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To the Editor of the Hampshire Telegraph

... 7'a the Edetor of bhe liampshire Telegtaph. U. SiR,-1 wish. for a moment to clim tbe attention of the public, on the subject of the Portsea Island. Water Company, the subscribers to which chiefly consist of 'our resident tnwnsnlen, who bave e ernbarked the snum of 30,0001. toward the- 40,Ooo. w vhich fin ms the capital of the undertakingr bnt in so ! divided a mauner, that even the ...

Published: Monday 04 November 1811
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 529 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... I - ?? i~ . I .. .- I3ti ?? ;. t ax}.> isI ?? 0 .f at SATURDAY'S LONDON GAZETFlI nt; ^; > - DIJXilIN-CAsTLE, NOV i4. ' [CC I RdyIignsthPirc b t , ?? e lt on ehe beal ies sret, Il & YV RI a *! ?? ESl y het D td :. :.n to psnio or- tle.~ .c~~al ..D .iv~o s 'Oil Dr.T im. 1ery,, tima d~ffindth Cr.¶'; ;, h 6--, % Cq to DT~. toil^. bxn-le'y Bernobe.iyp' St~bf Tri - lltnigerinth ;,m ess o utrHi. ...

Published: Monday 25 November 1811
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 871 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

Tuesday's and Wednesday's Posts

... 'lTuesdays ( And l~cduesdoy's Posts. wt LONDON, W 7rJ2DYED.4Y, NOfVEi1U3ER 13,181 at, HE 'ontit~ti;_n America~n frigate; W whc as arrived at TPortsinouth from Char- th hourgh, with Mr. Itlissel, has Vr(h Pr~' journrals to tile 6tbh ist. Tbah tliec all Dnr Slichet, is .not so late by ItI days asatealie t' tatlhave reacied us front VaLncuca by Giltraha~r. Ile tie p isses, ovvr, intuoticed, his ...

Published: Monday 18 November 1811
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 5644 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

Thursday's and Friday's Posts

... d a - , h'ap FIALONTDON, 'Th and disc onthe north ?? r-cer byli 0 ucio ith thle G'~uerills th M- llcrins' of the Surc~eilleccreenndIZ~is have driveii thed this French out of Berinends'a e ?? OLD thrown tise guns into the Lcia, and'scized all thcie J pro vessels that werelyn i.tepr.ic Swan. A ereo xetto em o 7be enter-~ dee dae taired, ?? tbe csedfet wilptt e . Ia' o un~ti, vigilaint look-out ...

Published: Monday 11 November 1811
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3735 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... * TUESDAY'S LONIDONM GAZE ET. . .. AD!IIRAf.TY-Orf1CE j NOV. I§. ;, S. ViCe-Adwlirsl ( w'ay IIa irapsmitted. t9 'P J. W. Croihr; a letter from Capt. Rglf e' of' .f HKMAS. time (:heroi,1ii, giving an aecounit of. hi~i~1kayjng, HO l the flth of lst maolthcaptured ?? Danish, cuttr ' I' privateer, of tvo goti and twenty, nien,040 'r days from Bergen, wvithout ?? captuie. QOEW' PATACL, NOT. ...

Published: Monday 25 November 1811
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 466 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... REF'LECTIONS ON GOVERNMIENT S. ?? c dh - nul ,F chetv and at ns {. ?? ' Goverutoent is the soul of society, anid th it order among ra- tonal creatures, w liich produces alnost all the benefits 'e en- joy. A natjon may ha ?? s a large ftmily, and all its inhabitants bear a solrt of rclationship to etch other; and the siupreme power, wherever it is lodged is the conuuon psirent of every ...

Published: Saturday 02 November 1811
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 883 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... LONDON, NOVEMBER ;. Fourteen alrilitional ships of war, of coisidterahle force, qre imomedi-tely to tbe put ini commission by the Admiralty. The equimllietit tf all the vessels of interior rates at thie our-ports is miullti Oi with the lutinost activity. Twenty sail of this d isscriptioo are fitting out at Plymouth. TI is reported, ?? Captalin Biitighiin, late of the Little ?? his been p ...

Published: Saturday 09 November 1811
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2187 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

Thursday's and Friday's Posts

... Tkurd n F ida s P s E 'Ehlursday: sv A ?? . Ptas., - - LONDON, m . FRAD.dY, NOrEikfRER I, IRIls n-d essel from New York is arrived at 6- [ Lirer, pool, by which New York Papers ?? L -wereceived to the 9th inst. Of tbie o views and intentions of the American Goven- to meent we are not provided with any new- o; ac- in curate information. An artiole in the Netreseat r atdligesce speaks of ...

Published: Monday 04 November 1811
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3184 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... LORD 3,1ZAYOR's DAY. Oil Saturdtay, accradi ig to ani i ual custom, thle Lord Mayor, accotnmpamted by tile several Aldermnen, the Re- corder, Coinni Serjeant, &c. aid attetided by their se- veral Livery Companies, ?? City Marshals, Marshttalen, 2nd proper Oflicets, with bands of music, &c. went from Guildhall to Bilickfriar's-bridge, where they emnbamrked on board the city barges, and ...

Published: Saturday 16 November 1811
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3562 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... to Xiek O, Ro 2;3 SATU RD)AY,NOV. 23. Tie0 O'xeost, and all kinds of Sbeet anI Book ALMANACKS, for the Year 181 ?? seoved, or in thre gi-eateit variety of elegant aridf plain Blindi,,gj ; Ladies' and Gentlemen's Annual Pocket Books, Polite Reposrh'ot ie, Coort and City Rogistcrs and Calendars, j eitb or qitou ot Alesnansi, ?? may nose be had of Mrs. JONES, At the Printing Office adjoining the ...

Published: Saturday 23 November 1811
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1412 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

Tuesday's and Wednesday's Posts

... Tuesduy's and Wednesday's Posts. LONDON, 7PED.1VESDAY, 2YOV.MBEER 6, 18114 h ex] L ETTERS- have been received, con-qu v'eyed by the Panragon, from Philadelphia qo L ans New York, bringing accounts fronu the pi, former to thle 2d silt: an~d from the latter e erllysltr. No epide.mic complairntlhad made its li appearance in eitbc'r ot those cities. The Priz'va Spanish frigate, which has jun come ...

Published: Monday 11 November 1811
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 5007 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... LONDON, MIONDAY, NOVEMBER 4,, 1011. T HE following Bulletin was, yester- dav sbcwn at St. Jansess Palace: WINDORn CASTLE, Nm'. 2. His Molijesty continues nearly in thesansis ?? by four Phyl)sicians.) The, private accounts state, That his, rvljests~ hadl had very little sleep during the night, and did, nOu. ap pear to be better than the morning. It is. this day ;scw'v-v'sontlss that the ...

Published: Monday 11 November 1811
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1531 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News