... COURT OF COJfLlO.V P E iS. EN T L1 ?? CRtFFI-. This was irn action brought hv the plaintiff, who is a dress-metiler ino Baid-street, to recover 10iU. fbr fashion- able dresses, supplied from time to tinie to the defen- dant's wife. The delive ry of tht articles in the plain- tiff's bill of particulars was prored, and the only qrues- tion svas, wslether tbc plaintiff had given credit to the ...


... P OL I eE. . AnRLDsoROUt-11sTrAtT.-THos. GAKEL!r, a yoesthsevren- e teen vears of :ge, servant to Air. Oxenh im, mnangle ntanufac^ turer; in ()xford-street, was 7esterday charged with robsbing his master's house, of plate and owher art xles. 'I'he lrosecutor knew he had been robbed very frequently', but never ceuld trace the thief. He had oft-,, missend money cat of the till, F and ...


... PO L ICE. QurtN-seqtuixasn-Tioa. A eLLF 'e od snotl:r outz raniwere bnright up yevtersay by Gardintr the olfiier, Lih;Ils'.d onl sntspi. cion of having etniln a pocket lassillstrehief .'uu in their i-eses- sion. Tbey were known to he regular picpltoclcris, and ro h ep company widl periqons oF tihs saste profesion ; and ats the above officer was passing near the lhivetlls, Chelsei, whvire sa ...


... LAst ITTELLUGENCE. - . . . . COI!IT OF C.UA?NCERY, FeBs. 4 ' The VICE-CHIANtLLOlii Salt, to-d.av, but nothing of any COOS0q9LCOC Carne before h-inm, and his Honour rose at ani early hour. COURI' Ol KiN*i'S BFNNC(I. Yesterday thle spqcihd argumnent in the case of ica vi the Eani; of Englard, orcunied the attention of the CoLw t duringr nearly tlhe whcle morninz. rhe question i1 ited to the ...


... f;,4tV IATrELLIIWENCE0 CoURT QF H0 C~Y 22t . . Sir S3A-MULtt ROhMILLY Movved, bho the iart anitle Defesiidant in thif' case, that the period of foreclotldre of tile mortgige.. In U questoio should Ihe enlarged f`4 tiix nonths. 1's Ore year t3o7 PI th e Dcfoendan-t had nmortga,-r'd to 1 flcJalintitr his tife intereit in tb '~ertairl estates; frr a saetn it is ocite jilailnv also haoidx netr: to ...


... R(OLLS COUiRIr, FEB. 1I. CAWTHlORN V. CAWTCIVT;to.- This was a Bill filed by Mary Day, otherwise Caw- thoro, the wife of the Defendants through her next of kin, against the Defendant, her husband, for compelling him to make upon the Plaintiff a settlement of her for- tune. It appeared that the parties were married in the year r8ir, and that the Defezdant, previous to the marriage, had entered ...


... 111IDDLISSEXA S':SSIoY. Lucy DicA 'vas il indidteil for ss cutianee, in letlinC oult tWo -hoioe~s isclssogin~ 'to her, iiIlts-d Nis 3 ss9 i ari~n street, 'for t~ie lwirpossse of prssstav ics. lMir. Anaocriucs stitad i,' case 0it -the pnstt OF the 'eoi, from which it a~pt'ored thor si~au no litidsnsttt. pr-et r't~a by thepas'ikh of ihar1lu-hcse, agitiiin tie 1),ticeslial %r yhto, with hter ...


... DA MPtrf btittLr O Clr AxN('V 1, isT, 7. tALi[.NI V Oii \LtSl. Sir SANiUttL koM rIL.Y Said lie understood his tord- ship hsd apttioved of the pli oposal, thlat thle * lder infant, .lo, had b4 e ie ohiefa of rhle apIilicatioil tor a. f-be as (Crpus il this ca e, beinx a yornia ladly of about sixteen vear. tX a!e, should, in the mealn timie, teside in the finlily of Mr Noble, of Foley-plcnce. ...


... F 0 t IT C E. WILI. AM iCor-Fcei t;l ,WasU re -o ti6vsedy i Char ies of svvindlillgr and, robbery pt-ferii-.l sdo-bw 1 which occanlsio atil oflice full of ni-v' t, p i's s ap-reaniS lialy nwchre ttewi& ' ]:irwho ritt-ivird a ',ill frorn Noitt -whilst lie ho-iat No. ig, Jilin-iiireet, 1'enininv lii-, lt.-A ni-ve-r Circ het(- cii e it rs dicler lepisoer, and thim clothes Wi-,re obrainicd o a ...


... L.--IWT INh' LLG E CouTjlI or C f Y e Cu&C,`. ,c:C o L,ill mapte I h V tigl;,l a I ie AN.. at arIJ.9,yM. '- rio. of thcfit~e 'rinteHyv'tas the6 Aso'Ign-e~ of ilr Clap, o f ti es-t llctr.a i~st MT; Unirris Finl Pir Wrvbes, the vrpitr ,ln iet oaCovent gardert, for resnriIkdiag them Iri-nm perfolinrtur oc ~caus-ing to bec1 per tdrnsednypleys~enetas~ or tar-es~ t 1,wp, opett) f',fcbr blopitgmiii - ...


... COUIRT OF CHANCEUY, AucvUi, 9. TX-PARrE IIAROCAST LC, IN rTHe svrTEai or niy'wOOn. Sir SAnUEL IRUSMILLY statel this to be an applicttion on the p:s rt otf a creditosr of the bankrupt, praying that the bat ik- rupt's certificate might be disallowed, or that it migigt be sent back to the cotmiaistioner, to re-certify. The petitioner, in the year sSog, lo-lged with IIvywood and Bartote a quantity ...