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... SPORTIrem 1( T'ELLGPENVCE, :- .r~~FPSI)M SLwl.S, wIoy 25. P The Wondlot Stakes nt fl. s eseb, 1h ft. tof 2-yr. rl.1 colts, 8 t. it 61b.I.tf6lb.l lidies, 8 t. tIb. I.ast mile anl half. ,r 3r ' M. Vorl.'] ' f HippO.I~mosia, by Logic . . a e Uslcake's b. ...


... _ ASCOT IHEAiT'H ItACES. OATLA.-i) S'T'Ar SS, EAiCa 20 s M TWO Mtl'SAND MAL.V. Age. st. Ib. Age. st. lb. Worcester 6 9 S,^prwetl 4 o o Speculator 6 9 Illusion 4 7 t Rival 6 8 1a Qtack 4 7 a7 Aladdin 4 8 9 LJtnia 4 7 8 Tooley 5 8 C urusoff 3 6 7 Barsac 4 8 1 A Grand Military F'ete is in preparation, at tue Mili. tary College, at Slndhurst, which is expeaed to le. honoured with the presence of ...


... ' .ASCOT RACES, JUNe 7. h The Oatlards Stakes of 30gs. cach, 20gs. ft. for horses of all ages, (two year olds excepted). Two miles and a half. H. R. H. the Duke of York's Aladdin, 4 yrs. old, Sst. 91b. . e-MTr. Wyndiham's Quack, 4 yrs. old. Xst. . . . . 2 Duke-of Rutland's Kutusoff; 3 yrs. old, 6sr. 71b. . . 3 i The Judge'placed but 3-5 to I agst. Kutusoff-3 to I agst. h Aladdin-4 to I agst ...


... ' 77AAW'G y.'7T'r.LfrF;CR- A -LSCOT P\{tS. TiNrA. * -;: . .1 eliekN Vf ' rh !'lirc '.1>fif~ty ionnds for all - Ia ' 1ct P.: true, ir. l',; five, Sst. orl. .- inar, O--, TD Sa:r t 'lair diqtantr pist and go 015c(0 di ta'ice I. he winner to tic sold fri 35f& ga. if d1 nlria mb- rrd -IPns t P' TOWr ev. i rc old . . . I 11 r /' visorn l''.-r a ,:, ; ts. old . . . . . 2 llr. I! tv's Ss~rr1'' ft ...


... SPI l7IASG IVX7' JELLIGENC-AE. B115T11j'UAElhS, .SuNr. la.-(Jttrfnin c'oumtqr.) SwVi'epDtajts org9 ' earh. with 1o0tqa. atded bY the Clti, fnr hcmtgt!, &c. thit llever wson un i than loogm itt a nly *i, tnit, ''xri pt ai Iil~ try. Matidinroui, or Kinsg-iote, 4-yr ohl. or 71h. fie, lISt.s511l. SiX, 5ist.liz1b.; anduged, 124t.- 71r. Doui;'-livin e ' Chlir vs Surfacc, 4-yts o l . . I I1. 'afte, ...


... SP R TIANGU XIVTELLIGENCE. BErTrNG ON TTE ST.' LEDGER STAKES, JULY 2.S b 'saktn-9 ta s3 gqt. BlviAle. if Taisen- 6 to a v'gsr..r. (r Egoyne's c. by Orville. f, 7 to I .1g.5t. Mr. Wsahi'S filly, by Orville.l A,3 to X avst Mlian. c. - 16 ento x gst. brother to furdeigh. SALE OF Vir LATE ROBT. LADtRnaotE 'S EsQ. STUnD. _Whalebone, tgow. ; Hamlet, 50og -.; C0c tavius, 630gs. ; Colt by Eagle, ...


... .fr-Ia.'IIN frv-EtuL-rCiEXCE OXFORD RfACES' 1W,!irat,.mence this day. Tic foliowinS hocra5wilist5rtfor the GolI (',:)- 1A. Js'rsey's C:aefpillar. 4 yrs. olL Mdr. AthorAt's fing no Dianitsnds, 4 vrs. old. ltfr lItlierts tiames Venture, 5 yrs. ;ld. (Gen. (;4svelloras ch. m.. Deiaoce, S. yrs. old. Mir. Aii, esley naoes Mulbeiry, 5 yrs. old. I e others ncre entered, blt those stated are the ...


... V3,llAM RACES, TtlESDAr, A(C. i^. The Cold Cup, for horses of atl ages; I yr. ohia, 6sr 31b.; four, 7t- roZh.; five, Eist 614.; six, Sit. l4l); and aged, gst. mares and Celdings allowed %ib. The winner to be sold for soogs. if demanded, &c. Four miles. Mr. Wood named Caterp War, 4 yrs, old . . Mr. Dalrymple named Knave of Diamonds, 4 yrs. old . Mr. Blake's BanquO, 4 yrs. old . . . . 3 H. it. ...


... ,sPO)N'TING f'TII'LLGENCE,. YX'0P \iii.'S l'J 3i12121 l\C *'ii ;l cv Atrlts'i, 2. p.i ,\Ji 1~ 101 r0 gW.,h. It llt .lb cbach -I'\ o hud. . i,OII t'idl' .C (h::1b ll.1 v il:- . Is ' to- P tr i lel t- I : I :\Ili idut-. 'it z- I'rrduilc' S. ;!l eo ?,f ico ;. v aCi1, 11. It. fr cii' S ,i, C (lit 8;t. C( 71!- fili,-. Xsi. 41. ISe go0t iY tltri tl Siai.l' i11vwcd uni lb -.' s '. iSaI U 9 S)Ii~ ...


... SPORTINAG IVl'ELLTGEVCE YORX AUGUSTI' M1E_6 'INGi, 'Il~~~, Io. 25. Producl *Stahet of osecs.Leah.It. It. cots8r.h. f~il it. III~b.a I'L. ~ir.;L's gi. f. It Orville, out ofr (onstantia I Senv Si'r G1. A rniytage h. f. Tt,:, wy, hy l3eomirngbrnogh, Pl M\r. h.j~rsI f h% Di- ' jilewes out of Itmiet te . 3 'Mi~r. TI. D cisneme b. e.r V . al *Sir M1. AM. fi .e ebeCL bIa, Iw Camitllus t;sin ...


... -===c=- 211E BOXIJis. WhVile the most ridiculous French fashions are adopt- ni ed in thit country, the Parisians in retuin are so ssnge. in nerous ai to ridicule one of our most favourite sciences. *scieatiflc BRoing which enables the weak man to tu compen sate by skill for his want of strcngth, and which cs is almost as great an equalizer in vulgar scuflBs as the use of pistols has been in ...


... Dt~jx.iXtX. TIe' pa'!isti system was rencwed yesterday, at Moulsey EHurst, after a Qst season, by a very severe comlbat, between Moss, the Shcpperton sawyer, whiv-e exhibiticons have bzen befo;a recorded, and a baker fromi Kiaoston, also of nuqilistic notoriety. The bvatle wa9 f'or stake of corlequence to the winner, and it arose from a tarn-up betwvien the paitier at a late c(vivizial ...