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... OFrtiCWr NEWS o1fM T iE AHMTIES IN SPAIN. ARMY P THE SOiUTH. JReport fromi tije MZrfhol- Durie of Dalmatia to hij; Sereni Highness the Prince of iVtitfchate ad Jiagram. - B.1, 4i IS.-l lsiAd trie lonour to state to your Seterie Hihnkps;' itni my report of the 7th, that the Englis- afrny hiivini,,' rppasd the Guadiania, and aban- doned the Spaiiiarde, 1 acvailed fryself of the o'portu- nity to ...

Published: Tuesday 01 October 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2331 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... IIDCNCASTER MEETING. afsadao- _t;23 The, Fitzwilliam Stakes of ogs. each, waswon by. Mr. Gatforth's Camnillu6, beating 6 others.Lthie Ssgers Stake~ -t 12gs. each was won by Mr. Gascoigne s Ci. c byFG IQ!.r, W eatmg 23 others. .The Prodtce Stakes of 0g6. *eg YrWas won bv Lord Miltoa's Amadis, beatijg Sir r ';4AudiA'hs b. c. by Mr. Teazle.-The 3Handicap Sv,0eeptak& of lOlgs. each, was won by ...

Published: Tuesday 01 October 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1159 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... 4 4 tIICN P.AP IR * NE1V-- oitF>Si,, AGUST 28. The s~n - ee e-g phri vteer brigDil'gent,.,w hic, sailed from ltheD.elavae- 1last ..Thwxrsday, .is- supposed .to have beuni captured by the* British frigate Be-vider-a' -Cnpt. By'roh; ?? Satur8y` last, about 6o ifiles to. the eMstwafdof, Cape - -(Netw York.A.lrna st . . PH1LAD1LP'1!iA, AUG X Xe0 _ The French privatei. Marngo6' whic x came to ...

Published: Tuesday 01 October 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 708 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... .. : t I # ; t I LONDDON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27. n.. . . . . . -By the arrival of the Cephalus sloop of war; pa- pers to the 8th ult. and letters to 'the 1 i th, liave been received from Gibraltar. Some extracts frorh the fornier are given in a subsequent column. TIie Spanish army of Muircia', it appears, had suffered more from privatidiss and fatigue on its retreat, than from any encounter ...

Published: Tuesday 01 October 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 898 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... ,HU L L For RHdigoland, St. Perer,.Qiy; .Ant Slirp. COASTERS ARRIVEED. From Lon'.n, Daiij Madidter; Salter, Popple- well; Hopewell, fiailitone- Oceag Wwre; Isis, New. ton; Samiuels, Plazto4' Proivide'tti YPettiiger; Jane, Gawthorp; Venture, Robinsou, p;h Pllie, Wright; UGainsbcirough Pacfer Maw; 'ifopewell, Andersou; Polly, Barroii; 'anchcster fanketsley, -Joseph and Julhn,.Colliis; * Vci* ...

Published: Tuesday 01 October 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1228 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... iOCAL, 4LITIA.-. HaIvfux, Serttmber lIItA, 181 1. tS PA1AGR API having appeared it papers. stating diat thepe- alijl of t Yeny pounds had been IcvreI upon,and paidby me, for non-attend- ance without htave, fromi the lasc .-s~trMainig wnd; erert cis; of the Halifax Local. Militia; I eel tniylf called upon, in duty to my -own character as, at of ffcer of the regiment, and also as, ...

Published: Tuesday 01 October 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2570 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... IE' 'QNO Lo = 0 0. 0 -- . . L'-0 :NI) ?? ?? ?? TEESDA2', OCTOBSA r, i8sr. - We are hippy ,,to learn, that'two of the three Freih frigates, which some. time. since arrived .off the Isle. of France, not 4nowing of itag surrender,. have been'vpp; tured. The .Fqxfigate, which has arrived at Ports- mouth from the ]4ast Indies,' spoke, on the 21 St of 'Julne, ,6 :eagues to the. 66uth~West' of the ...

Published: Tuesday 01 October 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1715 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... :0A16N ipE)A?Y:, . . .Knight of the-'8hire- 0 - i ha What is 6 be6om of . the: Barpii ¢ra mb b al you ni think, lItrl. Editor, that :we ha~ead quite enough Af hia . cannot lielpj tbiniing. that thV was esomething more -n thad met the ey i'q tbe dai 4 Wres of that ediceno, 'tric person. ,d.o not ?? 'you would 'have's9. crificed so'- .any Lcolumnws of your :.paper to, the aid .bf be his ...

Published: Tuesday 01 October 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 925 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... - CGMMIERCE TO TO E BRAZILS noiA yL LETTEtRS PATENT. I. the Prince,' db make known to all, that the sent Patent shall ,have thieM fui torca of law, t e. Pr - Having-opened and made free the po to the. vessels and slhipments of al fori ig O ti0 h are at peact ,Wlit ,my'RoyaltCirown,' p ' tl hj ?? traice of their. merchandize on th payment the erl cent. according to our Royal Leter of the p ...

Published: Tuesday 01 October 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1546 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... Sir WILLIAM MOdjXUiJ T MILNERR Bit. ON Monday eennigir, tte remains of. Sir William Muerdaunt Mimier, Bart. the late rejireseentaivein Parlia. .Msent- for Yotkf were ecaneyed from NIU Appleton to Iltleon iPerdy churchl,-a short distance from the famsily malnsions The funeial prqrsiion arriv-ed at Bolton soon after eleven' o'clock, i,- the folhsowiag, order:- Two mutes on: hatgeback. Tenanis ...

Published: Tuesday 01 October 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 390 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... I - ~ , , ! a-j . l - * *W .,. . .. I I .. A .Y _9 -q~ j THaS morning arrived a i~iiil from Anholt. The L letters are not yet delivered. The papers by it furnish us with the following articles :- a ConstantinoPle, Jully 25.-I.u commemoration of the fall of Rtdschuk, the Grand Seignior. hIas cormmatded C that an abatement of one-fourth shall4ake place in the price of bread.. - Ariff Effend is ...

Published: Tuesday 01 October 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 943 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... ILONao/(? TuFs-nAY, SEPTEmBEui 24.- A MAIL from Lisbbn' rrited this day.-The Iltest letters are dated' the. iothb instant; .and State, thae Lord' Wellinlgton sisll had hif i end . quarters at Puente de Gwnald9. rbut:from .ths ac- counts of the partialnifoveminer of both armkies, it appears thatserious.operatiibsbare ili contemplation. There is naw reason to;. expei that'Ma. great battle, may ...

Published: Tuesday 01 October 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 693 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News