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Leeds Mercury

LONDON GAZETTE, Tuesday, June 21

... LONDON GAZETTE, Tatesday, June 21. he BANKRUPTS. ly Samuel George Goldsmith, of Ipswich, in the county of Su folk, vicalul ler, d. C. to sur. July I . 12, and Aug. 9, at I Y at the Coach and Horses inn, lpawich.-Asts. Brmeas Noscuit, lpswmi. e Williamn Foler, of l.emirigton, in the county of Warticl D, brewer. d. c. to sur. JLIlv 4, s, and Aug. 9, at is, at Copps nd l.yal Hotel, Lesiengio's. ...

Published: Saturday 25 June 1814
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 569 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... (by 9PREES)-LONDON, .Da c. 22. fOST 1MPORTANT N.ETVS FROM. AMERICA. This m oruing]ve ereceived-by way of Qu ebec, American paplrsl t the beginning of last mo nth, ?? Qebec papers of the 17th u lt. The for. moer are of the utmost impdrtance. They con. tain the Americnn Secretary at Wars letter to Congress, witli ex planiatory remarks, urging the neessity 6if rilgsig into the field, at the ...

Published: Saturday 24 December 1814
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1065 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 

Leeds Corn-Market, Tuesday, Aug. 30

... Leaeds Cora-Marliet, Tuesday, Aug. 30. Ift.. -- - f -.A. 0 4 eA# ?? A Wheat . . per Load ?? 26s 6d. to 35s. 0e Beans. (new). ?? Od. to 21s. 6.1 Barley ?? ditto ?? (new 32S. (1d. to 56s. tid Oats.per QOterter (B bushels ?? 28s. 0d. to 34;. 01 ?? ?? . Od. to 29a. 0. Price of Trllowv 9s. 61. stone. Skipton Coru-MaIket, Sattir-dify, Ang. 27. White Wheat, Do . ?? 46s. 03. to Ss. ()1 Red Do. ...

Published: Saturday 03 September 1814
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 753 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... (gt ExPRi13SS.) -L6NDON, DEC. 8. Tbe' enuriers between Glbent and London are constantly on the road;. One arrived here on Monday at eight o'clock in the monning, and another on Tuesday, to whose dispatches an an- swer was segt tbe same night,and a third reahll. ed town on Wednesday evening. 'TIhe sittings of the Cabinet are more frequeot than ever, auni the utmost anxiety is naturally excited ...

Published: Saturday 10 December 1814
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 693 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 

Leeds Corn-Market, Tuesday, March 8

... Leedi Cor-1Alaret, .Tuetda/, Mardi 8. WI~heat . ?? pr ~r Load . , . ?? , ?? ?? OJ. to 35,. eI Beas . r~an) . . ditto . . (3d. to 23s. (Vd Bsricy. ,, 5 s. 04 Oats . .per Quc rtvs (8 bushels)..~sa. (d. to 34a. 0 1 Shelling . .. ditto. ^ ?? 41). ~d. to 41s Od Price of Tallow, ISa. 0Q1. per stone. Yesterday's Va'efield Corls-17arbei. We had a good suppig of market this Iday, and a ...

Published: Saturday 12 March 1814
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 516 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 

Leeds Corn-Market, Tuesday, Oct. 18

... Leeds iCerx4Iarhet, Tuesday, Oct. 18. Wheat ?? Load ?? 26s Od. to 32s 0 t Bean. a tw r ..ditto , 20s. Od. to 22i: 0d Oats . pet Quarter (8 bushel). 25s. ld. to 35i. Oji Barley .. ditto . (new) .. 48s. Od. to 47.. Od Ditto ?? . .. (old) .. 30. to 3Sn. Sherilig ?? ditto ?? 28s. 01. to 42. 04 Ptke of Tallow, I Do. 24. per 1tone. Yesterday's XK-akefield C Con-Xarket.. We ald.a grond supply of ...

