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LONDON GAZETTE, Saturday, March 5

... LONDON GAZETTEC Safiurday, Marci 5., LiST OF BANkRUPTS.. LIST OF BANKRUPTS,. . With the Dschptiviat copied ierbatim from the Gazette. Johncorets, of Nalinptei-in the toohiy of *tti litien draper, to oar. Mar. iS, 19, and April 10, at i-MAtt. Piavr, Ave lavia-lane, Lon. ?? Weacomb, of the ci nrof Exeter,, htaoke2pile' d. e to sur. Mar. 17, Ia, and April 16, at II, at the lotel ptterrr Exeter. ...

Published: Saturday 12 March 1814
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 937 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... IBtH IVPOBTB: XND IXPOR2S. * RXIORthoi , Ca 3hitmxts.-S seroons 4 chests, containing 02 lbs. indigoj-bes '44 boxes, contanlog '51.3S; 1. ciajed sugar, 99 bars, cntaina t injg 7. 10. 0. 7. lead1 46 t4eres, containiog ,20. p. 19. erifee 4, by Melvillc Balfour.-153 bar, contining 10. 1.0.S. lead, by > ch Spence, Brodie, & Co.-19 pun tops, 'cehtaining 2119 gal- the Ions rum,.by A. and J. M'DowaI ...

Published: Monday 14 March 1814
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 550 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... A) Vl 'V .T Quartern loaf Oatmeal, pec peckk BIlvkv (C1tto - - I'otatoes, - - Oats, per itslt- - Bfear - - - Ie pr lb. - - iMwuttouk _ - - Oatm cal . is irele ditto( l .1olatotu 0 ;;:!r . i.. O Veal a0 Oatmel ..s Barlev dhitto I Potatoes,.. I Bc~el' ir ?''Ib-O, M.aI ,,) ., .. o Veal,fid .a 0 f S C i a 8 C .5ll r I o Il) a ! a 8 a 9 a ABE1 ...


... CORN-EXCHANGFE, Alark-Lanc, LONDO., IVIONIAT, P/ arch '21 i r.0 n-. HalA > -,t a nf enrn or mnv for y. We have not had a great dcal of corn of any fort i frefli up at this market fince Monday the 2 Ift inlfaiit.- ( This morning the nicaling trade commenced with an F appearance of a decline in thc prices of wheat, hut the s buyers becoming more numerous toward; the middle of the day, the ...

Published: Tuesday 29 March 1814
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 656 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... STOCK EXCffINGE. - Monday afterinoon, agreeable tp ihe. adiournment tV Saturday, there was a very fp 1, attend nce of the t~4nbers, to take into consideration what' steps should be pulsued on the settling of Omniurp; which takes| uliice to-day. '5Xr Hancock, who had been appointed Chairman, bpktned the btsiness, anod pointed out OlFe necessity the3e was for giving the subject a fur, 44did, and ...

Published: Saturday 19 March 1814
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1070 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... PLYiMOUTHl, MtARCtl r.-Arrived the Quern Charlotte, Ad- be In miral Malcolm, and anchored in Plymouth 01Sound she is the pr ;s of first line of hattle ship that has anchored in the Sound since the Pe Pa. Breakwater hls been, estallished!; the INTagnificosit, %with the tplt his I oft h eir forre yard, and Clarence are gone into Cawsand Bay be Io-thy were all blown off the coast of Brest about ...

Published: Saturday 05 March 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 724 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... S.riIl' NETS. Pr.vMOUT11, MAaCit e6 -Sailtd the Kangaroo sloop of wvar -to the westwitd. Three fiso transports hatve been lo:aded at it this port with arms, aem:1unitin:e andt acconltrelItents, alld are C ordered to hold thetnselves in rocclhiess to sail at a momsent's Nvarnin ,i their destination is generally supposed to be sie part of thc coaist of France. 1 The lHermes sloop of war wvhich ...

Published: Saturday 19 March 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 989 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... F -I KJVS SHIIP NEWrS. IARS Anor.s, Dcc 2r.-.A small ship, answering the descrip- tion of a Falniouth packet, wa, captured on the Xth December, . aholit two lengues N E. of 13arbadoes, by a large privateer schooner, after a ation ln two hours; the captured ship lost her main-inast. Tli privateer Fox has not heeni heard of since * she captlurudI t'le pow lipg pachet, oel B3arbadtoes, The Carta- ...

Published: Friday 04 March 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 790 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHIP NE,,S. 3E.vr0, IMtARCH T6.-Arrived the Tickler cutter, fromAd- imlial YoUng, il, the Roompot, with a Foreign officer from the Allies A rmies, wvho is said to he the hearer of dispatches of the total defeat of Bionaparte. Sailed the Rosario sloop of war with a convoy to ['ortamouth. ['oit rs.nOurisi, MAittcH It6.-'The provisional regiments ire ordered to siil to the ltonompot the moment ...

Published: Friday 18 March 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 972 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... LEITH IMPORT8 AND EXPORTS. ac. IMPoaTs. :ty Ruby, from Newry, with 125 bales flax, for Archibald iP. Young-I bale woollens, for A. Brooks & Co.-l box linen :ed cloth, for Alexander Miller. IC ii ' EXPORTS. eAmsterdam.-8 boxes, containing 70,640 yards cottons, by :h- Willinam.'Lothian.-5 bales, containing 169g dozen pairs e rworsted hose, 4 dozen pairs gloves,, 1 dozen caps, 11 boxes, ...

Published: Thursday 31 March 1814
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 682 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... CORN- EXCHANGE, Mark-Lane, LoNDOM, .Al'rNDAr, Febiiiary 21. 11r- o I- 1. .- 1-- 1 _ --- f al -u^ .~ We have not had a great deal of corn fref up at thit markct fince Monday the 14th inflant of any fort except barley; and for moft articles the trade has been tihrough- out tolerably brnile, and for fome things advanced pricce have been obtained.-Wheat, of the very linelt quality, both ...

Published: Tuesday 01 March 1814
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 562 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Commerce 


... s81rp NY1.,PS.. GAELANtr ACTION. |Acrtuntorfa nost galzint action between the merch~tit ship lihernia,. of r..o':idoa, Captain John Lennoos, with iqi guns andI z-men an i boys, and the Corniet American. privateer, of 14 COns andi r z men --. S-r. InO MAS'S, JAN. 27-ClAptainl Crabtree. of the biig I Wasp arrived here the toth inst. frosi Londori. fie states, that iie' fell iln withI a privateer ...

Published: Friday 11 March 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 661 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce