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... 0oND9* GRAETTS EXTRAORDINARf SONDAY, MtAY. 2, 1814. Dowsnin-street, Xay 9, 1I14. Captain Mlnes, Aide-de-Camp to Lieuleniauot-General Lord Wiliiat Bentinek, K. B. has arrived at this Office, lringint a Dispatch, add reesed by hit Lordship to Earl Bathurst, of whrich the-following is the substance On the 14th of April, Lord Wrn. Bentirick concerated hi, arm5y, fiirihe pumrp se of attacking Genoa ...

Published: Sunday 15 May 1814
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 935 | Page: Page 8, 9 | Tags: Commerce 


... sATLsrDA1FFLONDON G rZ~TDE. -a-- This Gazette r tese a letter from ibe Atd ?? of the Force. in BerngI, detailinI the successfiat result of apgllant :od well-planised atttais'r on Oe Ghtrree of wtosouree. It was taken by storming the breach add, the gateway. The troops otnbd forward qdtridaniedl', and, after as severe -conflict, crn,,sed the. deep 3dic,. wh;ich was stockaded by' hahool iries. ...

Published: Sunday 14 August 1814
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 389 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Commerce 


... F -I KJVS SHIIP NEWrS. IARS Anor.s, Dcc 2r.-.A small ship, answering the descrip- tion of a Falniouth packet, wa, captured on the Xth December, . aholit two lengues N E. of 13arbadoes, by a large privateer schooner, after a ation ln two hours; the captured ship lost her main-inast. Tli privateer Fox has not heeni heard of since * she captlurudI t'le pow lipg pachet, oel B3arbadtoes, The Carta- ...

Published: Friday 04 March 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 790 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHIP NE,,S. 3E.vr0, IMtARCH T6.-Arrived the Tickler cutter, fromAd- imlial YoUng, il, the Roompot, with a Foreign officer from the Allies A rmies, wvho is said to he the hearer of dispatches of the total defeat of Bionaparte. Sailed the Rosario sloop of war with a convoy to ['ortamouth. ['oit rs.nOurisi, MAittcH It6.-'The provisional regiments ire ordered to siil to the ltonompot the moment ...

Published: Friday 18 March 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 972 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... S.riIl' NETS. Pr.vMOUT11, MAaCit e6 -Sailtd the Kangaroo sloop of wvar -to the westwitd. Three fiso transports hatve been lo:aded at it this port with arms, aem:1unitin:e andt acconltrelItents, alld are C ordered to hold thetnselves in rocclhiess to sail at a momsent's Nvarnin ,i their destination is generally supposed to be sie part of thc coaist of France. 1 The lHermes sloop of war wvhich ...

Published: Saturday 19 March 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 989 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... ~)xVM1ENIDs. - - - Sept. 21. J. l3eswick, of Stockport, grocer-Sept. a; I). toileou. of Kingston-upon Hfll, werchart-SePt. Z7. J WI- nIhms. of Oxford-street, draper-Sept. 19. S. Temple, of .. - rovw, .lhtrhlni, ship-huilderSer t. 20. J. Neal, of Worcester, itt-.holder-Nov. sa. 1'T. Strafford, of Holborn hill, hiller- &dsher-Oe a. .R. Sourhall, S. Southall and B. Snuol III, of 11idley, nail ...

Published: Tuesday 30 August 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 791 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... PAI;-IIIS pApi'Us. I Cl' \ s..''1'~ i)1'' C'O'sIE5tCF.! S'ri oi v 'C1'; 't j'1';I (1e j:u,:'li. *C 1 ii $ iii :N S fffliffnitifiC> to thlo Ch!amber two 1 I, wh;'h Kin, lian e; NT. L, lne, Pesi- ifi, ai ;1'. jIJ tine 1;iil, and' Clivet. Que-Itors. ' I n 'r. ., iu givifi tip theu Plesidlent's 1,s i;pcci. '1l,( 4w ieris ro !.c 'ho-llvl-. (II Saturck.,? 0 f.l fiv vs a sp',chi h )ii ,atCOtl i' 1 ...

Published: Saturday 18 June 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 870 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... ShIP NETvSq. HARWICH; JAN. 3o.-A sChuyt arrived yesterdty fron, the opposite coast, hut does not bring any neN's. His M:ijestv's brig Aggressor has talien abouit 20otail0t tra'tspor-.a, &c. un er eon- vov, and will procced to Holland as soon as it acerraised llelvoct is clear of ice. S:dled this afternoon the Edri of l.ei- cester, (Captain HaimnnondlforCuxoihaven; Albiou (n-vvp:ick- et) ...

Published: Wednesday 02 February 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 588 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHIIP NEIVS. POR rs sot-ra, IAY z6,-Arrived the SirFrancis Dralcoand the 11indostan store-ships, from thei ,Mediterrarnean; and the Antelope, so guns, from the Dolirns; also the Redwing, z8 Su'ls, Uapt. Sir J. (G. Sillrlair, frotil Plymouth. 'The Amphion frigate is come into harbour. Tile Achilte, 74, Captain Relles, will take coanvoy to the East lcldie-. '£'1s Newcnstle, Captain Lord (leorge ...

Published: Wednesday 18 May 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 598 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... selfp YWE.. 'I!) Fonulattion, 1'-ttiry, fron Sprain to Nwfourlnntand, is t tratr y lz the 51'rn ,.VivAVer. b *4 laxrge rhip b lin-r rin to St. If'o~rras'6s liaden with rinii ands 'hxr, s led I .t lres ierrnmu la or! tho 24th Sv(rt. ivith a irrit un- dr eoirvoy of the Mitrgiarra sloop of wi.r, bound to Halifax, t Iil olv r. Ct ILU e 'a ri, rvw slived. lT,; In ! uistr, 'Ilit .f ron 1` 1 ...

Published: Saturday 05 November 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 891 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHIP NEWIfS. BVIXIIAM (Tosn v), Dze. j4.-AVC have this instant re-: 'a ceived the followirgintelligeucC from a passenter oil hoard the ti undereientionCe vebsel i-Lande! fioM the Russlan brig lta- 1 ria, after a passage of six days Colonel 1PY.NN of the l'ortu- s guese 'Irmy. The passengers by thi; vessel report, that it was in current circulstion at Oport, that* Fitroltt AND VII haed. il ...

Published: Saturday 17 December 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 676 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... T7ESDITAY'S LONlDONV GAZETTE- - I _ I 3Zhitih,. Jiune 28, 1814. TiE' Iiox4 T~hzlries' the J':izoee Knees t ie;- hern pleascd toi graunt Ohe di iiN of a 1] irmlet of tire Crirted Kingdiom unto the 'gtigt lonD. Williamn -o'rrivitle, Li rd May3 r of London. BANKIRT2PTCY SUPEISEDED. C. heathorn, Maodione. li re-hai ner. BANKRU PTS. ?? Larne, Br isil, I ifrm:win . t j orites,, Mesrs. ,Wiiicomrbe ...

Published: Sunday 03 July 1814
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 281 | Page: Page 12 | Tags: Commerce