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... TO LORD VISCOUINT MELVIrLLE. Mv- LonDu,-Public replort has 'intimatd that another Naval 1romotion is about 16 take place. This measure will not surprise the'nalion, -if any reference lbe had to the brevets of the' Army,-where we find not nisny ress [Ilan5 eight hundred Generails to the smallest Army in Europe,- speaking of this country as the first in rank of European poaers,-anld but two ...

Published: Sunday 07 August 1814
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1666 | Page: Page 11, 12 | Tags: News 


... T'FIE POLITICAL EXAMINER. ls the madness of rany for the gain-of a fe. S*xrIT. No. 3S 9. NORWAY. ?? make no apology to our readers for continuing this subject. They w6isld rather have to demand an apology foe th~e coiltrary, 'ias we suspect has been the case with resrec1 to one or two papers, whose tone had* so soddenly ivsered itself with regard lo French ambition and bcad scigegbourhood.- We ...

Published: Sunday 28 August 1814
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2239 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... vPfRiATE MFADHOUSEKS It is retHiRinsy' a qiteflniso,- whether seach plaies as, private jmadhoures h~icuid -be allowed at nil; bat Fir alloteed, ?? Isught tinquestiiooably tor he placed under a m--st srefal super. iljteidanre. Its is quite.clear Othi they are lisibte to he ahusec in a way almost too ih: rible to cuuteriptltle, and a general' opinion has long prevailed that ?? or 10 fact abused. ...

Published: Sunday 28 August 1814
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1201 | Page: Page 14, 15 | Tags: News 


... FRANCE. PARIS, Aun. 12.-Madame Letilia Bonaparte left. Rome fur Elba on the 27th of Juily-An article froin Auogshrg Statiw, that the Cobgress of Vienna will assign Trevey, and a part of the territury of that principality, to Eugene Beauharnois. ACG. 13.S Messrs. Falconnet and Dard, advocafes, and GlIeffier and Lenoromant, booksellers, the first, author of a letter to Loois XVIII. ?? on the ...

Published: Sunday 21 August 1814
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1736 | Page: Page 5, 6 | Tags: News 


... ITHE EXALIN , R. I LOVNON? Ociv2R 0, . $];nNc:rrlher h;as at last been he2rd 0-e the al~airo in Norway, It appears, by a string of p~hapaphs d. ed oh, differeot dayo of the moith frorm the headhquarsrs: at Frederickshall; that tbie S owedmh ?? left Ih'at flace on the 4th of Ostober, for Chrisftlaia, aboo't which if '~fh it~ had bepuli to amselelle -,-them ?rince 0R7 nay,, too unwell to appear ...

Published: Sunday 30 October 1814
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 871 | Page: Page 8, 9 | Tags: News 


... ?? -- ? I I- 9. - , - , fl7 ?? . - .. -- rb ?? ?. ?? .. -T-, . r: I . r, ?? : ? :. , 40? .1-11 I .ANoDSflu, JsA 2 -Yietertly, her MAJEWSY held her ManIh' 1Ccinnti, W it-nquorciwite the state, f the 1(is:'& healthN. It wno understbo tha h&! MAJEsTY IIInJ tb& Lo ?? isy the Plhysitcias iaywraiflng; *wejt In see the Ki'KG but no--euversaimo ?? -Yes- 'rt' yeifng ?? s-da-y, her 'IsErv had a ...

Published: Sunday 09 January 1814
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1687 | Page: Page 9, 10 | Tags: News 


... -TU;ESDAY'LN$iO GA.ZA'TR- ?? 30. I 14. Line swieg'stree5 J.. 3J, 1S14. h R~isRvtch,;,or. wbtich the; feoWiklJI is.'rf- IxT ac! hisl,4ee revied, by Earl ttr a tdr d ' urd b Fieid Olrsbaf the Nlirq-i0 f-Wiellinton, O.C dated Sb Je.ade Luz, itb Januazry, 'l i4>I - Sice thie army passei the Nive o' the 9th of December (Gener I minaa isas hatte baiili o( 'he WrMo idurder It ?? at ?? the left.of. ...

Published: Sunday 06 February 1814
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 350 | Page: Page 4, 5 | Tags: News 


... - T 4Oh'SON, DECCiUtER 4. t h se w0 conceive thata 'igor ctiiatioi of tha *,&r will utihately compel the Americans to aceede Lo the 'teri dtmanded by our- Governmenit, the uews arrived- this weds. roma 4adia will perhaps affart -some addijional ?? Nr th eir onfideat'eXpeclatisia5. A-partial estimnate ,of eauses8auelUctn, nited to- the film which earnest wisties C.I AsIVer the eye -If rational ...

Published: Sunday 04 December 1814
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1265 | Page: Page 11, 12 | Tags: News 


... 'hE 'ATRICAL AEEX-MR. E , No. 165. tiff-re is a feeliny for which lut little credit is allowed to critics-, and which it may 1b thought great affectation for tit to prfotsess .-we shall however Venltlre to exprbss it ih spite of -the incrednltity of prejuldice. We know' 1hen lit gatetl pleagure than to hail the triumph of Oeniwsi a id to wtatch over the progregs of a growing famte. A mind of ...

Published: Sunday 27 February 1814
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1205 | Page: Page 10, 11 | Tags: News 


... ViISCELLANF.OUS FACTS AND OPINION5 RFS'ECT- I ING THE WAIR WITH THE AMERICANS. I It wilf be seen by the Gzetle/ Etraordinotry, aned the Wariioru articies under the head of America, that thle wvar there is raging witi iocreised fierceness, and is every ay. becorning more WM more disastrotta to both the hei le- ?? CGlzette stales that the dit'isirn of troops under Msajur-en-ral Rot- lanld'ed on ...

Published: Sunday 23 October 1814
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3528 | Page: Page 7, 8, 9, 10 | Tags: News 


... COMWA`-)PL.A('ES A o. I. . .1 . ONi ISJL!'GIOUS HYPOORISY. Ttrzr to'sr ritilrr iiki~s mcn ss ide ann noons, or it milakers theriim set ut ?? pretences to butL. In the latter cASe, it miaks6 themn iess hypocriles iio telirs than to themII. | uI ves. Religion ii, in co iiill rtii s, iniconus! 'stot witfl, sle It-kbi 0wk;dAe. The ?? 5 ss I the rrtrcetuf an all-powerful being, vihfo is ?? the ...

Published: Sunday 09 October 1814
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1452 | Page: Page 12, 13 | Tags: News 

DECEMBER 24, 1814.—Letter to the Earl of Liverpool

... DECEMBER 24, 1814.— Letter to the Earl of Liverpool. people of .England, recollecting that the Americans are not base and cowardly more than are. From the Salem Register of Jan. 9, 1813. IMPRKSSMENT. • Die following deposition of Mr. Isaac Clark, oi'this town, who has been torn from his family and country, and for 6i three years compelled to serve board u his Britannic Majesty’s ships of war, ...