Advertisements & Notices

... PrJ,7DA Ys Jie the ioth, 1814, a (b p trtieular desire, for the 2nd bit P:I ?? nedy, as perhirmeld this sea. 'oaeltitai~re. ro~ayal, Covent Garden, with cer n, 5pro bation1 called Ki ?? CREDITO. xi, b ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0,MVAS GRFEN, i i o h ' ~ac le, on the premises, in BIs ,. (hi'id5V Xi~y~afL EURNITURE bear tyof a person dia- pai prttYChairs, 'Tables, Me Curta 'Fe ather Beds, .Has Kritcben Utensils; Maw ' ?? fe Sh ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CIRCUS-STREET SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY SERMON. HE Anniversary Sermon, in behalfofthe Circus- Tstreet Free School, will be preached at Byrom- street Chapel, on Sunday uvenilg next at half-past Six o'clock, b ...


... Hl« Royal Highnna the Hereditary Prince of Sweden iuued the following proclamation on tht Jih inat. Waaaioas or Noiwat—The war which you commenced against Sweden had neither norlegilimate cause. You shed your blood in a cauae which i> unworthy of you, and which exposes a brave and loyal people to all tlie horrors of a war, not only against a foreign power, but against your fellow-citixens— ...

Biubfchod io m 7. Printed and Published by ROBERT PECK, at his Office, No. 30, Scale-Lane, HULL

... Biubfchod Printed and Published by ROBERT PECK, at his Office, No. 30, Scale-Lane, HULL. A YOUNG MAN MISSING. WHEREAS, YOUNG MAN left his Employ, merit on the of September last, Hunslet-Lane, near Leeds, without any apparent cause; gibe Notice, .'hat should this Advertisement meet his eye, - John Robson, of Wakefield, will be obliged ;■ will write him, it will remove the anxiety c. his Friends ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? at Old Midasnimner, A Shephierd. Eu- Y iire it the Broxted Farnm, Sutton. TAAN'Il F) imniediately, a- steady netive Youth, as VT a n Apprentice to a. Sadler, Collar and Harness maker. Apply to ani.el Sharman, Harleston, Norfolk. \ .i ANTEb, A Steady Active Youth, us all Appren- W tice to a Grocery, Drapery and General line. Apply to 11. Yerridge, Brasfonrd, iflby loiter. post piid. T'o ...

Advertisements & Notices

... archl 1814. SUN-FIRE OFFICE, BANX BUJILDMI08S And CRAIG's COU , aringCross.indon, For lusurilng Houses and other lildings, Goods, .Metchan. dize, Ships inl Harbour, in: iit or uiditiM, and Craft, front Loss ald Daagnte bi Fire. Wt B whtnose Names a're tiltlerAritten, beinn Acents for the VV SUII.Firc Oflic', b are alltlhority irom the Managers, to Iunlhr tie Public, and all persons inisured in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COURTS.4 _.H ZGeetefal Courts Baron of CHARLES D'(N'LTNY Esq. fir his Malo of Overbilry Ha11, and ll et,`r jey, Hall wil be )tld oil Tuesdav tile 6tlh dlay of tl 4*1141 July, at the places and tiimes following *for s *tt'ry, HtHll,'at tbq Cleyrree mU, Lay ham, at - -leven o'clock. !tbea~rbulyvHcallt uthe Qten's Head Ian, Layham, OfwIlichl all petSQIis coiscerset are desired to take notice. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TzURNfPKI fro W~sS' ?? R DG1E to EY-E. JgOrlCR iS heraebsy ?? the 'fwit Meetitzg of' ; Tieru~stees will be kr/lt by~ (ldjcig7afllcut, orn 2lbesda~ytJe 13t1k day of ,Septeuier inst . at F~levrcn o'cloclc befe oaoon; al thk$ ,hetny Trle iau9jn, 4l Deentalu. J~ye, \ ? By Order, Sept. i, 1814. A TIO. 1 VAY1T41'IT, ('lerk. N AYLANDl FAIlt. XT OTICEism hesehy'giveu, that the above Fair, he~re- 1 j ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lIt. CO MCIIER respectfully ncqrainits the le' .1L inhabitants of Abingdon, and its, vicinity, pf er his intention to practise as SURGEON, &c, in the e- ncighbourhood, and he trusts, by strict attention to in every part of tile Profession, to merit their faVours, n- rAIigdor, Febrdary, 10th, 1814. le- e- XTOUI'CE is hereby given, That the Pmrtnership A11 heretofore carried on by us the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N,'-rf COLLEGCE .LvA , Ox RD9. M IIS. HERBERT begs leave to infsormW the Ladies of Oxforl, arid.its crsriroris, that she is iust returned from Loindon, and wiii l subinit for their inspection, this day, a selection osf tlesuwrost genteel and ?? articles in MILLINE ?RY, DRESSES, FLATrHEIIS, FLONVEIS,.&c. chosea ?? tihe frst 110uses at tie WV ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IIARCUL'RT ARM0S INN, NINE.HAM COUR'T'NEY, Oxe,~. WEB WlI B313 respectfiuly inforins bis filieinids and A 'a tite Vublic t hat le IIns fitted IIP t11e said lna wit ever Vecent and comtnfortalb Ic ammlt tIOdatiOI fo)r their receitiotn and has 1;id in a Stock of tiet test WVitlHC aln Liqe or,; and further infornm tsbheat, that tile StAictest attention will be pail to their ?? u- dtitoll, aid t ...