1t1 , (o ridolbiip cultillded ;a Spetecili f t It !0i1tl, Iv lfovi0 , wl- T t. nti a dcliberate congllieration of the recent circum- rtvcts t!lz t oczaeiou-I the Dahe of Yorrk to rutire from the IfIV.l 11ld of tile allmy, ...

Published: Saturday 08 June 1811
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 641 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... 3IONDAlY'S IOST. ILONTON5 . .MO0 D,4Y, JUNE 17, 1810. b Ali aosto the 12th inst. arc j arte.'ile only, intelligence from Spain oo ~Povttgal they, brinig, is Gen. 13renier's at'- pi V-ount of Ili, 1escipe Nvith thle garrison of Al- o1 Ile Certallnly miatotiged the' stitirw a alt uch 61i s;and htis statemenirt is thlirly told, exceptiing, li~te vce IIILCII (dii inishes his Il~ss. The ini:4~- 1* ...

Published: Monday 24 June 1811
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1388 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... SATURDAY's POST. BY EXPRESS. LONDON, MAY .1. CATILL we haie to regret the wvant of the official ac- s3 count of tile bettle otf Allmera. Th'b lhtest acconnts in town fiomn Lisbon are those brougit by tile lI risilghamee Th[f e mselltioll, thlat the French Medical Staff fiad hillen iito the hands of Alacrslni Beresfilrd : itd that firln the frl )rn srate of the enemos after the battle, it was ...

Published: Saturday 01 June 1811
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 843 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

Tuesday's and Wednesday's Posts

... TtUlsdaJ's and ?? s Posts. LOINDONTS flZMfySD.4Y, JUNZ~ 12, 181. I1SBONN Papers are received to th e at Admt hystate, that Sault had &c conitinlucd hi's retreat to SeIville, where bt b,-t had arrived ?? 10,000 attn. He'~ grs mtatlv harrussed in his retreat, both by the t c'uhralfie~l troops that wcere sent inl pursuit of' Ill binl, andt bv the Gucrillia, who cut on' great Cc 3lumtbers o' ...

Published: Monday 17 June 1811
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2365 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... Yesterday was tried, in the Court of King's Bench, the cause between Sir Francis Burdett, and Mr. Coleman, the Seijeatit at Arns, for [,alse imprisonment. Mr. Serjeant Shep. herd stated, that the question was really between the plaintiff aid the House of Commorns, to try the extent of their power aod privileges in the mode of executing their process. The plalmiff complailed his House was ...

Published: Saturday 22 June 1811
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1254 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News