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... - DREADFUL' AURDER e Of die C7snat and Cointliss 1) AidrmigiieS at BafIe., t It Tile Count and Countess dI Antrbaikgues, F reh i Noblesse and distantly related to the unfortunate z fanj3l yotbthe Bouibons, resided on Laires-tci _ace ) on the banks of the alDi'ies. -They Iud T in a w which, t1hough far frm whi'at .he.y Ihad. brminely d m roved inj veit iiaaS rath~er borderlio on'3'2h ?? 'tlan'd ...


... cOuar! OF KI.AG'S .B.A7-CH. -'rtO thNG R15 LI'G AN. JOHN HUNT, PROPRIE- i troatsOF TuE FXA~iLNErL. At a very ea ly ourX on S atulrday last the Court vas; ctowded, ul expectation of hearingr this import- anit case-a ciar'4 of Libel on* the Pegent. When the nianes of the bp;i is Jurors were riled, out of 24 who bad been, or ought to have been, sunI- moned, only sis answered; and flie Crown not ...


... ?? Views SES 1t ?? ?? . ?? iato sist' m ?? Iwer. ?? art as £ara56 ascrthe s' th yfsre dis reqs ied n i5 the motl t-, oinsn gdsate~b~ your ?? ;b n onlypr P soy habhit frquently to ddes os ssosem ttlay 0, Into ,caemistery and ve ished that g ta might ith prsitY hadvnoe obserived the Sa. I oursee ghtps fr omt selfi un erea ar toies, how - o a r , raspit to be pernrAit, andt a er .vi' silence C~it ...

Crimes and Punishments

... a. n.r)ies: (dc- 4Putnishnncnts.. - Criminal taw. (says Blackstone) should be founded upon principles that are permanehi, uniform, and universal; and always conformable to-the dictates of truth'and justice, the feelings of'bhuraanity, and the indelible rights ofs mankind. Much mischief has arisen to societv on account. of laws being so loose and iidefinite, and so much being the ...


... ?? PAISCE of WVLS-v. the EX AiiNER. | -- - I i COURT OF IING'S BENCH. The following full Snecit! Jury were sworn to try this in loC.11 tiol, .. otinst the Pscp htors of the E~ anver elora ?? ,he Fi'ince Regent:- John Bonfd, Jrsepil Kay, Samuuel S!rrnvood, Thuomis S::jelen, Johbn Lewis lackirnore, J .ep!h Ii win, - Johlr Wil, a, I Alexantbe? 6ilbbous, jos'plp Wahtolo, Joihn 13coth, Daniel ( ...


... ASgIZE INTELLIGENCE. I LANCiSTER. .0n Saturday eveninbg, tine 25td Auguat, the Hon. ir Georgc Wood anrS the Hon. Sir Johu Bayley npeird their commission. Onl Mondiay morning: cm felhwitg guntelnea were s-.vorn of tbe Grand jury: * £dweeld Wilbrahamr Boot0e, Esq. of Latbam. llrous, Feorennan. John Irelar.d Blackburn, John lritto, R 1. A. Farrington, Titorisa. Fosbrooke, vin. Fop, Robert Fielden ...


... SINGULAR SUIIcIDE SIN uULAM b~7u I i Ji iJ Ii ,,1 V~t - The attention of the people of Berlin ha NItel' lit'1 -much occupied by the tragical adventure ot e lebrated l'russian poet, caid Madame Vogel. li- esaid, huad suffered long under an incural ' claus hatd declared her death inevitale ; ; - resolution to put a period' to her eoijteucc. 3N g arad a frieud of her fanilly, had also long ?? I ? ...


... TRl IL ofD. D@ WVSOXJ r 1' ISOIQ.WG IRACE as, This trial, vvwlirh has occupied so much of the attention of C 'tr the sporting ViO! ki, took place at the Cambridge Assizes, befbre Se the Mr. Justice Ieani. 'The Court was so rnanch crowded, that v bhn the business was greatly impeded. The prisoner was iludicted tof fr wvilfuliv and maliciously poisoning a colt, by Eagle, the hed property of Sir ...


... uOBi3RERY-OF THE LEEDS MAIL. . I ?? (rovm the Leeds Afrcucry.j; After a diligent investigation, it is supposed the money contained in the rdifferrent letters stolen atmounts to about X15,OOO, not any of which has yet been discovered or come in. 4 The robbery has been ascertained to have been i committed between Burton and Higham Ferrers.- The Guard had rode from Kettering to Burtoni with thc ...


... I The'female, whose Luntimely death urci the a?- flicting subject of the folloding narrative, was a na- tive of Liemaiaigccegin the coutity of Kifli.enny,and. bad been for srome time at service iri the house of a fanner, in the ieighbbourhnod of Tory ?? thwe 22nd of June, she left her situationbol ODiccoifTlt e of some domestic quarrels, an( retired to the house e of another farmer, in the ...


... - 11- ..8 . . . . ,T a MXETlN, of the lndcrsind 1MERCIISNTS, la:rlers of TOi>;ACCO~held at ?? *1 r, if i , to fake into coosiera tion the alarm- f? r 1toihc'ie comeitted on their~piroperty in tbe llr Tthalcce Warehouses;.; Th1, ate the depredations comlmitted on Toqbacco, , ag( ie King T Tohacco NVarehouscg, in this Tow 0, OV° late increased to anl alarmiang extent, and call for *I0! alili ...


... I~ANCAS~rEUj, v ' . . I i. _IA~A.,E --ASS1ZE S.- ?? s ?? ~is. ,ziBcaty Viekr is wasaa alt se e 3f Plaintiff is an accountantat ianeibester, tlle d'efn. w. danit' ,f~ a publidcan there. Tt appeared fron the II eviddnce given on thegtrh, thiait a gteat nurmber of persons liad assembled: at the defendant's house, to Er commemorate tlbe birth -da of te late Right llon. i VWilisi Pitt, and thle ...