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Advertisements & Notices

... OW'id i 12 r 1.l.3,~i X'i 17vv;;. %%'.1-~ ~n t 1 -1 II( 'Iih I I,~ I i ' 'V. -ANEOS AT, AnoIXi i'iiette Car hni'vili Mn e~~~~Ir I' !ti, liv p'svt''ui ir i-ir H~~fl~d. 5., ,' 1''' '1)00 nin~~thte Aloti'-'' II- ir pr~~~~yr. I. )1d oil \~~~~~~~~(Ij C' . ~'It z I.~ Ni' 0 n Italian Air. M'-ThaTane AhriV A- f-1~0-Ctl-I, i - con chiiie witfi the ( rand Doubl Cion(2iii , -ntv ni' 1 bTiT s -The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WESTININSTER ASSOCIATrON., for the W furthrer RELIEF of the SUIF3ERERS by:.theAVA K in GERMTANY. lila Royal, flTj;huIeqS the Tjic ofn YORK, inthe Chair. A:avern--i-'n oir; Imetionr, attenrie Iby his Royal ih risan Ihi Du~ks~ of ltsce h Arci~ho of' Canteilihtry ant' 'York . an.ln miy ofht: BishopsI~lt and Othetr IPersons of Itr kv;15 0 liil rcsolve-,3 'That a -,o~a ce lie arrnoiriees1 to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... q A1ES,WS M PAUCTmION- Frece~lad anri ,' c-aelcc'lJ 1-Itiws iccd ciode-c thy. crown, 8&c) in P!crccc , *rilis s*cir; r Jfanle4'cc, Sikca-cl atCi Ss nc'hrcyA '.1i t :, ci a2. ccc Lots, by or - dcr of oii r ctJ ' o 'ccy ~t2 Sl Ls\. nia I'RELF-lO~l) MVIELLING A'lIIIS, thcca- sitoies hcich, sirc rooms or' . ic (l;or, sa'tic yard. e&C. si'toatN on &heast s Deif li .- Artr 'c janles's, i-1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -: 'nql~l lV-inilv. or l~i. 'IT ~) i'~ a Ilarige FaitlY, pA h dc o KrC E A T b - g~¶iin ia veil!. lise verio n'jAi i~o tmAwn or coltintry. und c; vemlei tinotl rhlvara~i~tr eriom her 4as -Thee *l'cTi she 1tac justleft.c-Ali el~~~ nit in '-dto .1 'C. \o. IS~ St. iN-_stree't,,S Sho-sqtiare i.t\i illyo tlutnis~ 'to. - 10,r)c~-.Kor JUNIOR l rRX in a~cfo 4L 1-it l r'3I'r' ei'-i', a o'unti'4, i !Tou ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UNF1AM.GJ1rX-T 10 bOLD or LET, rj 'UR ctra arocmadraVIlt IIOUST., ¶tilhb..iihle S ecst I,,u, rtli~oiilletblo, liyatioiie ge-den, anti thirteen Iare 4h-lea;diw 1 end, si mie t'~ket 'i orl tgen-i n-F1,ol1or psaticiilar; tqoe%%w, apiuly to MCs3rS. i1llit Cn- X 't II~1~1jt VI) iLLA , and COTTAGE:11-i )Y'.NCIl'. liao~l v ith I id. -IyI5lVATI' CONTI1ACT t M, Fri.- sr' 11.01 I, a -gnV1111A, with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Desirable I n'dPremises, Na. a60, Queen-sireet, Cteapsits, wvith innntedisie possessiotsi-By Mr. CHAIAMPNE-Y, at tVe- Aliart, 13itrtholomtwi-lane, on 'lTesl!ay next, at ta, by order of the 1'roprietor, THE very eligible ,and svbttantial PREVITSES, in Tcomplete or~ilet, being recent~ly paintedl, &c. want desir~ihlv' situate qa lhove, for tyihrcnisCoera Vi ine Met'- chant, or Siolicitor, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'TITTORIT A PA-'ZAnAM A tcterCeire1, 1. N(jv OL'EN, a a tGil h \i) V YI n'W of fh p soprmsDI n L %,IC1lt '' gained gyind l-y -i'i M t1is ntVT, nr lFT.NG l'oN n, the rreitdi Arm, Oi t ti'e P !i5 '5r vT Vl IoRIA, Painted on so th h icwrde. from , l c i s'. l - *i r oi t nne sI~t. Thp. 'I 'I ' e El l e re Iu ViEIV oI, the 'fl ND It,,lilOhtIl of MALT'A con. t h ,0.jen. Adftn it t^ sttr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... j500K.S PUBLISHED.THIS DAY., fn 400. (with 02 Engravirig_,) price ill its. Hd. hoarIse. T PHE N118C ULANtOWS PA-F`RSfJ FFJ 1i E cited tontl ir eh~ilot, c4r Foureb Vt~ti? PM MAolav fotls, . a ternloster-irlfe ()0 I 'Woiaiy'l eia1 Etlgincer. n .vrsrarc716bar~r; dviptr aed ~tfh tit, 2. A N ofII uf ire BIYaLintiio., laed. iso4t90 SO. to or lach is PonAc -kvu Co 'it 4'the itJ ht-ouse on thle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 8A.1Al S.IY ALUCTION. IBooks-By KING and IO)CI- '1E, at their (Grest Rnnm, ,'17%i Kitg-street, Covent-garden, TO-1l1LO1t1i(0)W and nine fis- I lowing lays, at 12, 'll'HE very vaklabil LIBRARY, the property of i Charles Brown, M1. D. many years first Plhysicialt to the lKing of Prussia; ronmprising the best Authors in the Belles Lettrets, Clhs;ics, Natutal ilistosry, Iledlicine, H-listory, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T 1 . IVE(T's PICTU~RE--C2H~M' Rr Iop v11ttilt' retiert.- Of 21-n osama vedad In,'14*e f~:i is are crt.'in-g to tiuwt, an Iviv~e eltireclisit at .i.:t i it'tt tht P~ctiltc. Ar. WX it' wfilt colluienle it ain v-s -'t~it ifirIboriii, every cl'ty . tit liav Lceteii), frnn loIhC I 11~~llgC LIC (t II I i-3'?Ah b.yficrtr tattoo; it a ri tl. 1n IttLf 'opi ii witt , I-c 1t4 Ir' ,lIoen ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HORSES, $c lBY AUCION. Saler'f very valusisie 1llorses wvich have been emsaloyed on theC wor7.ks .1oisw on in the Inegeits Cans the genuine property of IHugil iintpsh, Esq- lv Mr. DIXON, on the Premises near th&Thsop~ilke gate, in tile Hanpetead-roatW, on Wedties- c dsfi nett inl fllowiwng day, iTWITY viey valuable latge-sized ACTIVE 1 JIOlltsES; mostly young, in fOne condition, from imnin ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANT PLACESI t'N4 ~AID, who -canl have a ~nb cma tir rlicL, where she has livcvilour years. Adresto B. A. (P.-tPaid) :No. a.3, NesvNtoa-tct ' S ;BVTLER ann& HOUSE STEWARfvD a t nilladdfieaged single Man, who is asell acqttiaintetd with the 'the duties eatch stationf requires, and can give thle most sistis- hfoyrefcrenteli for tharmadler, &~C.c. from -the Thnifiv thattI tIe has ust left in ...