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... SPOil 'NYC JNssi I' I . J D of Grafton'6 WoefuI, ' s Ilr. ¢ire~vanioon' Lutzen, 4 yrs. Ma~rlt'cs Pointers, 4 yrs. old, Usw MirLalhrOhe'S O.avlus, 4 Y,.S. olrl, . M. - :fF i~wl~~ino' :L'jpny 'uorvey' agcd, 8St . Gei GL, sversnr'VeJtfice, 4 yrs. old, Est 51bt. Sir J. Shellky's ()ttrrington, 4 yr. old. 8s. 31b. Alr. F'Aatso, s Pericles, 4 yrs. old, S't 21b. M14 1 lnes 'uniic; 3 Yrs. old, 7st. : ...


... SPORTINvG INTELLIGENCE. OATLANIDS STAKES, J.AN. 3. FIRST CLASS, 4 to I agst. OdLavius. .5 to i agst. Deliance, pp. SP`cQND CLASS. 3 to I agst. Aquariuw. 5 to iagst, any other. T. I IoR D CLASS. 4 to ITan~t. (GrinalItin. 4 to I .Ig-t. ELIryaluS. 6 to I agst, lMakc Adhel. l9.111Y STAKIE.q 8 to ! agst. IA. Stawell's c. by Waxy. 1 to i agst. any other, OAK31S STAT;ES. to I agst. I£ by Dick ...


... ACCEPTANC2ES FOlt TIHE NEWMAR{KET FREE HAND)ICAPI'S 1514. FIUST SPIING MEELTING. MONDAev'.-sOOg. h. ft. r. Y. C. M\r. (.raven's P'entagonz, 8'st. zalb. Mr. Iayne's YaHil, 8st. SIb. GeCii. (Gower's L.odona, Sr. 81h. 13\r. \VynidIham'. lbrother it Miouse, Sst. 61b. m1r. Forltli's MkLs IVIzijothong, Sst. 31b. Ld. llollb's eizzl, 3bt. 2lwr AIlTr. Pa.yll] ' ...


... LiETTITR ON THE DER RY, OAKS, &c. Mar; X4. 7 to r -.gst. EdT. .SsvwCl') eC I)Y NVWaxy. 9to r agst. D). of Gr iftnii's i' rtiian. by Walnton.- 1, tG ri it. Mir. M-1IWt'. t iliu try DirJ: Andrews, 14 to r. l .TA. Foey'fL :i :!,, by Eorcetrr. Taken-ri to r 57-t. Mr. Bnsitiir ll' t by fass tige. 17 to I igst. any othwr. Oa^is. Taken-6 to r agqt. Mr. flcHwitt's f. by Dick Ao'~rewa. 9 to Ir gst. 1. ...


... BO XING. Our Correspondent inf'nrms ItIS that the amateurs of the fist marde a strong. rustvr yesterday at lJoulsey, where miny millers have covered themselves with glory. Coombe Woo l t w2S first thought of for the aceldema, but thejudges holding fthe assize at [Kingston, niost of the company thought it best to steer clear (it them as long is possille, anIld Alouhey wVas aubs ituied. Dulk'aI ...


... I SrIN1G TNELLIOLNE.Z NrEWM1A EIti E A Vl.N (E'i J'ING, 1814. . * 'Uf~tO'VA~ APRIL. 12. . Aiwepct`lres of Idffis. h. Er. 84t. 711b. each. It- hL nt'r. flund m b c. I lberator, hy uhnny . I d Rltib'i Pyrthaiorts Iy Quiz', Qgit of'Cdrb&a . 'Ir. Vansttt it hrotbvr to Imrleigh. . 3 .1- ' (.6 to 4 on IOrother to Burleigh. Xir C. Ifufibry , Snmlensko, 1ieat Mr, Btat'S '111r, 0ust. 71Ii. C .A. 1?. ...


... SPuRTING INTELLIGENCE. NwE3V.MAItiKET FIRST SPIRING \m ETING, 1*4 su WEDNESDAY, APiR1L 27. Sweepstakes of iogs. each, for 2-yr. old colts, Rst. 31h. fillies, P 8st. It. M.--The winner to be sold for loogs if demanded, &C. as .-Mr. Watson's f. by Waxy . . . . . I LtL 41rosvenor's c. Earthquake, by Meteor . . . 2 'Ihe Jludge placed but 2.-7 to . agst. Gen. Gower. t Tlie Cockboat Stahies of loogs ...


... SPURTING IN'ELLLIGENVCE. NEWAIVARKET rIt-S'T SPRING MEETING, 184. | FRIDAY, APRIL 29. Sweepstakes of lOgS, each. '1. Y. C.-''Ixe wiinner, *vith his en- gagemenlts, to besuldfor oogs. if demanded, &c. f Mr. Neville's Itiicule . C Mr. Payne's f. by Orville, dam by Buzzard . , a zand 3 to C oln Ridicule. Sweepstakes of ocogs. each, h. ft. T.Y. C. LId. C. M-I. Sonmerset's Amanda, by Selim . . . t ...


... 1- tile Frst general meeting of tbe animteurs of thel fist it took place yesterday at Coombe WVarren. The coniba. n tants on this occasion for a purse bf 50 guineas, were o Richmond the Black, and Davis, a navigator. A )- square of 25 feet was fornicd with three rounds of rope, is the stakes of whichl were tastefully painted with the let- ters P. C. At half-past 12 the caterer for milling d ...


... SPORTING INTELLIcENCE. NEWMiRl KIEiT Sl CO(ND SPRIN(, TAftr.'TING, 1r814 *lIONDAY. AJMA Q- Ai\:r. Ke1er'n',Mn X;. hIiol, bolt ir. 'Farrall's~linqtlo, 7st. 7111. 0-,1e, B. C. 20rs. h. f;.-6 to 40o Alcohol. 1) Qf crift'ios c. IPartisaut, by Walttun, beat l.d. Foley's M-i- gic..uli, h.8oircerer, St. 8 71b. cach. 2t. Al. a0ogs. h. R.-4 and 3 r 010 Pal tfan. Atir. IPi,' f.ntily, Sit. 71h. heat Mr ...

[ill] [ill]

... SPt TrIA'Cir J.L'A,-;LiGLIVCE. NEWMAIRKET' SECOND SPRItNG AIMETIN'G. I (5URSDAY, I!TAY 12. r. Per-ro's Dol iD ao bec;t Major Wilson's Spotless, 8gt. g!',1. each, AL, Sog-7 to 4 (in Spetless H1fandicap Sweep.takes oo0S eal, and up3wvards. A.F Mr. Ieller-ia. n'f Alcohol, *st. iolb. . o i Ld Grosvenor's Phosphor, d t. 11b. . . 0 2 6 to 5 1n0 Piankl-s-3 ton agt. Fun-4 to i agst.'Allohol. ...


... .73ON G 'I'll S111PIP'ER (T RANGE. .11lte hattle between Oliver, the gardner, and Paldter, had excited miore initerest thaln any .hich has occurred for sonic year , and thousanda were pending oh the event. Botbil Iad shewn themnselves brave emqen; and neitber was ever beaten. Their condition too, in the ring, after betweeri two tnd three months close train- io wVas remarkable fine. Tbhe Rake ...