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... AC(cIPE.N'rS, OFFENCES, 4c. L tract Or: letter from S~ivroa :- We have receivet intilligence Yft. i cradful ?? having Overtakeo Ite largest ?? `F the season, on its riute from Mecca to A leppo. ?? casravat couositled of 200r) snls-mercheints and fraivelleri frm rn the Red Sea and Persi'S4 60l1i11, p'igi mins returning fr nn 5 rt iv; and a r umero lis itrait of attedsilnots itte w hole ...


... PO LICF 1. MiURMI't OF1 MRt. RMll! NS. WIs cAI AMt Ilosec aliasi Joita \lWoo o, whtosy bratrul a fewe rys'Q Bnon. 0 as traced from Worcester. to the Canrle and Fairon, Oin \ider'~ne~stet'tand fron I there to a court in ll B nhpSgAtV- onl !t w t A dli- a and ''atnoton, the Bovi-strect lirhrug ye Lt e tolluiu ?? a coopt`4er's carrta, aunklewcut a long C.c ?? ie r ion on Situ.-Jay, at Siaflth-J, ...

-, . - V - tiz r 4 i

... OLD BAILEY. Mrs. Bowles, widow of the late General Bowles, who stood indlsted for bigamy, and 4,'laosa trial was put oft' 'until the ffe- sent Stz?.ion, -was yes'terdasy put to the bar. No evide nce waS adduced on the ocbasion, and tihe prisonr was 'acquitted. ItoSCIST Jborii ivai indidted for foiging and uttering abpill of exchange for 63]. purporting to' have been accepted by David 'l ...


... OLD BAILEY , I , . . I I : EDQ Pt5APBJrcXlTT and RfonaRT BRAmY weie indided fon forging the indorsement to a hank post bill for 501. and uttering tile same, knowing it to havqbeeof rged, with intef t tgdefraud 3fessrs. Ladhroke and Co.- TLis case w;15 one *hiclh 'as ibrought to 'ight by ?? confes. ;oins ef ltich .rdson and (V'Jok. whu . as in the casn of Kennet at the last Sesimr.s; were ...


... 'It - I ; O OLDA BIA&,Es:W, -! . . L,, AiDAYi OoToslte 29.. , r 0aas ?? MA5 aa'i.Wetfre^I sfoctd' frsdidke fd6,orgtng :II ?? ,hauge for ?? s.nm ofl301. us. pprpordqgt6,be 4rawn .by Wmni. Sweete, and ;dceptd by-D. Fergusian ?? messrs. ,Lubbockc and .Co- . : I | _ - . irs, J¢¢ tise&~s. $a tepo~ddthat haae~sided at Ptsltiferd.',. On rse iss of JTiuly last, the prisoner cam'c to hmr'j a 4 saked ...


... *GLOUC7BtEfl 4$S4E big wi .14 . . . J S lR. AO. X7Fi.Fy Lttejkek, ag$4~ twcjity-ight, was-in3. le o fw it i m4.rdt aod: h i rnts,, sisr, -im ?? SDtbngt kth d or P 4},pl thie ntormno of ur ry:,f the td of' Junei i gsi in tile i arsh to Cow ftbuey I a i bowrne, in tolis C1u.A . - . -J~eitig'49 ' the father of ~hetIceaed, as. the TE lhfifst wits ess-called.k.. Ele stoedp thatdb', 4uneter .ii1 [r ...


... LAV INTELLIGENCE. COURT OF KING'S BJENCIHI, PrE D. MANDAMUS. Mr. PNrtru moved a Writ of Mlandamus diredted to the Corn- rtiissionera and 'Comptrollers of his Afajesty's Cussoms, calling on them to shew cause why they did niot grant a certificate of registry to Messrs. Babbington and Mfacauley, on a vessel call- ed the Mlerci. 'Ihe present application was made under the awlthority of the .Adt ...


... tIIW INTELLIGENCE. KING's BENCH, JA. ci7.s - IGNOLD V. WAERM SEsos ?? Dt c5.0 wriL. Mr. P'ARK moved for a, rule to shew COLIse why the nqt500tt~ in this case Should notbeset asidearnd a new trialgranited. The casewas tried before Mir. Justice Bailey, at Guildhatll, onnone of. the days when that Learned Judge sit for l~ord Fllenb~o-. rough. Thu- Defendants are proprietors gf, acoach that runs ...


... ?? hdE, LiGEt;CED.' U uRT,1; CllikNC'iUY, J.ts ila Ttlig CO!OlATiow OTr COLIciiSult il. LOfWiUS; This case stood ;m the per firiudgiicet woday j ' but, -a fet, minutes bdfcre the usual fhour of meeting bf i the Court, a 'mess-ge %was received fifrom the Loiti C1-AtCULLOI1, stating, that lie had been, taken ill, and would not beable to attend. . - NIG S 11WNq11, JAN. 18. . kferre Lord ...


... LAW . IVTELLIGENCE. COURT OF tZHANCERY, JLtv t 7. 11AYBaIRtKET THik ATlRE. .MORiS V. COLMAN. The LORD CHANCELLOtr, at the sitting of the Court, gave his opiaaion upon the motipo of. Sir Samuel IUonnly, renewed ?? the preceding day, anal originally made on the first-day. of the present Se-:l. It Nvas an ipplication for an order tra allow Milrr. Morris, the Plaintiff, to hire perf~irmers, andl ...


... LA' fILTELLIGE.VCE. otcltI ot CrI cERfY, Aun. 21, XF8t3; C°n LUNATIC mPE'rlrrox- r Cffir, IN TIHE MiTTER OF E DOt)RtIE ?? CECHANiCELLOR said, he had read all the ?? i lthis case with attention. This was the 'f InJahella Maria Constantia Edridge ; and it , h ;i'iile etiioner and a Mrs. Kinz should be 'I the inte im committee to the lunatic, and L isnatic should reside with the petitioner, 1 , ...


... ,.P.?LVIfCi ISTPATJZ.S. ?? £D ZTO ,R of at lIO /iN IA NG Crj7AO2\ lCL E 'As; the Bili f )r increasing 'the a1a: ies of tric PolIrce JI gtstrates hais p!sega thl Iotise pf Comm11ons, it. is hopedl tmlat these Gentlemen, now ti they are, hetter paid, will be tmore eart y and regsulat i their wtzidance at their respe.tive offices. At present itds selroms that any busincis can be -talni`;ted witit ...