Published: Saturday 22 October 1814
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 670 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... LONDON GAZETT&E SA7'URDA),J4N. i50 BANKIPUPTS. Edntird Ambrose, of ing-strecet, l.On. Wareholseman, d. c. to sar. Jan I8, 25. and Feb. 26,at io.--Atts. Sweet and Stokes Rasi.ghall street. Thnmas Hio dswcrrzh, Aution-Mart Coffee-Hloure. Lon..vic- tkalar, w~np Tperchlant, d c. ?? su?. Jan. eb, Feb. 2. and 96, at t.-Att. Stelntus. Sboi.Collee-Gardens, Alderman. - bury, lon. ?? Duke, Yok, cotnhm ...

Published: Saturday 22 January 1814
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 472 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

LONDON GAZETTE, Tuesday, July 19

... LONDON GAZETTE, Tuesdaay, July 19. BANKIRUPTS. Gervas Cole Brown, now or late of the ?? of Leirec in the county of Leicester. hooier, (trarinrg unler lie bil of G. C. Brnwn & Co.) to sur. July so, Arm. J, aed 30, 1i at the Bull's Head hin, Hinckley.--Atts. Jervs s, it Hinckley, James Cooksey, of West Broomwich, in tile cosnrv of Se ford, nail.irsntrtonger. to sur. July 26, Ais. 2, aid S0, at ...

Published: Saturday 23 July 1814
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 659 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

LONDON GAZETTE, Saturday Feb. 6

... LONIDON C-ZETTE, Saturday Feb. 6. .TT10' XT) TANTKRIUPTS. LIST OF BANKRUPTS, Wiiti thne DrsreriptiottO copied nel~batili fromn the Gazette. I Ilbtet Curnoting, late of Broad street-bulildittgs, in the cit$' otf inarden, but novy of U sten-stteet, somets-tow -I, in the col0nt~ of AiddIte-c, coa'l-merchant, underwritet, d. C. tP scur. tab. 1'2, 900. atd Mjar. 19, otat.-At. Bryant, Hattfln- cmait ...

Published: Saturday 12 February 1814
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1341 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... S-SLAVJETRIAD)E.' . .. . '.TI a most nuinertts antid especztbltb etGn* A rail Mretinw of (Ib l nbshttt5 ?? 4 'Fowrkarn Parish of HALIFAX. in the Countr is York con vined bv the Constables of thbt;fFow5r, int Purianaic. of a Reqis'tiioO end' public Advertisement, and belt on Wednetday, July 13th, 1814; t H. W. COULTHURST, D. D. in the Chair; The following ResoluttiOnc d Adlreas wrere unani ...

Published: Saturday 16 July 1814
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1679 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 

LONDON GAZETTE, Saturday, April 16

... LONDON G.4ZETTE, Saturday, April 16. LIST OF BANKRUPTS, With the Descriptions copied verbatim from the Gazetti, Edward Waters, of the parish of Merthyttldfil, in tie crontv: of Glamorgan, shophkeper, to tr . pril ij, 28, aid Mtay- 2o, at II, at the Bear inn, Coibrirge,_-Att. Bassetr,1 Bouvelstone. Robert Pearson, of Skelton, in the coanty of York, d. c. to. stir April 95, Y6. and May 08, at II ...

Published: Saturday 23 April 1814
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 412 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... LONDON GAZX7 TE, SA TURDA Y JAv. S. BANKRUPTS. Thomas Ingall, of Bawtry, York. grocer and tea dealer, d. to sur. Jon. 25, 25, and Feb. I9, at 10, at the hei Dcer m%-n Doncaster.-Ats. Spilsbhry SN Hill, iawtry. - Robtrt Burrows and Williarn Wirin, of l'roken.lVhalf. tip- perThoimes-street, Lon; merchants, d.c. to sor. Jan. A.- ; S, and Feb. 19. at4, ?? iln, Norwfic.-Atis.1 Simpson & Bnckham, ...

Published: Saturday 15 January 1814
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 439 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce