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Morning Chronicle



London, England


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Morning Chronicle


... THE lfORAW~CYAONICLE.' -: 2-LPLAr, JUL z4 sx.| Advides were yesterday received from Gibraltar, stiting, that the Witish Cornmander in Sicily had taken-advantage of the.absenceuf MM.AT from his do- minions, and ha ordered the erobarkatlon of 6,ooo troops: Uane the nmmarid of General MAITLAND. These force were to proceed to Minorca and Majorca, whete they were to be i ?? bY about 4,ooo Spaniards ...

Published: Tuesday 14 July 1812
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1832 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... DR. JOnIISON'S LMNICe. c6mrIIICcAL rEcu. LIARITIES. - TO TIMr EDITOR OF TIE V ORNING CIHONICLE. SIR, .- t Ih all the varictiesdoF inqiiry which have been insti- tuted into the writings of Jolnson,; is :flkioary seehss to have escaped with less examination, after that wiich its first appearance exciitid4.tiJ any Of'his other wvorks* Ikpresentsi ho'weverj ?? ihis curious in liteniaresti i ...

Published: Saturday 29 August 1812
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1325 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... 4CIRCtMAR 140. ?3 ?? Mr..? 40. T, War-Office, 6th July, air2. SIR,-The Prince RTegent halving had under his c6insideration the siiuation of Non-cornmissione-l O1icers and Privates 4is- charged fromn tha Arny, who, frorn the loss of Limbs, or other sericus disability, c6ntraited on Service, require personal as- sijtancc; hi, loyal Higbness has been please;!, in the name aud on the behalf' Of is ...

Published: Monday 13 July 1812
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 556 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... bR&.RUR'Y.LAAE THEATRE. TO THE EDI'1dt OF THE MOIk NING CHRONICLt. Thle short period wihich ias elapsed since -{he de- ?? by fire of the two great Theatres in Ldridon, has naturally left in the public mind a cdhsiderable d- gree of apprelhension and alarmz' It has not only prb- deced a sensible tffe&, as-'the value of such -property'is considered, but amongst the aged and timid partiu; Sarly, ...

Published: Friday 25 December 1812
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 904 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... XHE M:1 ORNIVEiNG 1 h IJ CVIc . - - ?? 0 L O N DOQ N:: ~ 000 0: . to tte FRs DAY, JA3vMUtAR it a.x ?? ' jetters Sby the Anholt Mail were yestdrd recetved .P fiom PetersburC1 toqthe Sth,,kfroam Rio t the i6th, and from a iholt to thie plt.:- Tlih ?? announce sh a 'rise ini the exciiarge to s6di which cannot easily be tit accountedfor but under ti~e supposition thae-peace.has th ben conc`udedb ? ...

Published: Friday 10 January 1812
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2383 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... LONDON ANA-CA,1%Tl)IDGE JUNCTION CANAL. I I Notwiistanding thegeneralarguments in favorur of canals, pi contained in the letters of the Earl of Hsardwikke and the Rev. ti 111r. Leworsily, they do not adduce any particular ones, to enti- tl tle this undertaking to. the public fiwour, which, I think, from . the small ?? it offers to the couutry, and the almost 6ertaiis A loss to subseiibers, ...

Published: Monday 16 March 1812
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1464 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... UBLIN, EAACH S:. - , CATvOLIC BOARD.-The 4 ard have ?? their, sittings for a fortnight. An AA of Charles PI. in-force in England, forbids that mote than ten Persons shall present a petition. If Mr. Ryder makes a point on this Ac, the Deputation will choose ten to wait. on the Regent. The exportation of grain and' potates. from this. country to Portugal, has excited considerable discon. tent. ...

Published: Monday 16 March 1812
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 704 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... TAfi MOR4VIMOIRO ICLE. LONDON: MOYDVAY-, MARCH 30, i812. On Saturday dightz a MAif front Lisbon arrived by the Marlboroughl packet, with dispatchesifrom head- qdarterg to thle Sth, and Letters and Papers from the Portug ,ese. capital to the I Ith instanti Preparations aver continued for the siege of Badajoz,. and three bri- g??es of the ai my, with a part of the battering train to be employed ...

Published: Monday 30 March 1812
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 573 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... T!HE AIORNVIG CHFOWNICLE. LONDON: MONDAr, OCTOB2ER x9, n3zt. By the GottenburghWail of Saturday weO have ad. vices from St.Peltriburgli totlae'77th ult., from Beeli, . to -the same date, and -front Gottenburgh to the Itcl, instant. '-the news -had just been communicated at Petersbutrgh of the occupation of Moscow by the enemy, but no official accounts had' been published to assin limits to ...

Published: Monday 19 October 1812
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 5176 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... tI : *a;O Nl LE. I to Tt DOROF TIM 10 IOt'NxNG CHRONICLE.| ?? :o i 1. - a( - For itiany years I have oeen a reader and' admirer of yoar adtitirabl'e paper.' I may go forther ana say, that. I haie derived fron its ?? tbe mnost ~alnable part of the information-t I have icquired' in' my progiess -lirougV life. They 'have emancipated my ?? from vulgar errors, and led it into a large andI liberal ...

Published: Friday 21 August 1812
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1970 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... 7HE MOfRNIiVG CfI CQ ?? d- . ' ~L Q N D O 1'.0 K ?? ?? ff TIZURSDAr, OCTOBE4 £5, i8s, d By the Gottenbarghi Mail. of yesterday, we ifave ad- i vices from St. Petcr.6burgi to the 2oth'thlt. and fiom :p is Gottenbmrgli to the -8d instant. Accounts wvere also , Government from the former-b, a special- * courier, to'the 24th of last month, and the shipi Fredel rick Eden has ieached the ...

Published: Thursday 15 October 1812
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1682 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... a CORTE&, 22D DAY,-The Secretary of War delivcr- ed a letter from the Superior Junta of Murcia, accom- panying it with aa exposition to the Regency, dated the 2d inst. which in substance says, that it was neither t, want of valour in the soldiers and officers, nor of adfivi- in ty in the chiefs, nor understanding in the general in chief, Don O'Donnel, which caused the unforturnafe loss of the ...

Published: Thursday 24 September 1812
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1684 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News