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... THE MWZNUFACT7URZRS AND OPLRATFZF WEAVERS. (From a Correspondent.) We are happy'to be informed, that 'the aifferen- ces which have for some time existed between' the: operative Weavers and the Manufacturers, have as good deal subsided ; and that many thousands 'of the 'weavers have returned to their loomsi. 'We * have always thought that this industrious and intelli- * genr dlass of men would ...

Published: Monday 14 December 1812
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1247 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... LLOYD'S MARINE LIST-Dec. i, 1812. The May, Affleck, from St Lucia; and the Fairfield, Hughes, from Tortola, arrived at Liverpool on Tuesday; ;Ihey sailed ?? Thomas's 25tb October, with about 503 vessels under convoy of the Ringdove and Scorpion sloops of war; 12 sail parted ?? for Halifax and Neiwfund- land, under convoy of the Scorpion. The Preston, Ditch- burn, from Trinidad to London, ...

Published: Monday 14 December 1812
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1089 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... PRIVATE COhRESPONDENCE.- _ v-~ I j - I , Lonion, Dec. 2, t past seven v. We are still'without'further arrivals from the North, the ipute of. France. or the more. direct road of Gottenbiirg. 'Private' letters have reached town from Paris-tQ the 0Sth ult.: They are totaf]y silent on. the arriAl' d ny further bulleiinis, or priraie intelligence fromn the Grand Anrmy. is in:- ...

Published: Saturday 05 December 1812
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1935 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... ; SATURDAY'S LONDON GA ETTE. ' - BY EXYPREsSV,S0, DOWNIING-STIET'r, DECEM.BER 12. a J Dispatch, of whri h the followivng iM 6an Etrct- Cr. has be en this da ecitdt ?? ros 5 .Vrereiaved by'E (irl Bathu~rsfma. the Afarquiii of VeZlliageton, dated Foenadu, 25tA Not, 1812. f1 F: pHE greater part of tbe enemy' s force a' A which had crossed the 'Jormei have retired t _ across that river; and, it ...

Published: Monday 14 December 1812
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 497 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

Wednesday's Post

... ?? ?TrJ (0 Goittenbu rt Mfails hazve ar ri; ed, by wlzicil - t lvices h1ave 1ieen 'eceived from R~iga to the ?? and fron. St. Petersburgh t}l the 25)ti ult. a~nd froml Stockhoilm to th1c 1th . niid fromn CGtteul- lhtrgh to the i 7th inst. ?? thle i etc1ll2elice re- ; eived from thje No'rth continlues of the samxe gatil- fying COmp~rlexioni tha~t wve have for somnew timel hadli the lhappinless ...

Published: Saturday 26 December 1812
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 4039 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... WOUSE 01F LORDS. Thursday and F^riday, nothing material came bdlor, 111. C r Lords hips. HOUTSIE OF COWIMWN'S. IVE DNIsoA\Y.-In thle Coionlittoe of ways ?? me3ans,0 1t ( C,'ieC, 11)3 qn C:l F.3 h.q,,r ., i li ie r rneoal 0! ilo lr.1nery 333'es lIi) inl0, sugr. .3n3 tOIJ4(-, ; J (b( 1 10 ,3O,131101/. ?? Ua I.;i-ae by 930 1' l.0301.(q 3:1 11i i.-A- rr u to. S;i, PJ,.'cio 13ordltil osc 3 nd so d, ...

Published: Saturday 19 December 1812
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1033 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... THE MiO.'.N1SG ChRONICLE. -L ON-D X: WSDN1ESDAr, DE5CEMBER 1, 1312. Paris papers reachtd town last night to the 2Stb ah' It is again stated that BONAPARTE arrived Sm' lensk on the Sth,. and it is added, that notlhiag c portance had occurred in the army. There is, ?? no new Bulletin, a circuinstance which su!nCient1p' that. there was. nothing favourable to ?? . It is quite evident that if ...

Published: Wednesday 02 December 1812
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1394 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... T THE MfORXINGVG CRONICLE. LONDON:: : A vessel has arrived from Halifax-with-the-intell- gence, that. the number of voters ?? presidency of .. the American Republic-is kno*n, and-that it is ascer- tained a majority of one only appears in favour of Mr. MADzso\, in the competition with Mr. CLINTON. This c one vote is itself of doubtful validity, becauseit originates ti in one of the Members' of ...

Published: Saturday 19 December 1812
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1074 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... GOiTEN B1 UR G 1-! 31IA IL S 2-iE GENERAL 0r CAVAI.RY COUNT WiTTGENSTEIN MAKESTVIES FOLLOWING RLtrPORT TO li fi' 3 IMPEItIAL MsIAJESfY, DATED STriROY BERISOW, 17 (29) NOV. Yesterday I reported to youir Imperial Majesty, .lat $ sholdj ro. :d to the rivcr BI3risena, ncar Stu- .entzv, I-hich I the samc day accomplished. On coming up vith the encmy at tile above men- tioned passage they halted, ...

Published: Tuesday 29 December 1812
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1517 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... FROM THE TFENHC PAPERS. TWENTY-EIGHTH BULLETIN OF THE FRENCH ARMY. Smolensk, Nov. I1. 5 The imperial bead-quarters were, on the Ist No- vember at Viasma, and on the 9th at S.nolensk. The weather was very line up to the 6th, but on the 7th winter began. The ground is covered with snow. The roads have become very slippery, and very d'f. ficult for carriage-horses. We have lost many men) by cold ...

Published: Wednesday 16 December 1812
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 417 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... LONDON, T.USDA PAtEis papeis of the e6h inst. and a Gottenbdrll m'il of the i th, have.irought severalAdoduMMntSO upon 'which we shall offer some observations, subjoinirig, in che firjt place,. the followvitg belletin. formed; from' dispatchess receiv~ed by¼goveriamerf i fl-nm, Mdr. T'horiitgn,'at Stocktholm. i ~~~BUL*LETIN. $ . ...

Published: Tuesday 29 December 1812
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1051 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... .I E , R ;, aR ,, ,EI I ' MESSAG AJKERICJ. PRESIDENI& WE $S.4E, I; -~ - Ot :' g _i, .S~~ , - ;^ ~ ,W iI o . t S ;.~~~~~, -4 A 'bngtr Xy tvewZr_4.- Was lsgtson C~j1I owa tai Presidentlof the United States this day-corn- munikated to F. Coles,. his private secretary, the fdl.. lowing neiSsage to Cotigress: .. ,w s . Fells,,. cVjt4'Z s/J9th-e cenateit .akd- huse- of uvrnenfat~rn, i On nrpresebt ...

Published: Tuesday 22 December 1812
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1691 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News