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... Mdi K. Li ? -.:.-.s£epTiElt:S! .1811. .- - , ?? The French troops, under comnunld ?? as java, satrrendered to the BritdsS;.'. 'C7. The Corceyre Frsan asfrigatf`£ guls takeibl the: IB iti-7h.6hip Ligle,2 of 74,n~~e~~zi\ ?? ' - 9. 'T'he Porione- Fench fdgatpe o. 44g4uns-taken inthe Adrfatic, bythe Activeand A - t, Britishfrisgatesl DEC1E)UiZ. ?? A newi comet iiscovered-very apparent tajt ...

Published: Thursday 31 December 1812
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 2625 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... f : I ~ I . L N DON, ;A74'VRaDAY £'JMVA'G, DEC. 12,.1812. *i, A Lisbon Mail: .arxived thi's niorrinri. Lord tn; bief Wellington had reached his former head-quaricrs to ied, at ?? Mail brings very ?? ijtelli- rIl, ?? Gazette of this cveninht. il!, ThLcte is no arrival this day from Rutissia. M it- ' Yesterday an account was reccived in town -that yl'a Prussian vessel from 'Dieppe had lasnded ...

Published: Monday 14 December 1812
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1380 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... | I Forin Office, Dec. .. Dispatches, of which the following are copies, were yesterday received from General Viscount Cathcart K. T. his M[aJesty's Ambassador Extraordinary and e Plenipotentiary at the Court of Russia, St Petersburgh, N-ov i;, 181 2. MY LORD-I have the honour to acquaist your t Lordship, that Bonapatte has escaped from the go. vernment of Moscow, and has followed the road to ...

Published: Wednesday 16 December 1812
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 4611 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 

Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday's Posts

... lfrla. P. atr IO'3 io IvD ~dta~ and 1 Otnba V '0000 . LONDONSATURDAY, November 28; UVRENCH Papers were this day received to the 25th i inst. Jlite eontain ?? and Tiventv seventh iulletis .-Trhe N6th Bulletin is dated Borowsk, the 23d October, and the 27th from Vereya, both to the suotli of the grandi. road to Smolensko, but at a great distance from it. It appears to have been the design of ...

Published: Thursday 03 December 1812
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 461 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 

The LONDON GAZETTE, December 12, 1812

... ThE L6 OYDOAiTiGAZETTE, Decenm6er x2, i812. WVAR DEPARWPMENT. A Dlspatch, of whivhe the ±sdt~sow g is an Fxtrutt, has been. thris d.ry received b; Earl. Ilashirt, front qenerrd the plar- ?? of Wtellington, dated l'ren'ada, 2sth Ntiverube, t 8r2. hegrreater part of the enemiy's force which had crossed the Torn~ea have retired 3cross thatriver* alnd, it is-reported, have diree~ed the~ir marcih ...

Published: Monday 14 December 1812
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1577 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... J. XV. 10 ,I1E SECI{TlAi1. OF 1 1 LiIOt 1)L- PARlTl.NT.-rL ITE11 IX. - ?? WB.l:l I'ur, X\ tbrlcotc, *r, ?? l;t3r. In tlic e-ltt TLcttels which I hlave :bead) tuikeii the liberty LO ?? tv tIIIc, in tiliS~ p~loiic marincll', Ilat withouit thL llo Ee trila i!,iobu or sqme other prOtlitiC cihal:;rte of influeinC, miiht'be exciod to t pe up t1C SulTjenl. oF 1nuilcal rc iomr, I1 Niwi. 01 I hal dor ...

Published: Thursday 24 December 1812
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 678 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

Tuesday's Post

... -,tu ay 1osi. ' I l L1ONIJO3NC GAZErrTT1 ,SATURDAY Dec. 15. .Thtriigfireit t~t 1i, 181. A Dispatoclt of wlich. the tullo4viiig is an exttct, h ;lts 'e this tlay received b)y E.arl Batist, from General the Marquis of Wellington, dated Freuadi, £5th Nov. 1812: The ireater part of the enemy's force which had Frossed the 'lorines lhaveoreti'ed across tiat river; and, it ls reported jhae directed ...

Published: Thursday 17 December 1812
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2093 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... I will be seen by our Falmouth letter, that the armies of LOrd Wellington and General Hill have ce tainly joined. - - N o intelligence has arrived from the North of s europe since our.lasr. Letters receired fhom thie . liench coast, dared the 2lst, do not mention the i rrival of any intelligence eithier firomntshe'arnies in- Rostiaobr in Spain. Much disconten i 'ai LO PlC. -.11h LV~ii ?e ...

Published: Tuesday 01 December 1812
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1105 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... LONDONT, SATURDAY NOVEMBER S.2 I pARis papers to the 24th inst. lintaining th tgel bad 27th bulletins of the grlnd Lrmy, were . ins torning received in town. The French ar my twiixrd so retreat towurds the frontiers ot Poland, 5ta Iiaccoreding to private accolints, Bonaparte was ssr ateoed to reach Smolensko on the 8th. It is n I bn, liowever, thit their retreat, so fatr from being 0 oltesred ...

Published: Tuesday 01 December 1812
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1217 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

Twenty-Seventh Bulletin of the Grand Army

... 7i ~lo !fty-Selventfhl BulZllet/inl a 'the Grad4d ?? VeI i(eja, O1ci ber~ Onl the '21 st, Prince. Poniatowski marched upon TIho ?? the arniv at; about to folowx'this tuovemieiit, but inl the ?? we lea rait tha ft ilic Cineil hadlquiited hlis vinreioilied Camp, andwa en1 mlarch to tile ait~ (e town of Malinard siaxitx. It lwas iromld faceessa ryN Ito narcli affol hi it, anld oh-_ strmet h is ...

Published: Thursday 03 December 1812
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 1090 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... ?? I T o thae ED NTOR out he)A: V-W '9RFXYINC CS'i.' I -lI Slit, I have been mugh amused hvy the essays of the three celiaiipions of the ag-rieved parishes, which appeared in your last Thursday's Paper; their wit aml. argumewts fly thickL as the bullets of the (Camberwell sharp-shooters oni a field (lay: while their opponents, to carry on the simnile, stand like the pastebwtrd target, ...

Published: Thursday 03 December 1812
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 1047 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... TWVENTY-NINTH1 BULLETIN OF THE GRAND MoctncrTscIIno, Druc. 3. To the 6th November the weather was fine, and the move- ments of tte army executed with the greatest cuccess. Tihe cold wveather began on the 7th ; from that moment we every night lost several hundred horses, that died in consequence o f bivonacsking. Arrived at Snolenslko, we had already lost many cavalry and artillery horses. ?? ...

Published: Thursday 24 December 1812
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 4283 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News