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Portsmouth, Hampshire, England

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Thursday's and Friday's Posts

... Tlhludray's and Fri(ay's Posts. --LONDONT, RIUD1XY, JULY 12, 1811.* !d a 'Mail front Hellig oland- we learn, that th~e ex..King, of Slveden, GustavlusI~ BAdolphus, has ejnittdd that island, and. I, - place((l hinseltg under thle protection of the Bri- I ts ovorpinuent. It i~s sttd,. -that this act of A his was in conformity to a previous arrangemenelt btletweenl himself', Bonaparte, aid the ...

Published: Monday 15 July 1811
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3080 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... n VIN CHIESlE Il. A - hD.-i;-JV 13, 1811. I TIlsM'ie'tvs 3ustices of ?? for: t¶iis Ce ititsl( dilg to adjiourn the ntext Midslimmer !lrtsoii a.d, the 2'2d of July next (the daly I eclim wes e are desired to state., thatE O ourict-, dUt-I, 'rosectitors, and others, iou~t , 230101 in Coon l'(i'.el t tcl O'clocbk on that day, t .th. ,nci e lne li ba s- of tile Sessio s ovill com- r; txe, instead ...

Published: Monday 15 July 1811
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 719 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

The Sussex Militia will march from [ill] on Wednesday and Thursday next, for

... SUSS5 .X. JUS,^/sI;,I:vE a)?, 181l. 3111 C S11, aox 1ilitia will marcl from Go.I || . W1 edilesda annd 'Thursday next, for ! ?? . ox 1 1, d fl I nmimjl aind Grund(s of Admiral art w\ei-f rd, ?? l ml Aticlin, by MIr. oI U lt! 4 irnst. to Gclierlal lIuloz;14 for ' edlesdav, Mr. Lamnbelol. of Little- , , :1. colouitted to ?? gaol, by E. for ltl1lioilliv fili ig 11 piitol tlvice, it Oifi: r ()uoer ...

Published: Monday 01 July 1811
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 322 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

The transports for Portugal, which have about 4,000 troops, in detachments, on board,

... * POWiSMOUTI4, S4T&RDAY JULY 27? 181.1. ?? transports for' Portilb, Xhich have about 4,00O roops -in detachmcnts, on board , ip ?? - sail ed this')orni'ng, 'under convoy 9f thue,- the Cand Jaosper, 'Capt.' Hun- witl 4 ndc .labiittei :takes se'vcral- taissport. s to lw*et Ca4i' Gihraltai and tie'i etunisto Lisboa.:i ,~a Tlh et D~lse of tlaitostetf v~rls Chare and 13ela- yi0' 1s are, -and Lord ...

Published: Monday 29 July 1811
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2243 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

The following ships will sail to-morrow, should the present wind continue:[ill] Hon

... POR'l', MOUL'Y2, SA.TLTRDAY, JUL~Y20O, 1811. IfTrhe following ships will sail to-morrow, should the present wind coutijmue:-Lqucrestjia, aun. Capt. Gun-lin wth ?? s Capt. Gordon, with a conedy for the Brazils;' a3so -r with the Barihg, for Bengal, and Sir Allu. Bar- roule# arid Heki, fur ladras, under convoy:-Spar- b r tal, Capt. E. Brenton, fur thd cnwst of America, auld % Lt with Sir James ...

Published: Monday 22 July 1811
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2480 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... pdsiTs??IpT i, 4 - -;-diRoevlS g SATURDAY'S L0NDON GAZETT ?? D t of which the followving hbi t is an ecxtract; wvas on ithi 23r I instant, 5f :A-2-redcdived at the Earl of. 'Live'rn'ools -Si , office, addressed- t i ,is L lip by Ltt.- ?? ?? 'Wellingidn, dated sv .0 e Qj 4 ata:do-St.oJooIlJetf*' .il, 1811. The Army nf ltu. gal are anain in tihe same posi- : tio onlthl right of the Guadialla, ...

Published: Monday 29 July 1811
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1661 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

Tuesday's and Wednesday's Posts

... - - w nn. 2'.iJe,'Lis (Ff Ad fa/fl(&ry't Put ai LONDO N, II_,FD ESD_43, JULY 3, I'Mi. &N fficer ar-rived at Lo'rrdLivcertloc,'s 01()ihee, oil 'Ilresdacc ilit,I wt ~s .eL.a Jpatrchcsr from Li-rd Wellington. I uis Lordlslrip's letter is da~tcd ait Albucraer, on.- thle I12th eIt. It statc-s, that iSeult, hav icg collected rcntlocrne aruts ?? cii quarters, was ztcrin call- ,vnru ec.xlL InI euI ...

Published: Monday 08 July 1811
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3468 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... POSTSC RIdtr SATURDAY' S LONDON GAZETTE Cof CIV I(T CE-mAdm. Sir J. Sautnarez hias trans- III mnitted 'a letter, froiri Lic'ut. Teipi.rpl-r Irs coininanding the Eariiest, stating, tn'he capture of it French privateer shytofsxgn tih nd 24 m en (who left the vessel, an sae nSC shore), by tile yawl of thle Said snbrg n ill the capture of at Danish row-hnao' frvtec r- ry mg tel n men, by the ...

Published: Monday 15 July 1811
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2468 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... tUESDAY'S LONDON GAZETTE. DOWWING-STREET, I ulx Y23, 181 i. A Dispatchi of' which theE following is an Extra:t;, ivas yesterday morning received at Lord r .Liverpool'siOffice, addressed- to lhis Lordship by Lieut.-Gen. Visce unt Wellington, dated Qi:eriatWe St. Joao, 4th July. Suiie ivwrotel on the $7th of June, the eieney have .vithldrawR the greit force wiich they had in the neigh- ...

Published: Monday 29 July 1811
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 649 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... TUESDAY'S LONDOlN GAZETTE. DOWNING-SISLET, JUNE 25, 1811. A Dispvatch, of wh ich the fo11osvng j$ a copy, woas this mrnliug r tedvc ;t Lord Lwverpio;ii's Ofice, firio Lord Weilimigtao, dated Quinut do Gra- iche , Junte 6of Ml LoeuIt-MTe have eontinued the operations of tlcsiegb of alodtiji with thie ttmost ;ictihity since I addel~,!ed siullr ?? 'Oil the 3sth uilt. ald our tire a eohsilile61ij ...

Published: Monday 01 July 1811
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1466 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... POSTSCRIPW. A~~. .. . SATURDAY'S LONDON GAZETIM :(BY 'EXPRESS.) D0W.NYNG-STttEtRr, .JULY 20. A DISPATCH, of which the follow- ing is an extract, his been received f A Lord Vise. Wellaigtoxi, '_auddreised to Lord Livcrpool, dated . , ~Q'sist.'zde st Jooo, Jaze 27. TnE 'eneety had a great recunnoissauce with a very large body of cavalhy upou Elvias and Camnpo Mayor on the 22d inst. The cavalry ...

Published: Monday 22 July 1811
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1989 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

On Wednesday the Act of Parliament for the Interchange of the Militias of the United King

... 8S.ATURIAY, JULY13, 1811. on Wednesdav the Act of Parliament for e Iliterchflgce of ti e Militias of thL Unitell Kilu- w1,-, Bais riati to the North Yorl, Mimi.- Lt nitri~.t..Ir W;tl raid to the North York Mliii a, dt Brightuti, ,jdalost to at man, volunteered to serve in any alt tihercof. - P A tire brole out on. Sunday morning- at four o'clock, . i:1, ?? premises btelonging to ilr. W. Field, ...

Published: Monday 15 July 1811
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 440 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News