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... F FiENCH -PAPERS. OFFICIAL INTELLIGENTMCF FROM T1rE ARMIES 0 ' - - IN SPAIN.,' 7MIPE.lAL ARMY 5OF TElC SOUTII.-RAISING,-OF T71E SIEGE ; .-:0 - OF flXDAJ30Z The Duke of Mla-ula, Commandierin Chief bf the Army of Portugal, was in inotion the beginning of juhe, for the purpose of driving beyoind the Coa that pli f-ot. clt Enrlish army -which Wvellington .when lie set eat for thes eege of Iladajoz ...

Published: Monday 15 July 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3098 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... . eh- EtlD fTO 4t~e A~6R.~ti; ZkR fIWNXR I WSII Wit U1you Permit. ineone 'te! . very extraosdirnayrr assettion whtel -jpa4redm*n the columns of :your 'apet'his'rnoroingv and fron, high Br autthority.: - I'hat the value of the- gol doir of this. And .. countlry was iot jo'-be estimated accordnir' to.its ?? b4e in gold, but aqcorsing-to the value fixed upon it bythe ofL qreiguink Sovereign of ...

Published: Thursday 25 July 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1905 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... TWE MORNIvN CHIRONYICLE. LOND,ON: THRUAAr, JULr 18, 18xr. 117c stated covrealythc -situatok -in which 'his MA-' 9ty Nvas ?? by the last express on s uesday. The |f- ]Iad considerably abated, . and. his 'I-A.JS;STY PdI tikea a little refreshment. In the Dight. he b,.d two ! zars Sleep, .and we learn that he was not worse | urday~ Rvmaour saps, that-doring the yra1 I his MAJZ4Y is ae&cted by a ...

Published: Thursday 18 July 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1323 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... FR'ENCI PAPERS. PARIs, JuLi 23-.-Theie was'yesterd'ay atTrianon, a Sitting of the Council of Comnan cc-- Tbe ; neini ?? 1i-4 forestof Mar- Ii 'nd. a tei wardsvided thie ciad Mmhitary School of St.y Their Majesties arried .this cvemngr, at ten o6clocl;, at tle palakce of St. Cloi-d. ' . l'ivpei-e Cenits. for 'f Sept. ?? . .&I'LsA1VIT 'ODY -, iT lt'l 01' TII l13i) -Ol J3L' . A Lette6ivas read ...

Published: Tuesday 30 July 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 397 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... OFFICIAL, PAPERS. R1ACE. i4telligence from the Armies it Sp-airt (Concludedfrom p. 96.) ., r.. At sever at night, at the signal of four bqmbs iatjoce, five columns darted agains't the points marked out, cryjig Vive I'Eppereur.-Five thou- sand lien defended the works attacked and the Lower Town. They opposed at first a strong resisance and a very warm fire; but thiirresistable impetuosity of ...


... . 11 - . , I - ,vd , rom A ?? ?,?CHR NICLr6 WL v 0 , , t tO 1ND DO N:, | S224 , uST x5, i8t.- . e~ much concerined at beingnder the kecessity n ?? the rsport of the capture of a, renchb g ofee izurti.inaamugf e rtheo . fleet m ay ho, i.T medium o infornation r i a84 ,se0 acket from LisbCon.v 'A 'ged mqnwhd was a passiger: on board this yesse, t :arid who, having a, mercalle establiphment ...

Published: Tuesday 16 July 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1322 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... I, To ?? EDITVR efi/e MbOpxIG CrlOkCxl. Eri'Hving bee~ihigljii diveited with tie ex-entrict ;es' LofLord Starbope an&his Bill, I beg leave totroutble a ysouwith afew re 6n,'k . on the subjei. The 6ds Of jbei the case appear to bq these: This Bill arose out of a fiecessity created by a systcnr of minagement, or ?? ti of inism insonement oV paublic aftairs, which reclitires 20 0or' z2 rnlloiois ...

Published: Wednesday 24 July 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1582 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... - 2-JE 3iOIlAT)AAJD CII1iWV10 L6OND~ON- b , w = : ! , zv!. VL'SIC I i PU, N Yesterdiay advices we.e received. by th 1-eli-and iMail, from Peterabur:,h, to the. ioth,' and fiomn the islanatD tle lgti June witlh Hamburgh Correspondienl-. c' twoeans d three ?? earlier Tle- letters frovmthe i Russian capsta1 w-,ichiare nov reeulasly open d at the Post Offl0ce there'; c511-tsn siothsinfpolifcal of, ...

Published: Wednesday 03 July 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1343 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... THE, MORNING CHRONICLE. LONDON: SATURDAr, JUL2 zo, iSi. We lament to say that the report of his MASESTY'S 4isorder svas yesterda, more affliftih than ever.- Ve learn that the paroxysm was excessive, and dispatches were sentto town every tw3 hours. The PPRINCE RE- GE-T was engaged to dine this day With Mr. Pru=- VAL, but in consequence of the imminent danger of his Royal Parent, he has ...

Published: Saturday 20 July 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1664 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... UNITED PARLIAMENT I GREA T BRiTAIN AND IREL4ND., . OUSE( OF LORDS, JULY IS.. in an Appealfron. the Court of Ses'sion in Sc6tland, Men- zies v. Beresford, 'Mr. Adarui fnd Mr. Grunt were' heafd fatr the Appellidit. Further licaring to-mnorrow.. IntlieAppeal fromthe CourLo,' Session ?? CadilI and D.ivics v, Robertson, respeedng the Copy Right to Burn's Posmn., -which stood for judgment, the ...

Published: Tuesday 16 July 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 16341 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... ZORp. STd5,IJOPk S ILLbV, A Blill-f as amlwicrded by she 'szm Tf Al A- f-ir rttkiisj roreeelinl4 pre) i66; for SreliPvOniI the crrre Gold Ciu Of i size Reall frdw beiag p hI or ;rjCCetttl ?? e greater tilue thian thfe cirsrnt 'adue lflit Coh r 1rC t ventfing AOSte or Jotes of she Goerloi. r alnd CGAM0aitY * h~ dnkof stni gldid instild el rocsised for LaIy satle adi I tantheisitzr lkh reittiii ...

Published: Sunday 14 July 1811
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 650 | Page: Page 14, 15 | Tags: News 


... THEB.MORNING ChRONICLE. LO0NDO0N:. FAID4r, JULY 26, 1811. Considerable interest Was excited yesterday, by the arrival of a foreigner, supposed to be of great distinc tion, by the Anholt packet. 'A letter from Gottenburg, dated the 14th inst. stteg that a Russian Officer of rank had arrived, and was pro. ceeding to embark on board the packet; and another, of the 15th, asserts that he is the ...

Published: Friday 26 July 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 702 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News