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Caledonian Mercury


... e1 , ArRICFERG(/S ?? 25 'T , Mogoa Bvownacer ofli coah}vesse be# twhttr'vipe end Be~tfast,, vwas iti efor ~tlie ?? Moore, .a butcher iii-BelFast, .on tbh' 3d of Septerniberlast,;, bla .givjn' him ^ trust -with a,iarre lnife in the tbigh, of which nd idief d nine sa after. n The- fact pwse daistinci psroaved, andt~defec setup ufor $he ?? that hev as,- jIsane. tsaowe er, ja poved to be only the ...


... SIta!DY i27?7AL At the- Isle--f Ely- Assizesi onr Thursday last, Michael Whiting a shopkeeper. at Downhama near Efyo and 2 disserting-preacher, was indicted, mider Lord. EllenbaroagMA-act, on a charge of admirister- iag;poison--to George Langmaan and toffoseph Laag- ilmar, his, ?? appeared in evidencet that- ?? . residedi together at Downham, and-.were Small-farmers; aid- that their family-con ...


... aLD B.AILEr-SATURDAr, OCTCnm Sl, de, RIOBBERY ON THE RIVER T;iAnES. tlt This day, at 'inc o'clock, the tri- of the pri- In soners concerned in the daring robbery on the sat river Thames, was resumed. ev. Brown, the last witness on the preceding even- Iva ing, was called in, and continued his evidence. hdo enxwick went with fhe silk to Cooper, and -wit- ness and the rest stood at the Leaping ...


... -: CvRt 0F SiSSmON'-snuESki DlYlIox. _.tTlU5NDOAq ?? ?? ON CAl.IL. * h s.svaf an act0ion at the instance- of the Right on. oWi]- C 1'an, Dti3nds5> as gi neral disponee of his sister, the .dqctcased| *Mes ?? 'n erliwaitlan~d, who ad snsc~eeded toher hus- --tl -ind th-'-.7aife (Colonelr Umilt~itmT in .a-ll his unutailed and per- fi nowof1~ecaicasdt .nd her ?? Campbel of fiw t I~t, for his- ...


... a- U-ci f fcUI7 -tWeilavle to apologize to our readers for delaying so long c fto ins'ert- the paarticulars of the following interesting trial, the result of which appeared in our ?? somne time ago. r - This delay has, however, been unavoidable, as the great r length of the parliam~entary 'd~scusions, and other intel-r ligessee- preveisfed us, until cs day's 1publication, from paring. the ...

COURT OF [ill].—Jan. 29. [ill]

... CoUVAT OF i CH9iQUB. ?? PD. 1812. TIM KING V. JOHN BALFOUR. . r This wias a trial, at the instance of' the Lord Advocate, in name and for behoof of his Majesty, -against John Balfour, r papermaker, to have a certain' quantity of paper, which had * been seized by the Revenue Officers, under circumstances to t be afterwards mentioned, forfeited in terms of the act of Par- liament, 34th Geo. Ill. ...


... ,IGH COVAT OFJ i'JUS77CtIr. 4 -I - , o j . . - it - terdayr camne on ?? this Court the tial bc It John Hoo cha~nge-keeper in North Leith, arid for- e, merly carrier between. Pe.rth aned Edinburghi accused L4 of ?? the packetAbo, a prize vessel, lying' ixn the wet dock, Leith,.'o the 11th of September re last, and stealing fror the hold of said. yessel, four- sh teen pieces of printed cotton, ...


... HZGHriOURT OFJU OF zCIZr. ?? ?? : . ?? We inserted inf the greater pg4t ?? impression, o'Sattirday,' the verdict of the Juiand sentence the' Court, in the case ?? and MiInjosh. The Court met' d W,^vo, o'ulba ond, Saturday, when the xead'which. unani; mnously found the three pariels gilty of two sev'ai .acts of robbery, and the pannel, M-iitosh, art alid . part guilty of. the ...


... EE ADVOCATE GENERAL, . DUNCAN M'INTYRE. The defendant in this information was a highland farmer, whose character, previous to this trial, had placed him beyond the reach of suspicion.' The information charged him with malting without entry and notice, and with having in his pos- session two casks of whisky without a permit. The case having been very dearly made out in evidence on the part of ...


... JCKNT-.4SSIZES. i o.tORG-AJ NOTS. G. Lesnan, J. , o 2elle, and Hi de Roche ont, were forging and uttering notes sese~i~blirl~g nk' neits. ahey -were prisoners of wtir, on boird tlie prison ship. at Chatham. :ank- notes to an imenise extent h'avebeern maniicturid . ,by the French prisoners in this-country;- - * Mr. Gurniey,-for the -prsoners iddressed the C-ourt .as to a matter of law. - ...


... T.EE LATE MURDERS. . . . - - L - _- - - -- *.1 A most important discovery has been made within these two days, which removes every shadow of doubt respecting the guilt of the late suicide Williams. It was proved before the Magistrates of Shadwell Office, that three weeks before the mur der of Mr Williamson and his family, Williams had been seen to have along French knife, with an ivory handle. ...


... SUFFO LZ, ASSIZES-MARC 21. HORlID MURDERS. Etss.uisd alias Edward.Thirower, was-indicted for the mur- der of Elizabeth Carter,-at CratfieldSSuffolk, on the] 6ith Oc- tober p7935. The prisoner was brought-tr justice by a chap- ter of accidents. _1-e, confessed the murder to, one Heads, soon after it was committed; but Heads, atcordikig to his statement, knew lie was so ?? given to speakitig ...