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Morning Chronicle



London, England

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Morning Chronicle


... ShIP NETvSq. HARWICH; JAN. 3o.-A sChuyt arrived yesterdty fron, the opposite coast, hut does not bring any neN's. His M:ijestv's brig Aggressor has talien abouit 20otail0t tra'tspor-.a, &c. un er eon- vov, and will procced to Holland as soon as it acerraised llelvoct is clear of ice. S:dled this afternoon the Edri of l.ei- cester, (Captain HaimnnondlforCuxoihaven; Albiou (n-vvp:ick- et) ...

Published: Wednesday 02 February 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 588 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... WlA' ittPlici'su SUr;FRSEEiD. I'. Taylor, o;f Kingston unsnl-llhul, tiUbey-mer'alnt. P. Xoondigate, of l4urrs-om.i builaigg', anci E. Woodeate,jun. of Upper Ground-street, Chri~t'thbuh, timbei-nlerchant. BANI;RUPI'S. . k W. Cale, sen. and XV. Gahe, jun. of Bradford, Wiltshire, . clthi, erslMareh 17, 12, aIt el:v.el at the Swan Inn, Bradford, and April 9, at elxven, at the (castle and lhall Inn ...

Published: Monday 28 February 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1376 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... Sf~tUP NEW'S. LOSS OF THE BERESFORD AND NANCY TRANS- PORTS WITLI TROOPS ON BOARtD) FOR HO l,- LANND. HARWICu, FEB. 16.-The Beresford transport, Hope, 1is- ter, with troops from the Downs for ITolland, is totally lest on the Haake Sand; only 42 persons saved. The Nancy transport (marked NV.) Potter, Master, is totally lost on the same sand. and all on board perished. -The Albion packet s ...

Published: Friday 18 February 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1411 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 

The LONDON GAZETTE, Feb. 22, 1814

... Se Lg D 'V1tON GAZEPTTE, re. 22, it4. BANKl:.UPTS. _1 fichardson eit \ ick -plat, Holhorn, dealer, eb. 'a6, T1.,tth 12, at d A-ril . 4t twelve, at (3uildhall. Attornies, 51lekss.' s\ atsolin Paitnitre, ''enple. 1'. )rieutt it oYiclthrnM-rark! t, Suffolk, miller', Feb. I8, at Fix. xq, andt Aprii 5, at eloven at the King's Arms Inn, Wordhri:'ge. Aztnrly. Mir. (: Palmer, Doughty-street. I M ...

Published: Wednesday 23 February 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 756 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... SlIP NEWS. Punrs ourT, FeIe. -4.-ThLe thick fog, which for some days past baa prevented the sailing of the oitwar3 bound convoy, this morning have cleared away; the Bulwark, 74, Sarl), 54, and buffalo store-ship, sailed with the Bermuta and ll~afifa convoy, with numerous detachments to reinforce Lord W0. linglton, protedted bythe Ethalion. -38, and Murus, aS. Sailei also the Constant gun-brig ...

Published: Wednesday 16 February 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 480 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... DIVIDEND-9. MarcbS. T. Clarke, Barth lb wclose,wor,ted-m-nufa-Iurer -March S. J. Moyler, Drury-lane, viclualier_3March 7. G. Gould, Bath, druggist-March 5. J. King, lrick-blce Spitnl fields, tailor-March 5. J. .Joel, Newport, Monirouthsl~ro, shopkeeper-March 9. C. Brown, Newcastle u on-Tyne. joiner -M1arch O6. WV. bowles, 1. Ogden, and C. Vyndha n N,.v Sarunia, and. J. Barrow, Shafresbury, ...

Published: Tuesday 15 February 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 429 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHIPAIEW6. PLYMOUTSH, JAM. 27.-Arrived the Fancy cutter. with dis- patches and a mail from Passages. She brings an account if the loss of the Queen Charlotte packet at that port, only one mean saved. Another letter from Plymouth says, it is the Duke 'of Mdarl- borough packet that is lost, and not the Queen Charlotte. PORTSMOUTH, JAN.a9.-ArriVed his Majesty's ships Savage and Intelligent from ...

Published: Tuesday 01 February 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 867 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 

The LONDON GAZETTE, Feb. 19, 1814

... D, g LOA'9ON GAZE TllEI, Feb. i9, 1814. BANI(RUPTCIES ENLARGED. S. and, of Oxford, linen-draper, from Feb. 1g to the 26th. J. Shaaw, of Greenwich, victualler, frort Feb. I2 to iApril 2. BANICRUPTS. T. Iaq-r.ett, of Preston, Lancaitalire, dealer, March zi, 22, 3t ciavtn, aind. Ac ...

Published: Monday 21 February 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1143 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... ,HPul A'EIWS. PoRrS.NtOUT11, FEe. 2o.-Arrived his kajjesty's ship Ber- | udla, fitom the D)owvns; Seahorse and IBhibtietoe, fronm off Cher!,urgh. Sailed his Alajesty's slip Fylla, with a convoy for Guernsuv' ,nod Jersey. 'T'he fleet ior M adeira, Firazils, Cape, and the East Indieq, gnt under weighl this afternoon, under con- vov of his ':lajesty's ships Dannemark, Muros, and Alhicore, bhit ...

Published: Tuesday 22 February 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 701 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SIP LNEWiS. 'C I9S5YMOt1 lit, I:Er. 24-Cane-in the French srlsnner priva-( teer la Ville sle Orient, of x6 guns and1l 97 nmen,'troll I.' ri-ntc; ssas on her first cruise, being qdite a isew ship prize to hik. Ma- jesty's ship Pyraamts. SAile ! thle )jejelauR firigate 01 a cruise. - ORiiAY, Fl's. 24.-Arrived his Iajesty's bri, Rope, u' ith a I smaUl French lugger, Ia ien %vithl salt, prize to ...

Published: Monday 28 February 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 913 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... ZYHI-P NEWfS. rca TeMetaTe, £V11 .?an.-Saiicdl the-)anneniarl:, 74,withlthe castle IiuntleyI Marquis oF Hentley, Asteil, Surat Castle t latton, Asia, Egurope, Vinchnlilee, Royal Charloitte, and the i (ape packet. for the Cape, Mlauritius, \Iadras, BenpllU nnid i -lCina, tinder corvy atlsv the Peracas, 2o, Captain A'Court, will, th lie Lisbou convey ; Albicore, i, and Mtumos, 18, to ac- costp ...

Published: Thursday 24 February 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 939 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... wf-IlP NEWS. PORTSMOUTIH, FEB. ZI.-Arrived his Majesty's .saips Pene- lope from Plymouth, an d the Diomede from the Downsg. Sailed his lMajesty's ships D)annei:iirk, Albicore, and Milros, *ith the fleet for the Last Inrlies, &c.; his Majesty's 'shipPerseus, with thfe fleet for Lisbon. The Seahorse takes convoy to the Nortly coast of Spain. The East India aild Lisbon convoys are at anchor in St ...

Published: Wednesday 23 February 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 710 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce