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... StFIP Pll>f'rr,. Dartvrau Dir. ,.OSatrk ian' Eal tilea greceaiing daicy, the wind ble vervry stroliq froim tie SW. with a, heavy sea ra~n- nlabginto the harbowa, wshichi created aI coat .lPlrab]L bar, anti ctie four dna-s preiarta-d niay r-aass from to or c~tmlg. *from, rl~rara, in cooeealtelacc of whichl a liirc lmdai of Painata- gtem were cola-oiled a at ilie diltiunant lam ., ...

Published: Thursday 22 December 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 1713 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... i .; sllqip A~lr.ll~ Nuo~nc'i .9g -lis 417hltv't uhiii Pickle,' l't:I salu1I1S1 J~ t~eiv It St. 113,-kii'. 161. e viiw'l' ter eniwaly. is oundl to GuteilbsI Ctilli'lInto tarbour hi, itt' ship biLurel I'~~weVt lN¶..~2 Soied'the. Clt-.0eth. packet, tar ~'Lisboan malt tlV Privict3, sI.hrlotttu puc-litt-, har tile Wi ct 14i-.5 r- oth with miNa.,' ~ le Y r1i'ai Atituk~iud lacleel- with ...

Published: Thursday 01 December 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 1458 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... INTIP IV-PlrA ltTh~Ot!eit, (ic^. jc, rrived the Aixis, xi gunsOI (tajitl l'1tls, frnm the ttivcr, antl the P'ickle, Itdtizio, and Cr.rld li slool)s of war, from thre lown.t, to join theiceonmland n AZd1mirot Sir R. tickerton. the D iwins ustablisiunment being 'rs en sin. Dlte Siatira, ,~6puhs, Caprftin S. Swvain. m il sail at daylight M -msorro\s fir 'America, haihg Gener;XIS Pakentqa and ...

Published: Wednesday 02 November 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 643 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHIP NE, IFS. We had yesterday an account of sirc ail mn-e of the rsewvrA !sland hee' havieg a)rived at the outports; l tit the convoy ha I noc tet been heard of, though they must he very near, ni ti(e St. Vincenti and the Severn, two of the fleet arrived at Bristol, parted company on the 4thl instant. 'T'he convoy, it is known, experienced tremendous weather. 'T'he Charles, frcm Gutda- loupe, ...

Published: Friday 12 August 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 608 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... sHI -iVEIvS. The lteacod. Aitnrkicn Aoop of war, of tInent - entri -n nfiadtr tWO Iing t8 V1;ns, tindd.XltI meo, 5ailed trOItiiert'- tura on 9ct e :d Feptenibir, to run d*own dw-coast *f .Africia Ihe Charlotte, !.diarrs, frot Rio Jraneiro to Creaiioch, and Mrlary AII: Llaoud, from St. lohii's, N. S. to Ba;rhatoe.s, are Calkeln an l h L::rt I)i the Prince of- Ncncfc:htel privateer. 1Itr E ...

Published: Tuesday 22 November 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 1695 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

The LONDON GAZETTE, Feb. 22, 1814

... Se Lg D 'V1tON GAZEPTTE, re. 22, it4. BANKl:.UPTS. _1 fichardson eit \ ick -plat, Holhorn, dealer, eb. 'a6, T1.,tth 12, at d A-ril . 4t twelve, at (3uildhall. Attornies, 51lekss.' s\ atsolin Paitnitre, ''enple. 1'. )rieutt it oYiclthrnM-rark! t, Suffolk, miller', Feb. I8, at Fix. xq, andt Aprii 5, at eloven at the King's Arms Inn, Wordhri:'ge. Aztnrly. Mir. (: Palmer, Doughty-street. I M ...

Published: Wednesday 23 February 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 756 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... INDIA SIHIPPIVG. A FEWV MORE, PLAIN QUrSTION-S.I It has been asked, but with little fieling or pmtrio- t~~m, vilo are there to support the, Shipwrighits of Eng~land ? The answer ls'obvioasm~All thosae who value the art-ERAi Ijterests of the Enipire, find are 4 not adquited by partiall, narrow, or peirsonal considera- tiong ;-who are indifF~crent to the Asiatic interests which has too longr ...

Published: Saturday 11 June 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 1795 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... i ' ; .- . : !' S~fP NWEbS. . otiaY burT, UeaT. r .4.ArrIv~4 the Tyrlan, i4, Captlan Baldwi',; from Lishonj last from 0lerburgli; alled friznl tlae 'fbair' pott tyth ilt. with fire trine prtr dnll- r r vohiie Z~oFseoc'lri bderr on hoaird, ahhn It'd be~ n t lefn «ndi~teatpP*S~l pttbihtoSduly by entitiaty wi'dS,? antd uitltathey trrived At Cleshrurth ,sviere the VIAr1,e PrJetr miost elititnously ...

Published: Friday 16 September 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 1591 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... Sll2P NEW S. Porszl mo~risr, FB 6i -6-Arrived vesterl:y thn Ztplvrfrom the Downs. h1 whole of the outward-hotiml that saileld oil Friidy hiroight Ul) in St. Helen's roads mtt:l w ait a fair wind. th I.M il,. -PeR. 4.-Arrived the Fylla from Guermsey, and the Marlia Iutranisport from i'as~agea. Hliiwieca, Ftii. 6.-Sailed' thue Fortunin, with sugar, &. for Anisterdam. Arrived the Ieauloy and ...

Published: Tuesday 08 February 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 515 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... TUESDA Y'S LO.A PUN G:;.1E7fE. This Gazette ORlQa iu o, O1fianion from the Forclgn Office ofhr B eckade of ifbe forur of the UnitedS a!i of rAmerica, ordeied by Sir A. Cechrte ; Mad ?? oiw .f tbe wltlidratwiog tie Buck ade it the Eibe.- I; coolia zaw ur a disi itti f(or'a Si, Gediga Fret usda..4 Quebre, Mrh 1'2 rhi 2 .% . e1 the retreat ff lie AAmerirao Army o-tet iM ,,.-Gflteral W- kirson, ...

Published: Sunday 05 June 1814
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 431 | Page: Page 7, 8 | Tags: Commerce 


... SA-TUIIDASY' LONDON GIZEETE. 'This .azelte criltainis bispatches from Lords Cat lrcrt tai Aberdeen, dated Fre httrg, Dec. 24 and 23, uf which the fol5 lowoing is the silbsitace - The Emjwrorsr head-ijnrarters mwved tirunt Fcrnhfrirt. vta Fltrevlrrg in Bricignn, where lie was received by the Ernavror. of .Airtria.-Prirtce Srchwlrtizenherg's hend quiarters vere, nfi ?? 219t, at Lorach, and were ...

Published: Sunday 09 January 1814
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 592 | Page: Page 7, 8 | Tags: Commerce 


... 6,1111- .11'NS, . AG-r No nril- 1'iAxc tr~s T)Ee. i2.-'1'!;; ri oinirg a7rrived t!he tBrtannui. packec,- Capt. IFox, inx I;z l:ur .i: l t'rft :- frs;n l5is:-d, with ilils andl pa.iengeci-s. Siil l:,nsi;-d (a-ar. 3n'1.critjwn, 'aitiis irn- portanlt di.-p;, chis kr (Governilmeiln t, froen ,chlre: i:- tet off tor London no mediately. (a a tin F:x, of th. 'kiran ,!t asutes, that the uinlorrtmate ...

Published: Saturday 24 December 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 916 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce