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Advertisements & Notices

... MfEAT' CONTRACT. t - 7th, of D'emeber, 1811, ' S UCH .Persons'as are desirotus of ssajply-V' @ ini/'gthe 7roeqssin& the Portemnovth an~d- Soseth SER (V est Districts, comlprising thze Co-anieie 01' HErabts I-voris (crrepf ?? of frigbt,) Wil s, and Dorset, wit' wil11 gooi an/d marketable O.S and HEIFER-BEEF, men ;t nelt IJE T}1lEX or, EWZE MllTTONV, of fleeshieee 5t* equality,' for one Year, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... d ' .i RSES, &c. BY' AuCTION. . \The following three very capital Bay Blood rlorousbe Hi'rses, the Property of an Odficer leaving.Lonland.-By Mr:f$1X0 , e at the City Itepositgry, Barbican; ?? next, onfrss pre- . viously disposed ef by Private Contradl . ?? :and Pair of veryvjhandsome rf 1s colour-ed -e A ~~BAY BLOOP BAROUCHR GJBIA)* INGS riasing six years old, i5 bands 3 ?? high, Svth hand- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PO 7-SifOUT1zr V1WZ7,3ALL1XG OFFICH, 2711S LDOec~ev,', I b I 1. '1 dINT Thusrsdayj the second of January nexti, F F r sha be rea1d! to receive sealed Tenders, ttiid ~r-a. for tb,, ?? 4rticle~s Ji6 tile Vie- i_ tsizlling Se-rvice at this Port,. to be deliv'ered'in one -Aaith, which wilti be puid ]sr by hill sPayied.le. iith Ineet int.doy6 afeje dlate, vizs. - I Z.ThL-ISH ff-HEAT; 1000 QUiRTERs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AR Y in the onsuing, tear wilill -be IItiel, Ei publhe (ddiaed rivpruis'sian, to the Rig It whob a, an Ho.Crles Philip Yorlse, mid the other Lords CO'oU- dical, o ini'ssioners of thle Adntimaltv),-A New Edition of '7 1 CAMB LL IVES OF 'i D dt~ :by other Emn~ien British THE AMlRAL, XatliitIiri p e r Itlo asnal Histories, antd a detail of all tlleir Public Ser- 8 vices, &c. continued to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -HULL. 7!Jelt'i Laib e34; Ct'it dG.'c kor POR1T, ASD TO RETURN TO HULLVL (Having part, of her homeward Cargo engaged,) The fast-saii a'ied aijd copper- * -b~tiomea.dii;f--- ' CHARLES HAAMILTON,'- 140 Tonslt egikter,. .* H ~UGH CQCHR ANE,jtsn. .Csmma&,, Stands&,yd, , Mavin g- onsiderable parroFherCarfo aflually on toard, she %vi ll pnsitivety. be dispatched with the iGoods bhich ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . vemnig, December O, will be presented, the celebrated - Tw . gedy ofq - 5~ ?? Paa - . - THLLO ad enetler artmen ntedin Scotad, the G dA atic M, th usical Spetsade of, T THU . TE OARAVA T ; T DRII4~rS DO~G CARI.O. o Tsitt AT. by partlcua ?? f semersl YOUng LadieS -n ;dGtentleitlen (Second tLime), TU.l:CARA~VAX. - t Jg~ which, the Music it Borlefta of TOMS TH B T1HE E : ~GREAT-,ida, DANziE,.2 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W ANTED,-A LAD, of cred(itable Parents, as an Apprentice to a Bookbinder. Apply to J. Ciapperton, 34, Britaii-strect, Poltsea ( JW AN'r ED, in a Gentleman's family, d YV wh i re sereral Servants are hept,-A good N ]'LAIN COOK, 'who perfectly understaends her busi- it ?? Wages wiIU be given. Also, a gacOaND 1eIUSE NTAI;), xwho InU St auderstand plaij Needle- Fv r further pasticinlars apply to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UOL~IGIs. LECTTJRESat -tile De 0cciiaS ilttlSet, .Liowerdc-L t re- court,. CO ~ l'i pr~sut cveCC'itat, half pat sven, ?? ~rii di~vrh~ VE\'N~rrl LTECTlUitE on i~ dI~dW L -PLY' of StI 1i3B the' an f th~d ?? Falstiff Ad~mittance 'A '~~1eS~re5s.6q, trckets for tii , wjitti 6otrse two'I Cl~- ~ x~tb I' isil f 0 trtoditltciI 1 lady, ~ tt0Ct~1 atthe00 C 110¾ . at mi. -Surraysr, LECTURFK to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ~ At 'e -ubll ebn OX PI id '-gt D' C61inter and Sh ga 34 -. **li INo TI. C O U N T J. bacltcorisr, la1rge sunk cellar, and, ajogin r. r a .fi Tad isr ad imp eb, a r ogtheW Th 2F5lt HCIJSHAl r fd. I ?? co f the same~ Th ,2dF 5ns, Ouse , evas Grov Steetconists of 4 , hrl ntr e Storer acontahnstwo Gilreirtnys ard g lts 10 tale privilege ofva back Iou h e then. je' Wi ?? aa small WlX, l& - I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . l ~ORSEP , :&c. BY AUCTION.. - The follovwingthree vewry'apital Bat Blood Barouci e Horses, -the Property of an Oiicerleaving Eglsag d.-liy Mr. DIXO, at the Citydtcpository, Barbican, on Friday next, unxless pre- viously disposed of by PrIvate 6ontrad, Lots. i and ?? Piir of very handsoane ridch cgotured: ?? A BALVBLOOD BA1WUCIXI GEWLI). INGS, rising sixc years old, xS hands 3 inche high, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COCOA-TRE titCU St. Je~s.sThe I U Presente of aulll6uh'1l!embers as wish a CONTINUA. 4 TI(}N iof' thisiiost .anc' oea'a311similar Societik established in this iXPettopolie, is re.quested cat T'.;o'clo&k THIS D the fist of Dlecember, ' , 'at the' CJui3ouse, in St. Jame~'s- l street.-t1he nihotiise fr this Convention of the Club wid be. statediat 1taif-past Two o'clock exad~y iQ-: W,. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... be N OTI CE OF E SWINS. Ile. BoROv-cu OF PORTMAMbcT. .g H S MajestR's GENWILASESSIONTS H of thc i'luACR, a-il be holdfu at the Sesiione' 'i- RoEII, in th the said Borpgh, on Tharsday ti he 9t ofOlanilary, 1 812j at en o'clock hi tiie -foenoou, Iai-wher. all persons o g suit atiervice; ad others ui hoond by recognizance, are to apear. ;ALLAWAY5 ed, 'STANTEt -.A Sftoady MAN, ca a hat * L aAD ...