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Lothian, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... DeceTbe 26,-will beptesettedShakespere's. -celebrated Comedy of , MERRY W1IVES CF WINDSOR. To *WhItwili added, the Musical Faceof PAUL AND VlRG1iLA. ?? Tb ?? 1DrL4 (:Covent. frorewilll appear izext-Satrday, is Lord lTownly. wbich, y~prtc~lar ?? for'the Third tianethia, Season, the Grand'delo-Drania of- - VALENTIN AI ORSQN',' - - ox, . ?? - . THE WILD MAN OF ORLEANS.' Mr Pope will perform ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Vmis Evening, December 23 will-be presented, (by particular desire), FOUNDLING OF THE FORE:ST. Icovncade with the Graiid Melo-Drarna, as performed at °he .Lae Theatre^Rpal in Covent-Garden, upwards o ry Nights, of V,.ALENTINE AND ORSON; THE WILD MAN OF ORLEANS. Ir1utSDAT, Shakespeare's MERRY WIVES OF ° WVI$DSOR-Sith PAUL AND- VIRGINIA; epo,, from the TheatreseRoayal.DruesryLane and Covent- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST ANDREN rS DAY. / ) 2 T HE GRAND LODGE of SCOTLAND will meet this evening, Mloriday, the ad of Decembur,in FREEXMA- S0N'S HALL. The Grand Lodge request that the ?? at large will assemble there at seven o'clock this evenrig, for the celebration of the- festival of St Andrew, the'tutelar saint of Scotland. The most worshipful the Earl of Rossivn, acting Grand Master Masun of Scoiland, under ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rretiflf Decepaber 7, will be presented, (not arted ';bese four years), ?? Of - THE BROTHERS; alt, TliE FORTUNXITE SHIPWRECK. ritevn by the late rr CMuae L.aND, Author of -. ' Indian, Wheel of Fortune, Fashionable Lover, The Observer, &c. r the Third inme, (hv particular desire), the Musica ?? Entertainncnt of- PAUL AND VIRGINIA. IDn MosAOn-, the Tragedv of- PIZARRO. ?? the Musical Barletta of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ; ; T Decelaber i2, will be 'presented, (not !ictetd ti.ese thiteen years), a Play ru aiced, fCyERLOE NC)'.THUMIBE:RLA ^9'~ten by the cdlebrated Mass Hannah Moore, ded on the Mmrnorable Baittle of CRE`VY_-CotcAE vnaiD After Whieh, thie Mwtsical Farce of pUjRSE; or, THE BENEVOLUNt TA. ~ ~1 ny-sel OneAct Pn minieb of c~diewithithe Hi ?? :iie^Ac p~ .- - i * ' 0s3 CRAUSOE, AND HIS A FRIDAY. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PREMIUMPS 41 1-0 BE PAID TO IMANUFACTURERS. HT'~E COIM~ISSIONERS and ''TRUST'EES for MA- , j NUFAC'I ' IRES, &c. in SCO ILAND, do hereby give notice, that ti Gentlemnen wrho acted as Judges, in exa- mining the various nrticles of Scttish Manufactures, lodged with .Mlr GEsORGE Tisoassor, their Pritncipal Clerk, i;! Com- petition for ?? Premiums oftered for the present year, having ascerti'ned ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1g a sng, Decemlber 2 willhe presented, the Meebrated . Comedy of THE PROVO KM 1MSBAND. 'Lord T~wny- p'sps, -, forlude with the ind' MeloDrama, as pierformed at te late ?? Covent.G5d.', upwards , f ?? .- . VnIN AND. ORSON. THE WlLD MAN OV. bLEAWS. ,DAY? Mr Ple'1 orsa OTHELLO, Moor at S winci, never ?? the Gran&.4sjalic Musical Spectele of- THE ECARAVAN . . . THE DRIVER, AN i) HIS DOG CARLO. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LANtS IXSO l E .YRC4SE roR'SA , To V'OL ypriv ite ~batjai .i meatesry rJ~HEbeauifulFARM of ?? 140OW . ?? ~ I thT nth aih fcu. 4ply to Messrs Tdds afid' Rowane', .orh Casle . treet, . Wilj . h R.y: Exhag Cofeho. .d~b~ ss . ei. s s.i- s: . e~e E t the estsid of'the Old Fishmnrlket I Clos, and~BU1LINGS roundthe samne,~ with a - The; areame srges, about 84 feet in 1ength, and 42 feet six inches ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VILLA, LANDS, AND COAfL, IN F1r To be SOLn by public roup, within, M'Nab's inn, in Cnpar-o'- Z5e Fi fe, on Monday tb e 9 th December 181 1,-b etween1 the hours%7 h of two and three o'eloek afternoon, flog AL and 'AlHGLE theXVIILA and LANDS of A~NN-P FIELD, and certain Parts of the LANDS of BURN- TURK aall lyintg in the parish of Kettle, and'shire of Fife, ab with the who6a COAL in the said ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ~ At 'e -ubll ebn OX PI id '-gt D' C61inter and Sh ga 34 -. **li INo TI. C O U N T J. bacltcorisr, la1rge sunk cellar, and, ajogin r. r a .fi Tad isr ad imp eb, a r ogtheW Th 2F5lt HCIJSHAl r fd. I ?? co f the same~ Th ,2dF 5ns, Ouse , evas Grov Steetconists of 4 , hrl ntr e Storer acontahnstwo Gilreirtnys ard g lts 10 tale privilege ofva back Iou h e then. je' Wi ?? aa small WlX, l& - I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE SOLD BY 13ULlC VUP, va Within the Newv Exchange Coffeerooms, Leith, on Monday rs the 20th January 1812, at two o'clock afternoon, T HE SODA MANUFACTORY of SILVERFIELD, at the foot of the BONNINGTON ROAD, near an Leich, formerly belonging to and carried on-by 84MutL BLaNIE and Co.; as also the UTENSILS o' the Work either along with.the premises or separately. This propert baa a front to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? AtC t4eC Panjoramajs,, 'Nai idrteM iid a Painted~ I IB GIN; Ir liudes forom the''oto 6fhaCh , with -every .objec ht svial n hs, h ?? ar00a ?? o f t e p b l c M ?? - 4 - Free Adailieslo ltt FieSullm, ~ PJELIS SE MA~iLAIDG NOTHCLOT~s,- A n~ve extehiv ipgyof&tea.,v EdinbiSjigblfG~ST~ 1~fRNASMYr-. ?? ts gery,pjroposes to commenii6e, Duli sii of a regular mnedical euaina h b ; diplomat Iroan ...