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... SIPIII NEWS. YAnrMOUTHn DEc. 30-Y'Stet: ay evening arrived a Dateh schuyt. from Holland, arid landed a Foreigan Mssenger with dispatches, with which he pro-eeded to To xn immediarelyou his Jandn. 'I his morning ariivel the l'reya, arrmed en flute, with 470 Dutch prisoners of war, which are trs hc landed here, and will occupy the- Barracks (the 11ayir ieing quartertd in the town) and after ...

Published: Saturday 01 January 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 469 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHIP NE WS. His Majesty's Ship W~olfe, at Kingston, Nov. I, 1Sc3. SIR,-1 cannot allow you and the seanmen under your com- mand to depart, without expressing my full an I entire approba- tion of their good condudl, and request that you will communi- cate the same to them, as also to the Transport Board. I beg you likewise to accept my sincerdthanlks for your cheer- ful compliance, on all ...

Published: Monday 03 January 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 611 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... XNt.1rIt;cY .AI iCuidi I. iiad, V,. I '1; x.I l . , , hb, *;; , ,.t , me- c t, frotb Dec. 1 al ,sA NKlJII ' c. ' L. Lawrence anl A. S Scomnwins hf Fal.'.ontitk, nierchilts, .;. T , 2, a;nd Feb. 1z, at ten, aL G nilIhall. At ton. ; r. iIowisiil,1 ,!awry-strwt, Aidlgate.' .1. 11ceod of. North Shjeld'i, niaster-mariner, Jan. I5, 18, and Feb. sz, at twelvelat (uildlhall. Attorney, Mair. iL ...

Published: Monday 03 January 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 967 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... still-, IVETTI's. PfirMOtiTIr, TAN. t Arrivel the American schooner An- toniLotte, fronm Phila(lelphia, for llou rl:eaux, wvith cotton, worl, &c. She wvas chased on shnre il 3asqtlle Ro'ads hv the lloyalist sl5OP of war, hut waI soon got nfF thonogh in a lt-ity state; the cargo miust lie iimmediately landed. Arrived tht Atosaillard sloop oof wvar frcq^. Portsmouth, and ith Royalist from a ...

Published: Tuesday 04 January 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 1574 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHlPl-' NVElS. PLvS.iOU'rti, .Tu~. .-Sailedl vesterday the Orestes sloop of r We'a. with :I fl-ct unlur her convoy Ito the Dowvns and N)rth (Irav le1t ier of natlque to thL West I sil.. Arrived this mort- illg the NVairsidte, o u;t' gul!s, frotl B39asqile so I. Sle i (ubt a iii with lI-r [tor French chasise msiree',- laden jtl *winte anld brandv. cs cmire~l by rhe stliadron in Iinseacq e li ...

Published: Thursday 06 January 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 1467 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... SI-lIP A'LWI F'S ('oins, DFec. 3.-I'he convoy, wbich have passed thim har- hour on l'uesday, was the Iromeward-holund West-India fleet, under convov of his Majesty's ships ila'rlhorough, Espiegle, and I'eruvinm. They sailed from St. 'Ihomnas's the I2th of Novenm- her. The l'eruviain saw thoeships tip St. George's Ch:nnel to )ulhin, B3el st, anld the Clyde. ThV V1'enu.s took chalrge of the ves5 ...

Published: Friday 07 January 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 1310 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... ffc-? i?&. el *ikt Ja, %A 4-This evening rhr ltbiTi' ahap no 1it ' ,neh Ir;lteth \lih brandya' d aid ;lr, tA:;ik oi tllr le tvb St rlalao arrived srveral transooris fritn ,st , Ia t f under convoy oif his Majesty's hitl' FSdVslli anld iealark; also arrivedl the Janieis 'id IttmIzheti, With Tartago5ia, g4 days, and is puit under quaranti le.. y s brig l'eritiuian, l8 guis, fronm St. hoinas's ...

Published: Saturday 08 January 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 924 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... SA-TUIIDASY' LONDON GIZEETE. 'This .azelte criltainis bispatches from Lords Cat lrcrt tai Aberdeen, dated Fre httrg, Dec. 24 and 23, uf which the fol5 lowoing is the silbsitace - The Emjwrorsr head-ijnrarters mwved tirunt Fcrnhfrirt. vta Fltrevlrrg in Bricignn, where lie was received by the Ernavror. of .Airtria.-Prirtce Srchwlrtizenherg's hend quiarters vere, nfi ?? 219t, at Lorach, and were ...

Published: Sunday 09 January 1814
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 592 | Page: Page 7, 8 | Tags: Commerce 


... * BA ANI 4UP PTC SUPERSEJ)EDI). ~~~~~~ .. . s . . .__I . - 1 .. __- .._ > NIV. (Cleavur, S. Cleaver, E. Claaver, and C. Cleaver, of Bat- DAN'T(l1UP IS. '1., of B3 vvtrv Y orlkmifre, grocer, Jan. zt; iT, -and 1u) tb 1 at twehive at thle in Do1)er Inn, Doncaster. Attur- Aleirsm Syk-es and Knowles, Newt-hiiit. IC biRllrONV5 (IlV. WIinno of i.3ilien WIliarf, Upper hamein We't, int ...

Published: Monday 10 January 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 1493 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... I NbIV15. FAL 'IOUT H, .TTAN.7.-Arrived the Wasingham acitetwithl a mail fuin (uili Galt ir auld Malta; Duke of Kent from Cadiz and couiuny;i; Apo'l; 1Fdwards, froin St. AnL ro, i eight days; 'Neptu tenaer from fluilii; aisosastore ship (name unknown) vwitfi vvieral transports frotn:ishon. The Dulke -of Mlarlo- roug1 paket, with a mail far lls'op, and Duke of Kent, with a mall folr I'wsssge, ...

Published: Tuesday 11 January 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 1069 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... . .ANfiJ~t7CY ENAkGlfRt. , ., . . . .i A _, I . Do - L vp n' . , lxt\,arvtvx- 1,:t, I I . 1,,,- .1.,_,, ;ac i l 5. t. iodanis oF laWesv, grocer, troniJan. it tb March 1, a eleven, at Guildhall. ; AAwichl , .inlo Jan . 0, ii; J. (looic And D. Shlppcurd, of 1p d ich n iialtstets,.Ja*. to, s; t and Feb. czat eleve,. at the Bear and Crown, Ipwich. Ator- 'ney, 1lir. S.'b'ylor ,Tohn.street, ledford ...

Published: Wednesday 12 January 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 1508 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... - IipzV~ ~ s flaawsicss,%r4te, ro.-.Arrived his tiajesty's shil Bruiser,' Lnelutvorice, with Walsh the Messealie, an a Naval Liem- ;enantboth with dispatches. Also arfived the followilg trans -Port 'sfrom Hollland, l1lieve, Tyne, kiigston, Fame, Albeory Hannal, 'Willian,, Elizabeth, a d the Fides. )FAL, JAN. to.--Came down from the River the Queber packet for Corunnia, and the Amelia, Wilson ...

Published: Wednesday 12 January 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 823 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce