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... CORN rXC.IANOGI, W!a DAIy, MiRcul 21. s. a ,_,T_,., , A t*e bad a tole-rable sinpplz ot' AVheit last week, andl many fresh Essex samples this rnioini~, for Vhirlh much higher prices were demanded, bul few f es wiere mnade nbut tovards noon, the sannplei wvere prietty well cl' ared off at the same pricci a5 this day se'i'niglAt.-Baricy lias been plentiful, hut ha.a been also much in d&ianid; it ...

Published: Tuesday 22 March 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1282 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... jIPEI' HER ALD. - N Ca jWsS ExnA M o dny March 88,5i .b :|{ We had t ini ay abvr t; s p of Ester a I j . r overy hieavy, but S aG I ak cri hrd isowr dste ls e ithe arket, at about 6s: d pet quarte r l -wer 60tan this ayits. gh Boilel -Flour is 5s., pr to 6 aclpcbcBner.l -as _ese n Beane', -ier s cat ~ tttd S pewte quarter u~cvpe rrm Qu eto ll. e quarterS-ti a S isj a ls l ca 1h O Oats h pr ...

Published: Thursday 31 March 1814
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1031 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... ,? - I .. I - -- - - - ,I , Ls. 1-11, 'k ?- ;. IC AB1D1 ;I DEE;N. |Quartern Loaf _ ls -d Ve * _ _ '4 80 O; Oile:11, per pek 150t 13d It u-k - - . ' srlsy Eitto - - lId 1 'd 1lt0er- - 1-;; P)1(:!tuc, - - I 3d 14 Egg;s, per doznI - 14 ! *Ialt - - '100 -10 Cheese, psr Sawi (c Ss at O 1 0cts, h'-r bblL - - 2tUs 01 s '1olo - - - I 3s jEoar 2 5- - - 25 30 Hil _ . 1 .met; per lb. - - 81 8l 1Lt:iv ...


... SI-IfP NEIJVS. POCTSM,440VI-4 MAItCFI all. A --a',t.! vit h a c'rrvoy fs-oni Gibr~rn, teixar,. , trms,-. oil flne Carptain Druer-i; Minorca i3 Hasiri!, and L 'Fcl'li r sloou't ofIsar andthe T'oema F6 Isra Captain I.I. Johson, arde 1-Joratlo, 3.5 go n, itain O 1 ?)i~ , from di ie-ald II e Tvrian,z s V-n, p 1irL'iwilr, aird thle Mistisstoae -schooner, on rurzs rn the ha) DrPt'., , 1.-abd r ...

Published: Wednesday 30 March 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2074 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... M A R4 1t gf S. XDINiURGU-MARCt 3. ed. rd. d.d. s.d. Beef, perlib. 0 7 a 0 9 Potatoes ?? 10 a O o Mutton ?? 0 9. a 0 lo Bntter, per lhb i, 6 a o V Veal .. 0 12 a 0 14 Eggs, per riozo 10 a o 0 Porit.; .. 0 8 a 0' 9 Tallawprst.i4 6 a 16 '0 I.;amib,' prqr.J2 0 a 15 0 Hides perst. S 0 a 19' 0 Quartern Loaf ?? ; ()11 Calfekinsprlb.o lo a i O . ?? . Meal-marlet, TuesIday. . Oatreal,400.bolls,atL. d. ...

Published: Thursday 03 March 1814
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 631 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... I ?19??-Oow Z;l i. lubij) TUAR-Ci-i 2,? ?7777, SIIP rN EXS. = d 0 r The Sol' uia. ( AaerIVALS.-Ait P .'e le,, 'Ilbe SopItta, tvrnain, fron M is polt,-I1t roit e tafoe, The Charles, Graybiro, u, Ito this port.-At Ria tc. JdeJ iro, The Elizabeth, o( atberstonle, from this port--AI Strotes, on the 9)h nI t. Thc Everthorpc, Hawkines; I-lliton, irbv ; Kiero. ueimrn ; Leviathan, Thtier; Anidrew ...

Published: Tuesday 29 March 1814
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2146 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... S.riIl' NETS. Pr.vMOUT11, MAaCit e6 -Sailtd the Kangaroo sloop of wvar -to the westwitd. Three fiso transports hatve been lo:aded at it this port with arms, aem:1unitin:e andt acconltrelItents, alld are C ordered to hold thetnselves in rocclhiess to sail at a momsent's Nvarnin ,i their destination is generally supposed to be sie part of thc coaist of France. 1 The lHermes sloop of war wvhich ...

Published: Saturday 19 March 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 989 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... F -I KJVS SHIIP NEWrS. IARS Anor.s, Dcc 2r.-.A small ship, answering the descrip- tion of a Falniouth packet, wa, captured on the Xth December, . aholit two lengues N E. of 13arbadoes, by a large privateer schooner, after a ation ln two hours; the captured ship lost her main-inast. Tli privateer Fox has not heeni heard of since * she captlurudI t'le pow lipg pachet, oel B3arbadtoes, The Carta- ...

Published: Friday 04 March 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 790 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHIP NE,,S. 3E.vr0, IMtARCH T6.-Arrived the Tickler cutter, fromAd- imlial YoUng, il, the Roompot, with a Foreign officer from the Allies A rmies, wvho is said to he the hearer of dispatches of the total defeat of Bionaparte. Sailed the Rosario sloop of war with a convoy to ['ortamouth. ['oit rs.nOurisi, MAittcH It6.-'The provisional regiments ire ordered to siil to the ltonompot the moment ...

Published: Friday 18 March 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 972 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... H[ Lj, MARCH 21, 1814. lie ARRIV'ALSx.-- di Graeueesd,` Tue Vine, Davidion, a tIe from Oporto ; and Rachael and Ann, - fromfrom t0 Buenos Avres.f v. Upivarda of OttO sail of vessels were last week lying a ter in the H-umber, detained by the prevatlence of easterly a VIinds, for' the laqt three weeks. Several vessels were ii IC- detained by the sarmecaissein mostof the harlsoarsnorth r and ...

Published: Tuesday 22 March 1814
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3781 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... MARKET IRRALD.. CORIE , Monday , MiarcjMh 21 I'4. Wh:le bad a tolerab~le supply of VY !eat liast week, an~d znj~iay frtesh l ssea isampgle' ttns.'mnio-iige zfot ybich ,mucli higher .pricesiaere dem inded, but fewT saks ,weie mi~de.- but to. . viardbt noon, i'thc sam~ples werc pretty' well 'cleared off at tbe ..sarnie prices astbis d'ayse'onight.-Barley has bceen lezmiFul, but h las beenl also ...

Published: Thursday 24 March 1814
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 683 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... 7 CORN-EXCHANGE, Mkrk-Lane, LONDON, MOzvDtr, March 7. n 4r.. 1 am -.1,vn - t PA I .-- a = ld o o Mozvssr, March 7. Our fupplies of wheat, andl moft other articles, at pre. ar. fent continue large, agreeably to the-wants of the feafohi .and | and the general expecations after the return of open. have water. Wheat was particularly plentiful this morning rorts from Effex, Suffolk, and Kent,: ...

Published: Tuesday 15 March 1814
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 617 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Commerce