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... -0 0 STCkJOIBIWVGA FJUD.W On Toesday the SitbZeottmittee 9ppointed nie'r into the- late ?? bhietinrt' rilatini- to-the death oF B13aparte, made, their reporL to the StIck Exchange Rt large. A table was placed ir, (he ctnlte of the honse, and four of the C incoitee eilaced Ihemklen v3 on it. - c. Lt- rencvereid the~Reporl' whic after a concise e- ordium 'If the tnoives Which indued the ...

Published: Sunday 13 March 1814
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2503 | Page: Page 10, 11, 12 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... ICCIDEesm, OFFENCES, 4C. ALARAIr;N FIS5 r,1 SoiUrHWTAnkt.-9:nday eVeuiTg, shtorily afiter seven o'cloek, a se-btroke forth^ in ?? sttar ' Mills of Mr. Liityard, in South-anrk snear the bank 'fithe Thameu, and within a feq bidiuirigs to ibe %ve4t of Si. Mar r Overy's Dock, which created for snnie houts it dreadfisla tr, As the dn4k of t-le evenisg inereasedr the sky hecanie rusroe ani mnore ...

Published: Sunday 04 September 1814
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1474 | Page: Page 15, 16 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... J4CCIDEN'I'S, OFFENCES, 4c. 'Nlthbefn.-trVday i-nrrirtg, IriweeR tile hours of twelve. tind -one ,;'cltck, Miss Mary.Ahine Walchrani a feltectable youling woiman4 whob carried OD businees us a dress-amaker in Illno1nt strf et, was barbarously intirdered inl the front room of: be first flrot. The report of a pistol wats heard by the land- ford and othr persoas i- the house where sie lodged, ...


... LAW Ir L'LUlt.GX 'CItI. ; 'COI'fTO (OF I..i NCEIRY, 5it't1t 5. imz, i-GA t. {,i !: t'.I V.41;.LiNI. vSir 9aMrisr [Lo~s@m:LLY- n lutirued' this caise; in ivhich Idis Lotrhiip iLa heten p'casLe'l to exIIfLt! it t3b e hs.~0tailliOl, that, till thU trntS of' thre mntradicorj0 charges niade hy thl partics ag.aain;t each ot!eir couli be intq'ied into aud ascertained, the cuilt!v olt' the eldeat ch ...


... COURT OF CHilANCERY, MARCH 10. GALLINI V. GALLPSI. X The motion in this case, by which th'e Defendint, f Mr. Gallini, sought to have his tweo children delivered over into his custody, standing over to this day, the mo- ther, accomp-inied by the children, and alho the other .i pal ties interested, .att nded in Court. c Sir S1i;NWEL RoMmL y stated to his Lordship, that tl he understood an ...


... 0OlD Dt[, EY, JTan. is. JA M F.S U A IIIU N .1 x1 rrs Clii r MtC117VFRS re i! .1'ictrd on suti iion of havine sri? :i thibce plank! of malialog.ny, and t,.ii bed fi!lilrs, Vxtitl 'L thle property of Willi-a Dawes, on the 23d of November. Ihe fac's vwIhic Ivete collecai.! from the tc~stislndly of :everal v.'itnirsSeS ;ve theaNi :-wr,. I)axss, : rinir netcitts hav-r ing wisiedl the ar; iclos it ...


... PO L I C . nt PuBL.te-orFec7, BOIv sTRF r.-(UNi0rWo% t.-AX question nII ca*me on to he hear. yesterday mornitrg Ihl ore Mr. Birnie,. c. in which the s :fety of tie palblic and the dealers in gunpoliwder pI are m-laterially intcr-ste. Theli. AtA of King William, in-!er which tih complaint was brought, remrsrias the depositiia of Ja qluantitiesof gunpowvder witlitt three nilles of the City of ...


... I1;K IAJI2I. ZIG.EIT. CW;L`.i OF CHlAMrPfiT, SATURDAwY, N i.:e, Fltn 1.04D CHArt i I [,OR ;aul this %v:; a F£ fi C by) V'.riintill rgpti'rt tht KKVCUfCsr9 (If the Inre Mr. C . I rtin--r anCCn,It (if ithe prrrflI' of the 1( TiCe of Dctst' Il7lt it! it ralt 0or gt-t Rt'itd tirhat '1 ic t~tlefi t Ue Iliirtiff an'l Mr. (Cichett. tie Ill 'mit ,I 'II ir t nC lII, it yv~ari, hevio enitil ed toa ni ...


... (A 4JVEX~t~r, FrEF If foe A1WUYIFJNThtBs i4 FA'ffbS off an 4llEtIOlATfOAY ?? LAWS. a p atpeal to authority can lie considered as eon- a ive it ruight be shell that sorne of the mest wise, pious uprigh~t, hu~ane, and learned writers, have ibeen eon Ihe sidle 6f aa ameliorat ion ef the Penal Laws, or have wished to ?? a more equitable prtportion between crirlel and punishtmenlts. After the nameg ...

Published: Sunday 25 September 1814
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1357 | Page: Page 13, 14 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... ILA IV coMRaT OF OHANCERY. 0a Wvednesda, Mr. SriADvwur.. amoved, on the paillirn of ?? nearest friend of Miss Afn Yade, heiress and a waird of Chancery, 1? yeals of age, hilt possessed if ao income of 5,51(1)1. a year in her own right, fir process of contempt agninst Charles 1.. Baseley9 soa of the Rev. Mr. Eaqeley, and his associates, for breach of an order and injanction issued hereto- fore, ...

Published: Sunday 11 December 1814
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3800 | Page: Page 13, 14, 15 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... , . W . :1 I I N T ! : ' N 1,A TV INTEL~iG PN&a cOURT OF CHANCE31Y, APRiL : IN Besfoie his Aflnobr t Vte Gka ncellor. c iN T.SF: MA't'`tI' nor DOw1N!'.G COLI:t.GE, CAKMRIDGER C M Inr. jjL.r on thle part of the IProfessor and Fellows of Iokivngl~7 C -rlege, stt5 thiis to lhe an appiiciatiot on their part, the oreftion oF the necessary buirirrigs Meun, dow so tar com- pleted, a Cii w:rter ...


... OLD BAILE Y. Yesterday I'Vj. S'mrr r was inditetl for burglariouslv 1break- iig anntid eternig the dvel I ing osst so:I of 3 seph S ni I. at FPt 11a II R os, Chelsea, and stealing therein a quantity of ttl!e anJ other linen. It ;ppeared by the itatement oFI Mrs. 9mith, who is a laun- dress, that sihe went to bci'd at nai.lsiit on die zd of arch a nd left a quariticy of iinen to boil in a ...