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Exeter Flying Post


... PORT NEIWS. IPLYMOUTH, .Jpril 7. Satuerday. Wind S. S. W. rain. Put in here this day to join the outward-bound Newfoundland fleet, the fol- lowing, merchantimen bound thither, viz. Daphue, Har- ris; Indian Lass, Cook; Jtibilee, lHunt; Eliza,.Major; Endeavour, Turner; Hawke, Gill;.Broglers,, athesnll; Concord, Warren,; and the Thomass MAudege.-Arrived the Three Friends, Whiley; NIyaden, Farmer ...

Published: Thursday 09 April 1812
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 1124 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... P 0 RT I NEJ $T. 7'Thivrsday J,lyril I.G. Climlu ?? Owl Q2uvoll, ozf from ol Birest , to vietot:l wii \!ater ; atuid tlb Vat ttrd, of 74 , llallnrtItal, Of 7,.iii1 tmii, oI'P, fi')wa (vimze off CUerbourgh, haviilw 1ie iiv1t (oi their statim) by tle easterly wiuid& .--saiit ritl Steady ?? on a eruize to the ?? UIy look; cluite gay again, there bting nmW lijne *.4al of thel 1ill irt that cai- ...

Published: Thursday 23 April 1812
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 1143 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

PLYMOUTH, April 28

... I . PLYM{UT1, d.pril 28. . ., ?? . ?? x, at, A _: .,1 .8 1>_ ?? 1.. It Sundaj,. Wind dW. N. W. Arrived the Berwick, Grif- fiths, froin Barbadoes, in 63 dlays, a ruiininW, ship, %vith a cargo for London, put in, being in wairt of peovisioiks . nd water. On her ?? she experienced very bad weather, durirrg which hter sails were datraged, and . nally of her spars spvung. His Majesty's ships Dragon ...

Published: Thursday 30 April 1812
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 963 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... PORT NEWVS. I PYYMO UT H, Jllny 5. Fdridy. ~We are happy to btate that our gallant towns- man, Rtear-Adlmiral Mlartin, is to hoist his fla- on board the Abottkiii, of 74, in the Baltic,-Letters from Gib- raltar state that a report had been received there from ni orea, that an 84-guri French ship ha lieen capturec by a British 74, after a desperate action uf four hours and half, in) whiH . the ...

Published: Thursday 07 May 1812
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 909 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

FALMOUTH May 11, 1812

... PALMNUT1 tei , itT . . P. I Sunday. Wind S. W. Arirkptd the Marlbr' packet, Blull, with mails frwr Ugisbon, 7 days passage; Darling. ton packet, Harvey,'with spails ?? Islaunds, 37 days from St. Thotnas%; Duke of mirtrose packet, 'Blewett, with mails from Malta, &c. 25 days rrond Gtb- raltar; and Diana packe .t, Parsons, with maikls from the Brazils, 85 lays fromin io Jalieiro. AXlso hs ...

Published: Thursday 14 May 1812
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 449 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... PLYIMOUTH, Mrfay 12. - I I- I n'ursda~y. Came in the Bristol, of 64 guns, with 5'0J French prisoners, from-Lisbort, part of the garrison of Baulajoz. 'I'liey.are to go on board the prison ships in Hauloaze 'till. further ?? the Latona, 44, with Officers British a;nd Foreign,; wounded at the storm- ing of Ciudad. Uodrigo. SundaY'. Arrived the Romulus, of 36 guns, Captain Loi'd Balgonie, Freya, ...

Published: Thursday 14 May 1812
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 410 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... |I Friiaay, May 29. When the Northumberland went up the harbour on Wednesday. nt 3 P. M. site was re- ceived, when between St. Nicholas's Island and the Main, by the 2d Royal Lancashire regiment with pre- sented arms; the fine drums and trumpeti sounding a charge, and beating tile point of war. This complement to the skill and bravery of Capt. Hothatn, his officsrs, and ship's companyt was ...

Published: Thursday 04 June 1812
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 553 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... PlY.moUnH, June 9. c Fridaiy. Came in the Amnerican sehoroner Purse, Captain Turner, fomoni -outoleaux bound to New York, r vith braudy and silks. She uas taken,. after a Stuart o chase, by the Arniide, 44, Cliptain Dunn, and ber sails an(I ri-ging were utich dama-ed by the fire of the Armni- de, whiich was Ao brisk that all .the erew ran below, an'I h when taken possesgiin of the Mlaster was ...

Published: Thursday 11 June 1812
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 1149 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... PIJRTI NE /vS. PLYMOU'THl, June t6. S'turdauV, June 13. Wind S. S. E. The resoolote gttuibrig take6 convoy to Cork, and will sail on S11nflay ?? up the ?? to be refitted, the Se- nmiramis trigate. S¼jy. Wind S. S. E. fair. Arrived the Teazer gun brig, from Greeniock ; arnd the Neptiie (¶2d) teno4or, fromn Dublin.-Sailed the Orioni sgehocrner, for 'ork Nlaria (2dl) .tender, for Belfaslt Freya ...

Published: Thursday 18 June 1812
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 379 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... I ak . .P, j2,3 w~i , j n , cut re, -.i ' g-, ?? o .t'dwk, thti Hlind1 ireventie cuttf~r, Voiirmalood by Mr. Bawvdf'pr, ile oinate,, fi i ni, ab.imi guiIQS, ut tlA*h. liotiharg, w-tth a Frtt noe lrier~er prk;,14(er, %iii Y 1Jghi. big 1,1 onep*.fly ,i helbcl sh lihad captoverY miad iaken ?? oIf, the. ^ uiml then lhiowihig a gale it Bouth'tevt. 'l 'ie Hril gaae llase' to at. N?-.ver, a'4r'd ...

Published: Thursday 25 June 1812
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 501 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... Y: - ; ;l l At.Y 1O UTHIH ju,-8, By :.8 ?? Fi'idayj Arr'ived the Swalan, S2mes, fronut ALaho; wa9 ea ptfired t the 14th itt tan&; in li. 41. sU4. long. 14. 3Os'by tile Comnet 'reneh priivatcotr tof 14 g r8-potiiirrS:# d two Ion- 24-jniuvdors, anid-one lirnire'ld nen, After pltnndeiiq tire S'wan'uof ?? wargiven irp. The priv~iter had previously batituiled ?? Englkish ship-, and also a ...

Published: Thursday 30 July 1812
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 868 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... I ?? iV I S. I , .. :r , ,, -1. *. S~ux~i*i. .i 3ri'dff til brjg Mi~ie.rvart. Ie~IoiiriM to Co}-. creky:s~let. 411ed0 t'roit~ Yaliwavrs tbe#;4t May, 9si~ Edth J4 fleet of LraxIsiprorte¢aIldUirh#ItibfllueU, cuits1§eis, 'of abouit .50 sa'i: ?? CO~it ?oyf b h Majety'. shop A)- a;uais ?? quarhlie. _;s ?? SQ*;i1Pt the park'ifp.Iiery .ired a triple royal salute befMre, GovfDr1mq*fl.hqpeei :dnl ...

Published: Thursday 27 August 1812
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 470 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce