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... LON'DON GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY- TUEsDAY, DECizErEv8, 1$120. 'O-REitGN-OFFICE, DECEEBER: 8, 1812. Dfsparches, of 4vhich the following are copies, were yester- d.y received from Geneial Viscount Cathcart, K. T. hls Majesty'.i ArmbassidorExiraordinary and Plenipotentiary at the Court of Ruseia, by Viscount Castlereagh, one of Mijesty4 SPiincipal Secretaries-of State. - St Petersburgh, Nov. Ii ...

Published: Saturday 12 December 1812
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 3025 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... L 401DOQV GAZETTE EXTRA QRD7NA.RT. TUtRSbAy, D'ecMBR55 S. 1812. WAR DEPARTMENT. U] Downing-street, Dec. S. 1812. at lDltatclseas, of wh ih the following are extracts, were re- :ehved last night by Earl Bathurst, -addressed to his Lord- Ysp by the Marquis of Wellingto. -S .'ll~e -en~tPitiegua, Nov. 7, 1812. o 'Thelc ienwettly repaired the bridge at Toro at a much 8 ?? period than I expected ?? ...

Published: Monday 07 December 1812
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 3181 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... FROM ANOThER CORRESPON-DENT. -The Court of King's Ben vwas crowded almost to suffocation this morning, to hear the following trial.' TIHE KING V. JOHN HUNT AND LEIGH HUNT. This was an ex officio proceeding for an alleged libel upon the Prince Regent. A full special Jury having been sworn, Mr Richardson opened the pleadings by- reading the libel. The Solicitor-General very shortly put it ...

Published: Saturday 12 December 1812
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 755 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... PREN7CH^ PAPERS. d _ TWENTY.EIGHIT BULLETIN. ofithe FRENCH v. ARMY. , T.e . Smolensk, Nov. 11. ;e The imperial head quarters were, on tle k 1st NovembLer at Viasnma, and ^on the 9th at Smolensk. The weather was very fine upto the 6th, but on the 7tb winter began. The ground is covered with snow. The roads have become lt very slippery, and very 'dAfficult for carriage- ohorses. 'We bave lost ...

Published: Monday 07 December 1812
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 473 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... IMIPERIWL P.4LIAMENT. -; )USE OF COMMON&S NVETJNF.SDAY, Dec. 9.] In a Committee (t Supply' the resolution, for granting the sum of 100,0001. to.Lord Wellilngnoo was agreed to, anid tile Rleport ordered. to be received to-morrow. l'te IHouse went into a Committee of WVays and Meanrs, aid tile Amnotunt of Exchequer sills issued during. the 5esqion warS ret'erredl to the Committce. The Chancellor ...

Published: Thursday 17 December 1812
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 2071 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... I'>o'n tilt! PARIS PA1' I I [1S A ftr thle bat tle of' MosivaIL4, Genealc Kuti 3. took aoit, 1`0.ifioui a lea g'ue if] :11lvince of Mdoscowa, he est ahl ished sevorca I redolthts to ?? then town ; he reanaine-dI hfere till 1he la it miomoiditl. OnI th#e 14th .seliff iefu)C' SeCill ug11 Fhrench -a tiny1 mard cl owards hiMin, IIs' tok isis t'so.5J t hol, and cx acunaiod the posi- titus, ?? ugh . ...

Published: Thursday 03 December 1812
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 1621 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... I Saws lo s Aid De U~s's~i POST. II uoUSH OF LO.RDS, MONSDAi-, Nov. 30t. *1I., ,I %, -It tw Oo'clo GkI his Roya Ihi!4hness thI e Prince JL ?? utdeiI ?? alta Stn~ te, enltered ~i~ hlese a 1( tok IlS eato~ t I P roi. r Thomnas 'foIll~e nt r Gentlconizin 1 4iero of the Btlack Rod watos 9555 schortlult ha , 119 U vert ?? II tll11IlC,, seith the Fl~ealker at there head, !Il~Iret'9(itI at ?? B3:r. ...

Published: Saturday 05 December 1812
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3309 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... London Gazette' Extraordinary. NVAR DEIUAi TmENT. J)nnibg l-stree, Dec. 3, 18 812. ')ISPATCHES, of which the ?? arc extracts, I Were received last night ftion the IMarquis of' Wel- Pilegna, Nov. 7, I 18°,-Tbe enemy repaired the b lidge a It a atmucli earlier period ?? I expected. I therel ore desired 'i S ir i lll to continue his marci by Foutiveros upon Alba de T orines; and I dnI in march ...

Published: Saturday 05 December 1812
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1533 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... LON)ONx FR1IDA4Y, DACEMfBL.ER 25, 1812. ' ONAPARIE ieturnedl. to raris. on . Fridy nigirt lest, acid resumed. his t'unc-- tions wih as much co poSure, as if he had ?? fron a' j ist to.Fontaimbleau -is arrisv:l is announced in the following teims, in th' Frencls.,Jauinals uhich arrivt sst night to tre 21st instaent * :PA n ts;2)ec. 19.-Elis M33 esty thep Erperor arrivedI at Parwis !rsterday ...

Published: Monday 28 December 1812
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 4275 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... UNITED PARLIAMENT G oB GRBA T BRItAIN ANSD IURRLAND. * HOUSEOF LOILDS,,Nov 3d0 - Se The doors of thle House- were opened about ele~ven o'cl oe, and soon-afterwards a great nunsber of ladies a superbly dresse~d occupied ilie Peers' sea'tS.. III the dII coursie of little miore than an hour thle House 'was exc- ?? cro~q~ed. v About one o'clock the Lord Challcelldr cani e i Pand r prayers were ...

Published: Tuesday 01 December 1812
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 28048 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: News 


... Fr I ore ?? GAZECTE see xie ?? pa ge. T'IVE 0?TNVIX(; CHOIClVOLE. 1. 0 N 1) 0 N: AM10ON\7DAr, DECE fiR 8, S8L1. By a person who left Ostend on Saturday morning, there is in account that BONAPARTE is seriously in- disposed. This report rests entirely upon the aitholrity of this man, who is in the contraband tracle so gleingly vwinked at; but it is not improbable. AP n-an xvho traivelled i soo ...

Published: Monday 28 December 1812
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2638 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... ,6,trlu swra4 i tire AMR-tvo eliAoslett. I am one of hei Wteraberia d. a Aruit9 3txs established' hi 'afbican4' Our fule ti vafli anid: ecd. n1oamy our order of the day9 iiAi& ai6 4 0have dcnom:umtlated ourselves. T/ze-$S~ii~ ?? We are desirous of obtam nng.i aoi~bsa n fira ?? inew- nmade B}arosncts; ?? wlosio~bt haq ~iinetiily Uen oc- cupied(14i Iemldc researcteii. wil1 a vi'o'f Ascertain- ...

Published: Friday 18 December 1812
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 813 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News