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Exeter Flying Post

PLYMOUTH, September 22

... PLTY1 IOUTH, September.22. . I Fridazy. Camne in the (iealer keteh. frutn New York, withl f essenger andl dlspatches for Guvernment fromn. the United States of America, which wvere lantded at Penzatice ?? last, aml forwardled to London. Sundgy. Wind. N. N. E.. fair. SMilcd Ite.last niuht from Cawsin& Bay, the Chainnel tleet, mtder the coni- mitndt of Admiral Lordl Keith, to black-ide Brest, ...

Published: Thursday 24 September 1812
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 799 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... | - F4ALOUYTH, *hrcl ER 27, I9812. ; 7'twsaaO,.to6,r ?? Wijld viariable. Arrived the M^u trosiltre punet) Igieweitt w~it h mails frown Rio Jatneiro,' s weeks passage, no news; Primerts .Elizabetb packet, Kifdd, with Imarmsfrorh Lisbon, d ilays passage, jpo mpwS Fox packet, Tillyj,3vith malk riold Cadii, 18, days w-; sage, brinpgsjothingc f inioittawe ; .I, M. ship For; ,uiee, 36 ,ug % Cqpt!, ...

Published: Thursday 29 October 1812
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 558 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... P O Rt 7 N E WaS. PLYMOUTH, Aol'~cnbler ?? r, ir?4ay. On Suriday arrivedl his Majesty's ships ,oByne,, o. Tigre, 8e, anvd Sterling Castle, 74, from off Brest. -Caaie in the Belle Poole, 3G, from sea, in distress, having lost her anchors. She (irectly run uip the bar- horn, and s truck ili g'oinm through the Narrows, but soon -ot eof' amain' and went to her ?? in safety. -i le(l the Bittorn, 18 ...

Published: Thursday 05 November 1812
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 718 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... rALMOUTII, NovFmBrn 17, 191i., - ?? I Mednesday. Wild S. Arrived the Anni packet, Brit- totl, from Corunna, 9 days days, an embargo bad been laid on all vessels in that port, except paclets and ships of war. Massena ?? a reinforcemenit of l0,00) men had joined the Frezacb army and entered 'i3urgos on the 22dl ult. Thun sday. WindW .V Arrved the Prince Ernest pac- ket, Petre, from Lisbon 9 ...

Published: Thursday 19 November 1812
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 473 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... 'PORT NEWYS., PLYMAIOUTH. Decembe* 1. Saturday. Sailed ihe Barham, 74, 4ith ?? for the flcet in Bejitheaulite ?avr.-Letters from a''offileer of the 21st'dragoous, dxted thl heg oi g' .Sfeptetmfherv '150 miles uo ?? c'utnitry,'siate tit 'the wtild -af-. fres are terriblly sava e, alli avirig nolesiedl tibcjilize;I Caffre farmers, plundcriiit their farms. adi kruotis, and sometimes' setting fire ...

Published: Thursday 17 December 1812
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 589 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce