Advertisements & Notices

... IVILLIAM BARNES, S HIP-BUILDER, HULL, t ETURNS Thanks to his Friends, for their R fvoulis during his connedion with the late Mr. to TOMA S WESTERDELL; and begs leave to Di ndon them, that the Business will an future be - caiedonbyhimself, WILLIAM HEY DIKES, .md ROBERT KSING, under the firm of BARNES, Di(es, and KING. ARES BARNES, DIKES, alnd KING, ye S1IIP-BUILDERS, HULL, pk ha! TAVING taken ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Lignum's Antiscorbutic Dropi. - At~oir Siir£ZDS, September 17th, 1811. Abother irstance of tJhe 'superior and wonderfel eicacdy of Mr.-Lignum's Antiscorbutic l)rops. Ij IR,-In gratitude for the very extraordinary cra- UD perforoed by your invaluable medicire', I 1b leave to state my cate. and which I am desirous Yoa sliould'publish, for the benefit of suffering hiimanit! From a bruise I got in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ey Huok es-'s Pickc's Cu1 dik for Calves, 4 c. inder ihe patronage of AT Tne Right Hon.'Lord Somerville, M le The ght Hon. Eril Wipchelsea, ' 1 ;. Blackburne, Esq. M.- P. of And other distinguished Members of tile Roard of is , A . Xgricultre., . t,! , BUGHES's PICK's CORDIAL,. A -certain Cure for the Scouring of Sheep, Csshves, B. se Lambs, and other Cauke, and a -aluable Resto- le rative ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Cheow Po~rtrait o;E tC1fingharn. Said by E. Snautll tend GO? P~t Lone,, Z (Pricenlby Thresperaiw) HSIENESS of JO 7ETN I3EILINGUAM, which J ..prsretl in thae Liverpio Mercuy n7 last Weelk, and ;ch is allowed to be vker correct. It is printed oata Cad . ca a Sheet of LetterPoper, fot te acommodation b . *td alsO tt hir'inF t1¢e SIC O soy rawish to send it to their friends, THEAN RE-.O V.AL. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'iAIENTARYNME~~h ubr h~ ,ha~~~s~~beetnm- -be hasibeeli Unavoidab~ly delayed, ileredfo. ?? FT' Oxet, 2t ibn0~ thi' £ NDEX. sbortlY.Ofterwo.a~4sC ,. Thee S erntar Ntoberj' toget wr .itb the iFITL5'PAQE and degllt-%WOOD ENGRAVI'Y entuin an Ristori t 51eltc of Thefist 1S goFrtisioT * tlie Rgeosxy atd the R-preseemtiXr zqrn Pet litof tile Assesely of Jarna71loeitw- A' -Rft'. t&u Psfiine. Acgent; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VALUABLY, E STATE ijA A2INCARDINESH12fA. 5o be sold, within the house ef Mr Andrew Hunter, vistner in Montrose, at one o'clock afternoon, ot zfri- day the Sth of January, t81:3, I h 'rHE Lands and b~arony of CRIGGIE, lying in the 1L parish of St. Cykue, and county of Kincardine, con- sisting of 896 acre3; 569 of which are arasble; 72 pasture; 42 of planting round house and eIs of muir; 54 ol ...

Advertisements & Notices

... le, VIEWS IN SPAIN AND PORTUGAL. ,Uider the patronage of his Royai Highness the Dukeof KENT and STATeSERN, and his Excellency ?? ot WELL- cJGToN, Sc. and his Excellezicy the Marshal Sir W. C. BZRtSrORb, &C. -. In afetv Days stvill be.Pulished, by Subscriptione4e,'. ImBy JQH.N-MARNOCH CARVER and GsLDtR, Prince's Street, !d MBERS t .and II. of a SERIESof VIEW9 of the most interesting occurrences ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BSMUNDE~t RThVEFiTh - p Night of len APyearl tS -hisrsn. A NE respectfully Abj naoUned5 t&isjs ated A RS~ Thbithat his Benefit i5fixesi for -Widnes:- j i sei on Ihich gte ,Hag- be presented, a CA ~ ?? at &1he 'hare Gsd,,;fdm 1jt unptersal-applaie ledj * GAFI~r EYXTRAORDINARY. Ii¶~ ?? .imr-o'. ,oign~ ce - - ,n l dltev rforined.bere called; ?? C~OnCturdewith .Xwh GTUBE TtNE-QATE-j, Ciackr MrMfl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDINBURGH FORUM ' /r 7 EDNBUtRGH FORUM will be openeda on Trnq 7j ,y fIRST, the sd of September, anel on the same L of Dhe two succeeding weeks, in 'he MREE .4-IA. Sr1`flr f HALL Niddry Street, which the- Grand Lodge of aSON Have most genrously offered gratis for these meet- The proceeds are to be added tco-the subscription pow 09gso' for relieving the present urgent necessities of the the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ar Sr of (a fe to to !d io a- a- if a- is n- SALE OF LANDS IN LA2NARKSHIRE To be SOLo by public rouip, withiin the koval £ca~f feehouse, Edinburgh, on Wednesday the vemnber 1812, at two o'~clock afternoon (unless p viovsly disposed of by private bargain), ALL and Haill the Forty Shilling Land of the Foot A P und Lan of old ext nt.oh R FE EN FIELD , w ith the eind , pa son ge a d yi arag th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE PATRON, TITULAR,; ERITORS, &c OF THE PARISH OF-KELT.ON'. 4 4j NTOTICE is herebygiven, thateheRev.JOHN M 'CLE- Ad LAN{, Minister of the Parish, of Kelton, has raised a lrocess-of Augmnentaton, Modification, and Locality, which will be called in Court on Wednesday die 25th Nov'emlber ne x t. EdEdnbur rgh, 4th July .18ii. SALE OF HOUSES AND-PROPERTY. N DUNBA' To be SoLD-by public roup, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NIGHT OF THE CELEBRAT igEOND M rIlSS SMITH. t Mlay IS, 'ill Ije presented, the favoeasitet bis Bvet@S Play of Li t MERCHANT OF VENICE. us ' ?? 5f1 MCOTCH ANCE byPzh-S^fi~oN To crdde, fros ti Theatre-Royal ?? LOCE Appearasie in thlaingdoth-Lo- e * ?? 0SM secon Appearance these In-iee OD'ItgSP~r'TIE s o Mr ARCHER- 'rhaCs=D pert o yM sSP SMiT. Hs of WrotF^D i - -ete1 aeyo o ASCOTCH DANCE by Misi ...