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... * 7, 1 ?? . . fA ~ 1% 7 . - , r . :a .C Z o-1 # ?? i a ,-e Oro LI k~d- .,LAI3Gow, Oct. 13.-4ahebi-d-ctt Court ofaustieiar~y-was ?? raay' o~ened, here by thie IRight Hou. tie Lord Jeitice _ (ulerle and Lord Stecoth. 'lite Court was hseld~in the elegant d pubblcbuildings which have just been comp~lted, ;and '-vbhlf, - we are ?? say, will bear coniparison with any of a 6isi ...


... SLIGO ASSE2rS. Whlen tihe Officet of the Court WiS alout to i' ?? tbe Book, Mr. FIrLAY addiessed JudgebOsborrie-M M LrD,1 C I hold a bi icf on beiialf of the Crowin to piosecute one I Lewis Clarke for murder ' - ; - ' 1 Judge Osbofinxp-(to tie OfJcer of thle Court)- q IWhat is the number, I see no such-name ? -e tl Officer of the Coui ?? LordIje is not in custody, il Mr; FtNr;AY-My: Lord, he ...


... -,!Suiss e ?? .. r, - - 7 . -Finite (5?- 7 t Mri 8armueJ utte'a charged in thei'i i-t, ~ ~ ~ 4~k boird the s1ip'dtn~ ?? a. elstin4 df iabois6~o le Os:tj tlax V ~p~ ~n1tp~d $'guilty, a-VI adeode bvthe liiiwlle s .re obeben mitd ~ .'secn siiate -of .he tiubte6, thoh, 00i he v~yigk*ki~ ,~acdvis to ?? Bsy, linider dhime cmiian4 of C~a evening7iln a very cold: iigbt ?? t1tfde menili land ...


... 7IWE Nat COURT-IMUSE. !nt herniafioto'this building, wrhichiis' towads ark-Ho, cnsiss o. aporicoor Colsiutlian clipntsmo, aria two xinge, Which bare p3111fll highly t w sught in Ball. Relief, cantaining thle. Fads, placesJ ' Wreaths, &o, LPThe principal ?? consists of a Vestibulo ?? 1i the potuico, which commarricatc.. ortasia right to tie Ralation-cffice, on the left to thbr WrtRi Al.ttis. he ...


... PO I CE., EOW-STRtET. Satu2rdayi week, Mr. R EAD resigte d hiis seat, in coi teqoence of ill health,, . ad a previous ?? will the Secresary of Slate. Monday morning, Mr. CONANT, the newly ;p- 4irnted Chief Magistrate of the Police, took hO- seat on sie Bench, in the room-of Mr. READ. IN AN'SIN15O V SE. )korhn Carfrke, a 'Mill.r at Uxbridge, was on Thmrrsday filed 4t)s. for sellin>g and ...


... 'sk6 iitZ SeeingGsT~I GA IDENS. a ~ L odAARO,?.; MiD66C~q, stid WiLti-Ab 6La- tdiNs, W40om, it will be rewl:1e&A, were crcmllmitted 'ty Mr. 13ernile from Union Hall, onl the 28th o'f bp' .t on suspicioni ifhaving Oli~ndered the jardeinsofs ?? si en- tlcmen Ilii the ?? of 'loti, Cliaiad nds- a ,vorl~ &e.of frit , ere -put to lh arae I rw h icos !s -oily $teall~ bg, se~erai cloths, som r.p n ...


... P 0 L= . . . P OL ICEt., Ge7enoieatL.-In consequence of vsri)nn1 picces of ci-nh .t whichcouldb1wswornto;from Ihving the store master's nirlk . opon them, having been picked up by the Oflicers, in thc avenu(!in which tlie search was mide aninng tbe worknmen emt- - ployed. by ir. Alahberley, on Fritlav afte rnisul, wiIh; El t ?? - sibility ot tracbig thie same home to any of h& wo i ?? i n par ...


... ExECUTIQO CF *(II fNALS. I _ The various aecident4 which so frequentI' arise in tbeY execuli io of crimi rini in thisr colintry, Is Well as IlIe ex- rll'eme nstferiiags of thie oienders even when notlhing ?? to lett0 iottn out their miseries, ?? one to limink that a bettell'ode of p unishipt mright bu intriodnuced, by ?? the law would be as ?? carried into exeruition, itie wrelched stufierers ...

Published: Sunday 03 October 1813
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1544 | Page: Page 15, 16 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... Oov.R bFkIkNG'S BfNCH i cOMMON BES I . - - , - ?? - ?? I &T VINCENT-JUti zl5. LOCHIREAD V. FRFNCH AND GRANT. to [Tbe subjoined cause has excited great Interest at St Viin- re cent, it being considered as not merely affecting an indi- b-dual, hut bearing upon a point of very great general n impurtance, viz. whether a Magistrate could in any case, tV by the order of a Governor, turn out of ...


... ACCibENSTS, OFFE.NCi'ES, 4e. -~ I oulttdh; as Ma. Paxtilev, of Yela-strel, 1S. Juors',s, wva ?? ?? Ebaliug, he diave Iale clakise agaiist a glr- A nlrr's a alti, on nplraisaicimg Buasm aler, by * ,hica al ie velit ie sils wlinied iaver aid ltsha ed in jisase4. Mr. Paxlaian, wha baa a daivinate, ad alno lhii faizad, eld ailiriwn to a uaorasideruable dis- tince. Tbe ?? ail ilin froata riw aif ...

GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS, Thursday, October 7, 1813

... GENE]RAL QV.IRTBR SESSIONS, Ihursday, Ocdober .7, 181S. Tule Sea~siong fo~r the West 1Iidiog,: 'nfter atn Intertitption of ;hree.yaars, wqre h'q4 ht tne Now ~Coyn.EHotiii, on Thirsday the 7th of October, ?? Ang.AP Taylor, E9- in the Cthair. Aflterth-Grand.lury had been 8w*cra the Chair- mat addressed them in nearly thefollowiog terin: ' f Get~raobSNROV.11 ?? differenceof ?? respiecting tbe ...


... --. ThrUtSDAY, ZIST OCT. 1313. This day the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the City and liberties of Westminster commenced at the (3uilahall, Westminster, before WM. MINWtseNG, Esq. and a lench of Magistrates. A number of cases, principsily of Assaults, were tried, of which the following were the most deserving of notice:- CAss.HyNDrE was indicled for assaulting Philip Kirkmanr The ...