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... HULL, Jan. 31, 1814. IP. NEww s . SHIDP NEWS. AxRI.VAL.-At Falinoeth, on Sloe 19A iJit. The Rachel and Ann, of this port, from- Bisenos Ayres to London, after being captured by the Prince dle Netsfchatel, American privateer, and re-captured by the Cydaus frigAte. Capt. Fox and his crew were taken out by o the encmli% The Laurel, Wilson, from Sunderland, with a cargo e of coals, arrived here on ...

Published: Tuesday 25 January 1814
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2870 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: Commerce 


... I ?? Minerva, from iHarlingen, with 8371 cheeses, for Hardie and Co. Dispatch, from Ieligoland, with 550 bags beans, 4 casks tallow, 13 bags barley, 16 bags pearl ditto, 2E bags wheat flour, 20 quarters oats, i0 on ts, Li bags hams, I bhde qcill7, 49 bales linen yarn, for Jameson, Gibson, and Co.-357 hanms, 46 casks butter, I box quills, for Adam Anderson-and 71 t casks butter, for the master. ...

Published: Thursday 20 January 1814
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1494 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... ;, A - PORT NEws. PlyMcOU.T1i JANtAr 11, 1814. :Me#nea44>,!. sZi. 19.' Arrived the Ulysses, of 44 gunts.. froti e ?? Kanigaroosloop of war, with six transports, for Passages. TkThursdai. Arrived the Bellona, of 74 guns, from the Chaniiel fteet.: Saituday. Arrivel the Hind revenue cutter, from a cruize, having earried -away ?? tile sloop Ciaria,. Cpt. Ifendershr,, from Waterford; and Eunice, ...

Published: Thursday 20 January 1814
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 603 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... still-, IVETTI's. PfirMOtiTIr, TAN. t Arrivel the American schooner An- toniLotte, fronm Phila(lelphia, for llou rl:eaux, wvith cotton, worl, &c. She wvas chased on shnre il 3asqtlle Ro'ads hv the lloyalist sl5OP of war, hut waI soon got nfF thonogh in a lt-ity state; the cargo miust lie iimmediately landed. Arrived tht Atosaillard sloop oof wvar frcq^. Portsmouth, and ith Royalist from a ...

Published: Tuesday 04 January 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1574 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... SIl iP NE WS. At a late hour on 1aMnday afternoon, two of the four IPd. mnouth i\Iails dos reached th, Pusr Office. Their contents are unimportant. On the cith insmant. several transports, na!ni.,iCS unknown, arrived front Portsniouth,' houlid to Plssasges Ma two gurn brigs, namnes unknown. On. the izth us arrivals- The ltxpress packet sailed wvittl the 'indward nlandi Mijls.- None o rtle M~l ...

Published: Wednesday 19 January 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 894 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... CUJROIOS S'I4TISTIC.IL A~CCON7TS. In Great Britain. the number of m en: capable of rising in arms en vnaise, from I5 to 6Qyears of age, is 2,144,847, or abolut 4 inevery II malps.. There are abo t 90,000 marriages yearly1 and of 63 marriages, olily are observe to -e without otfspring. in Great Jvritaln there die every year aout 33q,7'00; every toonth about 25,592 ?? every week 6,S98; every day ...

Published: Thursday 20 January 1814
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 1942 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... LONDON =AE TRDY,- 7 . LONDON GAZM7E., STURD.AY, JAYV. 5. . BANKRUIPTS. Lazasla tvurence aid Abraham Simon Solomons, of Fal. mouth, Curuwall, merchants, d. c. to sur. Jan. it, 2t and Fcb. a2, at 10-Att. Hiovard. Jeary sIteet, Aligale, lon. John iteeJ, of Uorth Sbiejds, N trltua~lterlnd, nnoil noar, shlip-owlner. d. c tm tsr. Jan. 15 18, nsnd I'b. td, al 1a-2.-dU. VSinter, 5, ...

Published: Saturday 08 January 1814
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 823 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... SA-TUIIDASY' LONDON GIZEETE. 'This .azelte criltainis bispatches from Lords Cat lrcrt tai Aberdeen, dated Fre httrg, Dec. 24 and 23, uf which the fol5 lowoing is the silbsitace - The Emjwrorsr head-ijnrarters mwved tirunt Fcrnhfrirt. vta Fltrevlrrg in Bricignn, where lie was received by the Ernavror. of .Airtria.-Prirtce Srchwlrtizenherg's hend quiarters vere, nfi ?? 219t, at Lorach, and were ...

Published: Sunday 09 January 1814
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 592 | Page: Page 7, 8 | Tags: Commerce 


... C'ORN KXC'II.A GE, le. 27. . WC hd ai good suply of ~Essex and Keitish Wbeat. this nornin;, but as there vwas a brisk demand at tile eoaiuie~iceuenit of the narlibt, van advance ot' 2s. par ( qminater wazs readxily obtainiedl, but thie trade lvas du1ill to- w-ards nooil.-firiey wvas lil'isk demand this morning, aud 'about 3s. pir quarter ?? has rlolue- quentih risei from'2s. to 3s. per q ...

Published: Saturday 01 January 1814
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 694 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... A tAKw ftRALD. ;e - ' os:: .i -$Asy'C ,ltndat J3n.4 9 I, i Thie sererity of thte frosif pcies onra 'arket precise y mh e sae strt asXiisndav 'ast Flour is 5s. per sack dearer. d RIt A., p-iP E (R F CWN On board Slop, as mier Wheat : - _Y5'' 58 : o6s*oul y Fine _ ws 6954s SiFolks - -5os 6ati d is' .Fjn~.wliite ,56a 66~it I.D3itto r.6w 4s42 d is Rye' : 36s 42.atEiE Tichs, 44s ...

Published: Thursday 27 January 1814
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 989 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHIP NE WS. His Majesty's Ship W~olfe, at Kingston, Nov. I, 1Sc3. SIR,-1 cannot allow you and the seanmen under your com- mand to depart, without expressing my full an I entire approba- tion of their good condudl, and request that you will communi- cate the same to them, as also to the Transport Board. I beg you likewise to accept my sincerdthanlks for your cheer- ful compliance, on all ...

Published: Monday 03 January 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 611 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SI[P 2VWEV'kjl V r, J~i r;. 27.- irdz S.V.-Arrivs'e the Sceptre tran'port .vith a detacit:1:1tit of thit 30Vt5 and 8sc ltegimenri.sfrtnm Guern,- cy tior HI nflind ; and a fleet oi coasters ;nd colliers unider (cnn- . oy tronm Portsmouth. whlich are sailed for th lii Li r, &c. 'Ih[l .'yesstI' mentioned yeslerday standipn in frbrn the E rerch const :or the [towns, was a cttimr beiornting to ...

Published: Saturday 29 January 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 768 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce