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Caledonian Mercury

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 29th of Septemnber last, at Pali'riio, the Righe HO.n f orable Lady Mor4TcoArERy, of a son -MARRIED. . At Ford, on the 18Sh current, ionts DYs tiE, Esq. to JEsst daughter of Simon-Fraser; Esq. of Ford. i At Edinburgh, on the 10th curtenst Mr JAhiE.5 R1iD, to JESSIE, second daughter of Mr William-Macredie, Calton. At Lanark, on the 16th current, M. B XSIL, surgeon of the 4th reginnent ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... U I 117 t h -BIRTHS- dr On the 29th ult, at Mainbouse, Mrs WILSON, oa daagb ter. On the 30th ultat Tarvit-house, Fifeshire, the Lady of J. ff. . RIGG, Esq. of Morton, of a daughter. ,al - At Guernsey, the Lady of Major YoUNGt , of the 97th re-t. he ment, pf a son. At London, ?? of JOIHN FdRSES ITCHELLESq. _ of Thainston, of a son and'heir. -MARRIED- 5, At Melville Place, Stirling, on the 2d ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -MARRIED., At ftisselhiurgh, oii the- 9th current, WALTESR SconrrT, Esq. of Wauchope, 'to MARION, eldest daughter of Thomas Macnillan, Esq: of:Shorthope, At Edinburgh, -on the 9th ?? STrUA^RT( GAL-: EReATH, Esq. 'of Lochsanish, to Miss ELIZA FRAsEpR, only- daughter of the late lames Fraser, Esq. master attendant of- his Mayesty's dock-yard at Plymouth. ID Queen Stieet, on the 9th current, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Atf Sheriffistrn near I lgsn, on t*i.. MoRE, jun. Esq.'oftEic1tiequeis, toA N0nsy d5U aur 'tt ?? Forsyth, ,Esq of Deanahaug-i, -- .On the 96th ilt. thel Reyerind' I1A); SkF' ; ?? snister of the Relief Congregatiso at Waterbeck, 'Ms BitLBAl l.daughwrji Aii r Will M'hduitClone~ald,.pa' rish of Colvend . Oii the 29d tilt at .sennap,in Ccrnwa~L,3aytJk. V TOCIER, IFsq.FSurvevo -eneral kit thje ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ould -MARRIED- At St Andrew's, on the 4th current, Mr WiLLIAM Mu- I DlF, bookseller, Arbroatb, to ELizABFTH, eldest daughter' 'the of Mrs Cvaisn, , St'Andrew's. ' ' not On the Ilt current Mr MACDONALD, to Lady C. EDGE-( did CUMaE, second daughter of Earl Mount Edgecumbe. The rip- ceremonywis performed at Sr George's Church, Hanover, sm- Square, London. .ess -DIED- r Atlhis'llouce, North Bridge ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -BIRrH- , At Edt *urghb, on -the 23d current, Mrs MAKGILL, of n Keruback, of a son. Ediburh, -MARRJED.. At Edinburgh,on the 24th ctrrent, bythe Re&eend Doc- tor Bfown6, c6f the Old Church, the Reverend SANTUEL d M';Iao4., pf- Dumfries, to Miss E. HENDrls5ON, yoling- est 'dkbtuhtev of the ?? William Hendersonmanufacturc;, n Edinburgh. d -At.,Tburstoq, on the 24th current, DuOAI.D CAMPSErr, Esq. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -BIRTHES- At No. 10, South Hanover, Street, Mrs I-iAiIAN, (if a son. On the 15th current, at Great Marlow, the Lady of the Ho. nourable. ALExANuaR HOPE, M. P. of a son. At Kilrnardinny,on the 19th currDt, Mrs tlCRes.N Fis- LAY, of,.a.son. At Tvreedhill, on the 20th cursent, Mrs LOGAN, janm. Of Edrom, of a daughter. On the 16th current, at Melville Place, Stirling, Mrs Mus- RAT, of a son. On ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... t Edinb hon -BIRTHS- At Edinburgh, on the 24th current, the Lady of Dr HN - TON SPALDING, of a son. At Edinburgh, on the 26th current, Mrs GREW, of Hall- greig, of a daughter. At Ayr, on the 17th current, Mrs Dr MACLAGAN, of a son. At Ayr, on the 2lat current, Mrs CHARLES SHAW, of a son. On the 23d current Mrs ALEXANDER M'CoiNELV,.Cof Bangor, was safely delivered *if four sons; a and we are ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -BIRTHS_ 'On the 26th nIt, at Cardoness, Mrs MAXWELLI of a son. On the 20th ult. Mrs INNEs, Tain, of a son. it At Midhohm Manse, on the 29th ult. Mrs INGLIS, of a it son. - -MARRIED- t At Edinburgh, on the 3d current, by the. Reverend Dr Ross of Aberdeen the Reverend JAMEs FOOTS ?? Pert to Miss CHRISTIAN ABERDEste, daughter of the late Mr William Aberdein, of Montrose. At Edinburgh, on the 2d ...

MARRIED At Ardchjif

... on ,1 e 14tht r Hei.iT Esq. yountger of Blalr-Drumrond, to Nil, t t MORAY, eldest daughter of the late Charles Mrsrlsng. d1- Esqi. of Abercairnie. b.. At London, JOH's M'-LaN, Esq. of the isla'sd ofarr ta cou1,t Miss ?? UR5.OIIAR5T, youngest daughter of th.- o- Rev. Mr Urquhart, minister of Roske'n.*, as At Leith, on the13thli current, WILLIAM A3AFFRAt.qI a to Miss B STR(ONY, daughter of the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I _31~-BR4hiS. At Edinburgh Castle, on the 27th ult. the Lady of Captalt BIGGAR, Royal P.rtdshire militia, of a san. td On the Ist current, Mrs CHILD, Pilrig Street, ofa son. of AtRomford, Essex, on the 23d curreiit, the Lady of Cap- d, 'tain the Honourable ESME STEWART ERsxiNE, of a son,wbon e died a few days after his birth. On the 26th ulft at his Lordship's seat at Serlby, ini thei f ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -BIRTHS- -At Xilmun House, Argyleshire, on the 30th ult. the Lady of'ALEXANDtER CAMPBELL, Esq. Gf ilalochyle, of a son. On the 1st current, at Haymount, Mrs Ho6ARru, of a dasighter. On the Ist current, at Laws, Mrs TU ter. ~wMsTOMSON, of a daugk. -MARRIED- A rt-dinburgh; on the Sist Ult. Mr WitLAMx1CakA.5, sur. geon, R. N. to Miss J.AN&e ANDersor, only dauglhter of the late Mr Henry Anderson, ...