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Cobbett's Weekly Political Register


... ' 'i LONDON GAZETTE EXTRAORDINAiW1 COLONtAL DEVALTMEENT. Downing Street, Nov. 27, 181U- Captain Fulton, Aid-de-cawp to Lieu- tenant-general Sir G. Prevost, arrived4ate last night, with a dispatchk from- twaoffi- cer! addressed to, Earl Bathurst, one, eshis Majesty's Principal Secretaries of: Scatq, qf which the following is a copy : - Hiead-gqarfers, Montreal, Ott. 21O 11d. MY: LoRar-k have ...

Published: Saturday 05 December 1812
Newspaper: Cobbett's Weekly Political Register
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 6145 | Page: Page 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 | Tags: News 


... SU MIaRy OI POLITt 7,S Rse-ts SP~t -. theS of Njveinher the new Paiament; which hhW befoemnet forde~puPosis of swearingi Memier choosingga Speaker, kc.-haf its proceedihs opened b~y ab Regent, .who d Iiretitit a Speech, upont 'hi Ip re- pLe to t* sen remirks.-Jt ras difl- cuiltt feseseevthat thiS Speech nbuld con tam; that hopes it woldtold Oult to' the nmfi ,a-fid - ci , we find the ...


... OtFFICJi.'?APRSo ;JW'd ReM~ ief Monsieir 4w JfdkZ don ' 'o hfis. 4r fo Asz the' i*.,e - lu'ns before :th .f h Wa dIi - n, commanded by M-General Lagraic. He -pricipaly -directed- hisst battery .whicah~-~ coii1Eed, o.rx the. 1eft' baik of th'E N~oti Wi~ 'whkhthus bee tl 'castr i~ /4b~ivion o~f Le- grand. .Three or i tiurani eideavour- I d to obtaini 'Pos0 b .o-it .i wt a a- wa u~sld wib tha lh ...


... icu~drYOF POLIgTIdS : .; skia BYOFe POLl~S e | '- A~ G NTO ttzE-ss~rs.-A' i 'ste Sweet ' meat'cote$ souLr .swte,:'i the-old ir-overb, ; ~ddso intohr case, ifleso ifulit rejoicingt nd g~in rinig: coinesla3.dedanid upon oiqr p~irses.. The recfhoig4--dc-rnes, and we iook jUSt ais foolish as~a set ofifel- lows a~t an 'ale-hoose,. wshenta thei tend of flfour or five iioulrs singing,~ ald ald~ooing ...


... ?PMMA?IY OF' POL?TICS? NojTes W. ASTvhe w eveits record- sd :t E Gztes,: pnblished 14 % be Ru Mniin ~overnmelt, aid republishe 1y durs,, ih ai if anrother part of thai shit hijbRit 64apoa in an entirelykw ;ight;: we there sleehim rlreaEtd,: hiim :who' n :,:zer beiire recoiled him whose verj liaise hasolig been synonym.ous Awith .sucev If c are 4o place implicit 'rll amer-fi>-rghtatfttes, we ...


... i -: LO6DON GAZETTE EXThAOkDiINARY, f;onaiauedfrom4e` 72C.J - whole army approached eurpositions on dte Torupes, and they .attacked the- troops. in Alba with 20 pieces. of cannon and a-eonsi- derable body of infantry. They. made-no impression on themn, however, and with- drew the cannon.and, the greaterpartf ofthe .troops on that night;. aid this attack.wms never renewed.-.4,enclose Lteut.-Gen ...


... ?AY Q? :Rtoriet t--die %? wtadt,'!Sif itaes uibti pl ntic& i? tt HoU5e H of~ sobs, itj~ Afri 'h ret esĀ§,-lid should bring fowway' an -iti& h f'tibi- tedain iof -ts dies Ieo -ti shoud 1*,e tb#id; tXtnt~eo .fes, in 8 se the Nne1egefsddk tie while histerentid ii his presen prdpasit'4-i8ia so ibhy EicuXiew~ees cencuir 'to ede f $roersI should ltd'cesa mnhing'it ptSjnt, had ituoo ben lbi u-ui ...


... GE!MANTROP. - ' Debate, in the House of Co'Mons, on ike- 10th of Dec. 1812, onl the otii'n o Lordi iscounU FPoIestone, relative fothe Germa* Yiroops. Lord. Fokestone rose to callthe attentien: oF the House, icosequence of lhis noie, to a subjeect of much iwportpnce, whishl-hc. shouldzhave, felt it :his duty to do 4n earlier day, i he b-ot ,bee applied to b: a Noble Lordciopposite L o phstpone ...


... LONDON GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARV. (Continuedfroot page 798.J inonstrations on both wings, but the centre was' chiefly engaged. --This norning they hegan'their retreat towards Senno. The troops who are in pursuit have as yet made about -six hundred -prisoners.-It is really a pleasure to see these troops fisbt. -T he newv-raisedA militia vie with the oldest regiments; One battalion of this Militia ...