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Aberdeen Press and Journal



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Aberdeen Press and Journal

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... iVFDN'ELSDY- OCT'TG&'ER 5., At M'Acrsno:n:l FIOUII', On tbIe J' illEtant, Mra Goa0as of' ICairnbulg- v,'.salelgy i:i 'rre'd ofl a soli. , BIRTir.--.ri Crw:.,lol Srd e London, MTrirIlasts the twife of iMlr. Aile.ander 1' lanas, oftlhe 2d Lif& Guards, of a daughter. BIRxiii .-On the 26th ult. jrs W. I uV. s, Queen Street, Edirnbulgh, of a son. llarried a:t Londlon, on the 10th Septernber, by the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... _!-f lR' 1 IS- ii On tire 7ti Feibruary, Mrs Gorson, Ahercromby-1plae, of a c daughter. --At ILeith Walk, the wille of CGptatin ll Vicar, Royal b Na-;y, of a sun.5--o 7th Vebrulry, at Inverneess, Mrs Doctor Furires, of a daughter. -MARRIED.- e At I'driburgl, on I l7 Feibruary, Mr J.amis Campbell, to v ;\[arg let. deivst dialghter of' Mr AlegatIder Dorglas, Llrlnrnar- h ket.-.t h ( ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At PelnilvLuick, ott .d Juxie, Mrs Gore, seife of N-naJur h! of the rooyul Westmt inster tollitia, ofti da(lh!er.-Oln tnh J.?, at 1.oitt F'ort, tbsm Lady oftMajor-Genot'al Laye. of'l tlttt . .- On 9til Julle, at Dal ton-lhouse, Noithot?berlrtls ifira iFugu-: of a soil. On 5d June, Gcorge Wadhington Pattton, Esq. to i daughiter ofl Willinin Johlistone, Eisq. Sillicitor-.On 9gill jlili2 at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... i. o. ft Dcrl. ', .02 t i;- ul. i7X . |TVi:, Mt',liii -fJos i.:C as ::t Ihay, Mr27. I it.%;r of Farailio was .afsly !:l i * Ied of:1 S: li. . LI ut I IIl't 1it tie Ine. Fowica M:3.nitur of ''lphar.;i It. i! 1ri.l e,,lt 1:e aniel rCe thCe death of Lord Ancila;:ml. ! Li i was .i)0Le LlAd ill lii; brd oil SltliUl;ay Iolin!: I tI |at E'dell Elf~k)Il1 I-.-ir 131iunfv, 1u~l~t. i-Is 1.0LoI *:'1:15 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... re -1I RTIS- es At ci dciligic, 011 thc l 1Oti Jnlluai , thc lady of Rob~ert Cut - IU c hciicrnri, ;c.' Ilate Lt' J mcnhoucc, of a LiauglItelr. At t (Calolu'Sci u, Ull the 6th of Jancucary, -Mrs Alaxwell, ofua dagir~stu~er. l I I LIciciI, tue lady of fliucocc Frcs-er, Esq. of a daughter. -MAR iIE D- 1- OIL theo ,Tl Jicciccc:cy, JaiccLIS Elliee, E,!u. tic Agnes, daugiher c- of the lctce l'iv. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... EtBrn. .--At Mancicste, oi titt 15th iustant, ir6s. DAvi ( Sc-r-, t a DaLuirster. Maltie df at Yb i;itiusc, on T 1ac ltq lait, Captail JoHtN YoUNG, I of the lEliza Swan whialer, tt Illiss s3i s s daughtcr pf I NI r. :iv d 1Ltmt, qu'ini Schhnt Vatrose. Mar.Lteid, aL 1fw iMaii o O( RIULNb:ICk, ont the 5th current, by thue Vu.ev. Dr AIM'iDnn I tlhe U.ov. Cl.4atit Ante ministint of , to Miis J. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... itI _ ' _ _ _ !r 1- I R1'. IS- At B onnington-ltilge, 2ueti JaiU:oy) thc Ladv of Ltictte:- ant-Coloiuel JWYige _Napiwr, .52 irLihielnt, ofa daue . s Morelttic-inaotia l tsitn Wtrl yllit , i'rs Gordon, of a soai.. B'ill)hoi, 122d -cu.itber, the Lady of 'hijor-Geniorfd O~% ald, et Y 11 bOIl. - A l It I E . D At Ediolitirgh, 2.3th Jaoimarv. 1tietewnn it- Coloueli M, 1- e1t, 1io0t. Iuilial ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Kinroii, i 9h 711i .Ll tl q ;ti, IVEDNESD. s Y--Nu;i:'mun}n 0!i . .ci T~Die at E~tiarohsis otn the Jl tt ult. Dx.emt DAVfWr~tss, Siergeon, it£ Kiorosts, itt thle 72'd taer,.'I;!e. C Birth at Bower itlatlle'e, c- the 27ti tilt. MIrs Seems, of a pr %on. e'a Died at EIgin, on th;e 2sd tilt, in the 30- -re.r or his are, the h( Rev. JoHli GxAi&A, oil2 of' th inistc of ';lit plv.ce. I n the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... to ~- \'ti'herv, or) ~Cde ti' Cal )~w Tti Lrnn, oftre ~ 0 'i meot , rto .14~ iti-t, '~i c fLct.Colonel ' ' A o! ,U nion ['ace, Aliardcartl. 1C rim-i-Af Aldtouric, Iririt . e I £th3 Dcc'nbriPt-. t iLay of W. 't nA a 't r : E. (. Slriit f'ot that Citlii C, of a WtII. TIc wrnFrieI' o e; org g Ke i i 7 i ? rrc . i rtrt rc: e, a a tu- v oir(m qlat'troay J rCltimight I a daugtettluior, tnid Oltt t ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - I'!RI At Loxies, on 4th DecjrtbLr, the ratd\ of Titopoas Xhiotoci Esq of liih-e, oft. woi. -Mi ARRIED- On 60t1 ID.crblsbr. -,t at01iington-mnaist, .Ucs ler Beol-I:r Esq. brevver, Eli oburgh, to IH selvi dangih tc'r of Aiexanlder S:- Lq.- At Bilill, onl 6t DecGitlel. Ietiesr cadwart5. - p CLrbisptnuno, iP Cathlls)inv, Ouarit vi' r. Vstidlet ri , iof -WeliLellxurn.-At Si oii it dpown. ovitr ...