Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGE. ;.-. -On,Monday last,sMe Dawson, booseller, to MiA Cnl maIn, daughtVr of Mr CbltmanraU of th is, pace. (Sme day, at Scuslcnates 'hurcilr, Mr iT'hol s Att5 offirer of excise, to Mits Brown, of Bubwirh. .-Oni Wednciday at scuksii't'es' chtirch, Mr. Ish'st' IRu-dsnn ,duggiss, to Sarah I'tingest dasght6 of the late 'Mr.'Michael Pucketr, all othia piace. ' On Saturday' 1as, 'it 'Sc.! e ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, On the 9th inst.- the lady of Richatrd Qliver Gas^ coigne, Esq. of Parlitigrosi, of a daughter On the Iorh inst. at -larewnod House, the lady 6f the Hot). -e'nrV Lascelles, M. P. of a daclnghter, Oa the I lith inst. at Elvinigron Hall, the lady of Col. Vavasour, of a daughter. On Satutdcty theI2tilh hist. at Norib Cottage, Ted. -dington, Middlesex,--the lady~of- Wn. Bragg;Esq uif two ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... C- - - el BlIRTH. Oni the 92d ult. the lady of the Right HTan. Lord e William Beauclerk, of A sonj at their towa residence Lower Brook-street. d MARRIAGtS 5 Sunday se'ntight, at Sculcoates chdreh, Mr: Johil a LUcy, late of Barto', to Ann the daughter of Captaid 'e Rohert Leavens, of the Henry and Jane, of tthui port. k On Wedntsday, at Scukoatec, Mr. Jesio, to' Misf Sarah Leigh, daughter of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WLINEPSDAY-AUGUST 26. illBint-ru.-On Saturday evening, the wife of the Rev.Dr' BitenEN, Minister ofDyke, was safely delivered of ason. | Married on the 11th current, at Sr. Martin's in the! Fields, London, WILLIAM HowE KINicur F XEssKINe, of Pittodrie, Esq. Lieutenant-Colonel in the 27th regi- Iment of foot, to Miis NORMAND, ,only daughter of Cap-I i- tain James Normand, in the service of the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ould -MARRIED- At St Andrew's, on the 4th current, Mr WiLLIAM Mu- I DlF, bookseller, Arbroatb, to ELizABFTH, eldest daughter' 'the of Mrs Cvaisn, , St'Andrew's. ' ' not On the Ilt current Mr MACDONALD, to Lady C. EDGE-( did CUMaE, second daughter of Earl Mount Edgecumbe. The rip- ceremonywis performed at Sr George's Church, Hanover, sm- Square, London. .ess -DIED- r Atlhis'llouce, North Bridge ...


... gton, in this county, bv the Rev. Ley Brooks, Matthew Johnson, Esq. of the Woods, to Miss Gibbs, daughter of the late Mr., Wm. Gibbs, of the Eaves, near Tissington. On the 6th instant, at Youlgreave, in this county, Mr M. A. Taylor, of Bakewell, to Miss Briddon, daughter of Mr. J. Briddon of Middleton DEATHS. Or il larst, inctn lPark--street, Grosrenor-square, the lI. I ini, llotller of tlre ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -BIRrH- , At Edt *urghb, on -the 23d current, Mrs MAKGILL, of n Keruback, of a son. Ediburh, -MARRJED.. At Edinburgh,on the 24th ctrrent, bythe Re&eend Doc- tor Bfown6, c6f the Old Church, the Reverend SANTUEL d M';Iao4., pf- Dumfries, to Miss E. HENDrls5ON, yoling- est 'dkbtuhtev of the ?? William Hendersonmanufacturc;, n Edinburgh. d -At.,Tburstoq, on the 24th current, DuOAI.D CAMPSErr, Esq. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -BIRTHES- At No. 10, South Hanover, Street, Mrs I-iAiIAN, (if a son. On the 15th current, at Great Marlow, the Lady of the Ho. nourable. ALExANuaR HOPE, M. P. of a son. At Kilrnardinny,on the 19th currDt, Mrs tlCRes.N Fis- LAY, of,.a.son. At Tvreedhill, on the 20th cursent, Mrs LOGAN, janm. Of Edrom, of a daughter. On the 16th current, at Melville Place, Stirling, Mrs Mus- RAT, of a son. On ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. At Edinburgh, on the 29ih uit. David Somerville I Ratialdson Diukaon, Fsq. of Bliir Htl1, Perthshire, Lieutenant in the 2d Royal North British Dragoons, :to ,Ann, youngest 4aoghter of the late Chafles Cryoabie, Bsq. of BallyclareCogsity of Antrim. ; Lest week, at Wensley. in this county, by the Rev. *J. Costobadie, Edward John Carter.' Esq. only fal of Ediiard Carter, Esquire, of ...

MARRIED. At St. John

... 's Church, Wakefield, on Tuesday last, John Crawalhaw, jun. Esq. to Frances, youngest daughter of the late Mr. Francis White, of Chester- field, Derbyshire. On Thursday, Mr. Musgrave, coach-proprietor, to Miss Sarah Linsley, daughter of Mr. Joseph Linsley, merchant, all of this town. Same day, Mr. Carrick Blanchard, plaisteier, to Miss Ilizibetli Howerofi, both of this town. On Sunday list, Mr ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARR(AGES.'.' On the 2Sd ult. at the Friends' meeting-house, at Guisbro', Mr. George PeAcock, near Howgate,'farnucr, eldest son of Mr. Benjamias Peacock,.tanner, ot Stain- tontdale 'ear 'Scarbro', to' Mia Eiizabeth 'Hartass, youngest daughter of Mr., Geo. Hartaisof Danbvdale. On Wednesday ast, at Holme, near Market Weigh- ton, Mr. Marshall, of Seiby, td Miss Ann Ramsdaife. dauighter of' Mr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ep MARRIED. On Thursday last, at Lreds, Anthony Molyneux, ed Esq eldest son af Ihomas Molyreux, Esq. of New- shain-House, near Liverpooli to Francei, daughter of John l layds, Esq. ofOullon, near Ieeds. *h, On Wednesday, nt Selby, Mr. Hirst, 'groder,'of he this toin, to Harriet, second daughter of the lte Y- John Audus, Esq. of tile formier place. nt At Etridge's Hotel, York, by special ...